Group Loot.....bad!

I don’t think ninja looting will be bad. I think what is bad is that it will hurt casuals and pug groups the most.

That’s probably because you don’t run dungeons in Classic. In Classic there is no reason to run dungeons after you get your gear.

This, and other previously unannounced changes that will be upcoming as the expansion approaches. And there are usually some changes that players only find after they begin playing, or after they reach max level.

Sure thing. If you feel the need to hide on an alt you clearly don’t have the credibility to back up what you’re talking about.

I don’t take apart peoples profiles. But when someone says something extremely absurd and they don’t have a clue what they are talking about their credibility is a factor.

Not everyone needs a badge or resume to make valid feedback.

Considering I’m not ever wrong that would be false. It’s not my fault you comment on things you don’t have any experience in.

I said that mechanics can be ignored not that people don’t die. Try to keep up.

You haven’t used facts.

LOL sure thing. Now I know you’re delusional. I have been swapping my posting toon to whatever class I am maining for the patch since I started posting on the forums.

You flatter yourself thinking I care enough about people that ignore me because they can’t refute facts.

To give credible feedback they do.

You’re a prime example of people that talk about things they don’t have a clue on because they don’t actually do the content.

The amount of times you have been corrected by multiple people is proof enough that credibility matters.

So you just want an echo chamber.

Nope. I just want people that don’t have any clue what they are talking about to stop pretending like they know what they are talking about.

Sounds like you just want an echo chamber.

You won’t get a better product if you do so.

And that’s where you’re confused. I don’t need a better product because I am happy with the product.

I’m not the one that’s unhappy and constantly demanding special treatment.

The discord caching, not the use of google.

You read intent into it. I only said it was possible hon.

As for the facts where loot is concerned. There can be no verifiable facts, as only blizzard has access to the data that would be needed to establish veracity.

Your truth is simply your opinion, and you seem to not know the difference.

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I mean, there is a blue post that basically confirms my description of how PL works under the hood.

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Outside of your cherry pick.

Don’t PuG is always the best answer but if you do then don’t break the loot rules the Raid Leader sets at the start of the run.

Right… M’kay…
Some players have multiple characters and like to play them all. Sometimes they have more characters then their guild has raids for. So what do they do? THEY PUG…

I am not saying I like Pugging. I hate it… But sometimes you got to do what you got to do. Knowing that the raid lead may want a certain weapon to go to a certain player 2 bosses in, but you also roll NEED for it and then get kicked. That screws you up. You then got to try to find another raid to finish up the bosses you missed due to being kicked.

IF PL is in, then the raid lead can just suck it up. Greedy people ruin this game so often. Group Loot is going to turn what could be a great expansion into a S### SHOW…

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Blue post > classic alt :joy:

Tell us you don’t know how group loot works without telling us you don’t know how group loot works.

Seriously… You tell me how people dont play this game when you clearly dont play this game… I been playing since Vanilla in 2004 and raiding since TBC… I KNOW how the people ACT in this game… I HAVE SEEN people do the things I mentioned…

The point there is that y’all are overreacting to the change. The concern of players rolling need on items that aren’t an obvious upgrade is misplaced, because you want a system where the game forces everyone to do that all the time.

The distribution change doesn’t create a new incentive to mess with group comp, it changes the existing one. Under PL, a group leader can stack the group to try and gear themselves faster by inviting more players who share a loot table with them, as we saw with the RWF in SoD/Sepulcher.

The fear of ninjas is misplaces, because GL patches the one way that players can currently ninja the team’s items (not looting the boss, and having the item mailed to them).

You clearly didn’t look at my char if you claim I don’t play the game.

Means literally nothing.

None of that changes you can’t tell the difference between group loot and master loot.