Group Loot.....bad!

Well, you have been. If you are so sure you are correct, then you should be able to explain why, which I’ve been asking you to. All this side conversation isn’t helping your argument that I’m the one stifling discussion.

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High school mentality brigade go brr. I really hope one day you mentally and socially mature.


Personal loot was created to fix rhe Group loot drama, and it worked. The only, ONLY people who want to revert the change are raid guids so they can have more control over item distribution. I dont care about which guild gets world first, i dont follow that crap. PuGs and mythic dungeons is what I mostly play and theres no needs to change anything. Keep personal loot the way it is!

Ahh so the hypocrisy continues. First can’t back up claims due “bullying” the n resorts to bullying.

Hypocrite on aisle 12.

I’m generally a believer in Hanlon’s razor, but yeah, this is pushing it.

Does this new loot system apply in M+ & other 5-person content, or is it just raiding?

Not going to lie. I laughed when they claimed to have 6 accounts with 8 games each because “money isn’t an issue”

Someone was projecting :joy:

That isn’t reflective of what other player experiences are.

Just raids. There’s going to be an M+ dev blog when they are ready for M+ testing to start.

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It’s only raiding. Everything else is still PL

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TY Snozy & Capslock!

FWIW I probably won’t care one way or the other, I only asked out of pure ignorance, so I learned something :slight_smile:

the simple fix for this is

equip worse quality gear and when you need and somehow get the item for transmog, act as if you needed it to upgrade

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It’s wording can be confusing so it’s not being ignorant !

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I’m sure there are probably quite a few people that can’t wait to get back to abusing the “trash” and trying to get trials pass all their loot, like they have in the past.

And before you say it didn’t happen. I was there. It happened A LOT. There were thousands of threads about it.

Want proof. Kay. The game director said it happened on multiple occasions when justifying the change to personal loot.

My accounts are old enough that I don’t have wow 1, wow 2 ect. Mine are all named. Because you could do that back when battlenet was first introduced.


If you don’t know something, you should always feel free to ask about it or for clarification.


Explain how this is made any more possible with GL, that isn’t already possible in PL.

And as usual you don’t understand how the system works.

Ps trials usually get geared because everyone already is geared.

People not understanding how loot systems work doesn’t mean it happened “all the time”.

No one is claiming it never happened. It just wasn’t as common as people claim.

Well, trials who pass.

So you want to pin the blame on individuals rather than the group so your way of gameplay continues to look good.

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True. Depends on the level. When we would clear heroic we still have trials loot