Group Loot.....bad!

Must be bitter talking a big game like

Following it with

And then

After saying.

The lie detector determined that was a lie.

Out of the two of us I’m not the one posting like a child :+1:

Everyone should be more like Shreddie!


And by becoming more like me, they become more like you!

And by becoming more like us, they free themselves from societal conditioning, and they can see themselves for the first time.

When they are able to see themselves, they slowly become more like themselves until they evolve into who they always should have been.

We understand, and so, we must show them the way.

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LOL /10 char xD

I lack your people skills. I must entrust you with enlightening the masses.

But I’ve got your back!


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Group loot works exactly like personal loot, the only difference being that you have to manually hit “need” instead of the game doing it for you, and you will see the items on the boss and the rolls for them.

Put another way, it’s a less complicated much more visible loot system. It’s not master looter. The loot you acquire in a raid will be the same as it is now. This change doesn’t hurt anyone, and it helps guilds who want more agency over loot distribution.

The plumber, who’s a wrath baby, in a 2/11 mythic guild, talking big and bad, like he’s been around forever. Your guild is dabbling in mythic. LOL.
Glad you took care of your mom.

BC actually

People are actually taking season 4 seriously?

No I havent lol

As usual no relevant argument and more postings of a child.

Loggin in during bc and playing it are different.

So, This looks like this person created this classic toon specifically to respond to you in a way that makes it impossible to figure out who they actually are.

I’m also going to suggest that they are super determined, and use their TBCC toon boost on this given how they are a level 58 in something that looks like the TBCC boosted priest gear.

It will be reduced odds of getting any gear. If people think that they will buff drop chances with this change, just look at the great vault. They 100% do not want you to gear faster than now so when your chances now get smaller and you gear slower, it’s most likely by design.

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I still raided Kara but I was in a casual guild so /shrug.

Either way your best argument is to try andf attack me.

My guess is Bloodypaws as they post the same way. Either way I honesty dont care.

I must have made them super mad. Unfortunately for them I am not a manager LOL


You’re jumping at shadows and have a reputation bad enough on this forum to hold multiple grudges.

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Not at all Kerthard

So you are that desperate to dox someone that you go back and find a recruitment post on a toon that no longer exists from 2 years ago?

I didn’t need to do anything. You posted it publicly. The internet never forgets.

You had to go digging to find that.

You poked the hornets nest.

What’d you expect to happen?

Need, or greed is not a bad thing as long as other classes can’t roll on the item. Hunters needing on plate, cloth items, plate, and cloth wearers needing on bows, etc. Imo LFR should remain personal loot though. Or keep something like the vault for LFR. Hopefully open world content will be a decent way to gear up also in dragonland.

If he thinks that was something. Wait till he finds out discords are secretly indexed and are searchable because silly people invite well known bots but don’t know anything about what they actually do.

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