Group Loot.....bad!

Center enough you stalk me in multiple threads because I hurt your feelings.

It helps that its backed by facts and the design of the game.

I know youre just a troll so your clueless opinions dont upset me at all.

I dont destroy conversation. I correct incorrect statements.

I seem to get along pretty well with everyone else on this forum.


Maybe because you focus all your insults/attacks on 2-3 people. Or maybe because this is the wow forums, and an understanding of what people are complaining about isn’t very common.

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It’s time for you to evolve into me.

Forsake all group content.


Ignore them. They habitually team up on people, bully people and dip. The only viewpoint snozy and friends are capable of seeing is their own.


Then they shouldn’t be as incendiary as they are.



It’s a massive benefit for players who’s loot table is underrepresented in their raid, as they will expect to get more loot, and more weapons in particular than they would with PL.

Our beef isn’t with individual players, it with misinformation/disinformation.

The problem is you only see your own viewpoint as valid. Guess what bud, you aren’t the fountain of truth.

Your viewpoint is parochial at best.


Then explain why GL is bad, with facts and evidence.


How is someone who doesn’t raid going to give valid opinions on a loot system that’s locked only to raiding?

I have to agree with them, though. Even as a casual, I don’t think the Ninja Looting will be that bad. I nearly never see it in Classic, and Classic is by far the most abusable system. On top of that, we still have no idea what the final limitations of the GL system will be.

I think people are giving themselves anxiety over hypothetical situations that will steal their hypothetical loot. I think it’s causing people to lose perspective on the severity, or lack there-of, of the possibilities.

Pointless. You’ll just say 
 nuh uh, cover your ears, stamp your feet, and throw a fit. We’ve done this dance.

Snozy it’s probably because i have six accounts with 8 copies of wow on each of them. Not a broke child.

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So you aren’t going to engage? then what’s the point of you being here then.

Your wrong because I said so is not a good argument.

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I’m here to discuss things with people that want to have a discussion, and not just bully people when their opinions don’t match yours.


It’s sad because people don’t even realize that GL is limited to only raiding.

Meaning you can’t actually disprove anything and you’re a hypocrite.

Sure thing. You still hide on an alt :joy:

sticks and stones kiddo. Oh no! Here comes that bullying

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So am I. But I’m the one asking you to explain why your position is correct, and you’re the one refusing to do so.

Yup, you burned that bridge when previously speaking to me. I have no interest in talking to a brick wall that just repeats the same thing over and over again.

I’ll defend people, or intervene, but I’m not going to engage with you.


It doesn’t have anything to do with bullying. You make a statement then can’t defend it while claiming you’re here for “discussion”

Because you clearly have white knight syndrome.

Sad you can’t actually defend your claims.