Group loot DOES allow for a “pseudo” Master loot - primarily because WITH group loot, they’re making it so that all loot can be tradeable, regardless of player ilvl.
So everyone can roll need and then the GM/Officers will determine who gets each piece.
This of course is really only applicable in guild groups. There’s really no way to enforce this in Pugs.
It’s actually a HUGE change because all loot will now be tradeable. Before if someone won a piece that was their highest ilvl in that slot, they wouldn’t be able to trade it.
The trade off, for some ungodly and sad reason, is that the boss can drop items for a class that doesn’t exist within the raid.
The counterpoint to your trade off, is that there will be fewer wasted jewelry/cape drops, as they will no longer have up to 10-20x the drop rate of weapons.
I just think of it as an incentive to bring a diverse raid comp. For mythic, blizzard has gone on the record and said they think it’s reasonable that a guild be able to field at least 1 of every class if the need arises.
I understand that, and yes, for a team of 20 players who are all on the same page, it’s like Master Looter exists and it’s good because now they have options.
The whole thread is being argued from a point of “now officers and guildmasters will distribute everything” unilaterally… which just is not the case. Most guilds who aren’t chasing CE will never be able to make this work with random members who show up on Raid Nights and are told to give the gear they just won to another player because the leader told them to.