Group Loot.....bad!

Narrow mindsets. Do you raid in normal only guilds. How about heroic only guilds? Mythic only? All of them? Of course not. You have your little tiny worldview, and see nothing else.

It happened enough that the games director called it out specifically, and referenced that as one of the reasons ML had to go. Hint – that means it happened a lot.

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I’m not pinning the blame on anyone. I’m saying that if people didn’t understand how loot worked that’s a them issue.

It always looks good.

No it doesn’t.

I’m going to counter, and suggest that it was over-reported compared to how frequently it happened vs the number of people who used the loot master feature equitably and as intended was vastly under reported.

Which thread would get more posts/engagement, the 1 thread complaining how the GM gave an item to her husband, or the 19 threads where people say that their loot council is doing a good job?

The fact remains, ML = GL + a step. Guilds will just require everything be traded, just like last time around. And people like snozy will abuse everyone they don’t see as worthy.

Proofwise. The game director said so. VS Capslock said so. Guess I win.

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PL = GL + a step.

If every person who can roll need on an item does, you in effect just have PL.

How is that different than requiring that every thing you PL gets traded?

Man, you can’t just pass judgement on a dude you don’t know like that. lol

He admitted it a few posts up. I didn’t judge him.

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If we did things his way we’d be at each others throats.

Citation needed.

No one has to be in a ML guild though, you can join a guild that does everything via regular GL rolls. They existed in classic, so I have no doubt they will exist again.

Reading isn’t that hard, not gonna hold your hand sweetums.

When ML was the defacto standard. The vast majority of every group and guild used it.

People tend to try and emulate those with better skill, and mythic raiders use it. So IT MUST BE GOOD.

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Rc loot council says hi.

Hard to abuse someone that doesn’t control loot as I am neither an officer or raid leader.

And even if I did have that power I don’t abuse anyone.

Please quote where I ever admitted to abusing people.

It’s funny when people make things up.

I can easily get your entire post history, index it, and search it. I already wrote the script. /hug

I literally teach OSINT

Doesn’t mean it says what you say it does.

You were saying?

Go for it because I have never said such a thing :joy:

Yeah, that’s asking if an argument works for the reverse of the side that was using it.

A re-phrasing of that would simply be: you made this argument, am I allowed to make it back at you?

Longest script ever.

Decided against it because you’re clearly a minor, or at least have that mental capacity. Either way, you’ll need to get your mom to sign a permission slip.

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