No, you misunderstand. We definitely allow them to roll on loot. I would never try to say they can’t. We give them the same odds as anyone else. But in the old system you could have a toon come in, say a ret paladin. He comes in, rolls NEED on a shield for an offspec he plays once a blue moon. While I, a main holy paly, would use it daily and lose to the pug. There’s no way to enforce MS over OS with this sytem.
I literally had this happen to me on the loot boat in Cata. I lost the ONLY shield I ever saw drop to a ret paladin who won it and then posted a screenshot of him DELETED It in our guild forum before dropping group.
This makes utterly no sense. So right now you bring in PuGs. If they get loot on personal loot, are they “Stealing” that loot from your guild? Or do you only invite over-geared PuGs so that the odds are they will pass items to your guild while carrying you? If you are PuG’ing people, they deserve and equal shot at loot.
You are basically saying that you dont let PuGs roll on loot that is up for trade, and its only your guild. Which is pretty toxic.
This exists right now. He can come in and put his personal loot to Prot or Holy. If he gets the shield, then is he “Stealing”? Nope.
And the post says that the Need, Greed, Pass, will apply to selected loot spec. So if he is set as Ret, he cant roll on the shield.
And right there. You want to enforce your rules. I have seen this happen in PuGs often enough.
“The Druid is MS Feral for this raid, but is Healing to help us out.” Then the resto trinket drops and “Ohh the Druid is MS resto for this fight.”
You want to make arbitrary rules to weight the scales in your guild’s favor. And to be honest, you have the right to do so. But pretending that it is otherwise, is a cop out.
I want to preface this by saying that I do think PL and GL should be options, not forced one way or the other.
In your example what if the Ret came in, has his loot spec set to holy, and won the healing shield while your raid holy Paladin didn’t get it and he won’t trade it?
Do you consider that stealing loot?
Or does GL come with some implicit entitlement rule that players can only gear the spec they are playing at the time even in a pug?
I wasn’t clear in my original post. It’s an MS > OS situation.
In cata I had a ret paladin come in to the loot boat. The shield dropped, THE ONLY TIME I EVER SAW IT THE ENTIRE TIER. The ret rolled NEED even though he didn’t play Holy. He then posted in forums a picture of him deleting it then dropped group taunting me and our resto shaman.
Oh man, that would be amazing. I’d take that over a traditional dye system, because sometimes the shaders react in some really neat ways with certain armors/guns.
But yeah, I absolutely get way more excited over getting my god roll drop of something in Destiny than I have over WoW loot in so, so long.
Yes. In every guild I was ever in that did Master Loot you rolled NEED for Main Spec only. Offspec/mog was greed. It was considering stealing if you rolled Need on something for your offspec if there were other main spec toons that needed it. There just isnt’ any way to enforce this with pugs who come in and roll Need on everything and vendor half of it.
And for those that don’t think that is a thing… it most definitely is. People would farm heroic dungeons just to NEED everything so they could DE/Vendor it. I saw entire guilds fall apart over it.
Your loot rules still changed though. You’re not mad about it because you have a non-trash group, but I don’t have a group at all. I won’t even notice that the code was altered.
I don’t know if SL has completely broken me over my loot drought, but I honestly feel like this Offspec/Mspec entitlement needs to be packed away and treated like someone simply changing their loot spec.
There is a roll system put forward with a simple vote system for rolls. It’s not ML where the RL has final say to dictate the rules, it’s not a structure to base guild rules around.
If you want the piece you need on it. Else you greed/pass. You’ll never feel disappointed if you go into a raid feeling like you’re not entitled to a piece of gear.
Sure it did. Worked wonderfully for my raid group, had no complaints except when they switched to personal loot only. It worked great for some groups, not so great for others. Stop generalizing to fit your narrative.
Pretty sure that was a bug that was fixed fairly quickly. The system only let you pick “need” unless you could actually equip the item.
Source? Because that wasn’t the reason, especially since they didn’t let you roll “need” on anything you couldn’t actually equip.
Now that I can agree with. It was always a terrible stipulation.
Bottom line for me is that this is an acceptable middle ground for the personal loot only people vs. the master loot people. Compromise is good. Demanding your way or the highway isn’t.
If this even makes it to live, all we get is an extra window popping up, outside of that our loot rules don’t actually change. It just means only one person has to loot the boss now and the rest of us can go on our way to kill the next bunch of trash. This is zero impact.
Pity gear already comes from the Vault. Every week I feel good because I got to smack a boss around with a big hammer and make my co-tank uncomfortable by making slurp noises every taunt swap.
Always leaves me feeling fulfilled.
I see that happen right now with the guy dead on every pull that gets a piece from every boss we down. I am dead to it and think, eh, maybe the added stamina will keep him upright someday.