Group loot is back baby!

It’s not my preferred solution personally, but for coordinated groups NBG is much better than PL.

Literally all they needed to do was bring back a choice.

Allow master looter, but the loot table can only drop gear for the classes currently in the raid, and remove trading restrictions on minor upgrades.

Don’t know why they are trying to make this scuffed system a thing.

Oh boy, as if gearing from raids was terrible enough, now you can get dead drops that no one can literally use. No hunters in your group, shame that bow went to waste.

What are they smoking over there?




We can all agree loot that getting loot has been a bloddy mess for way to long. No matter what they do it will annoy people that liked the other/a differnt ways to do it

The problem is that Group Loot is really bad for everyone else. And “everyone else” makes up the majority of the player base.

I don’t know but it’s either really bad or really good.

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It all seems unnecessary. The only argument I’ve seen that I agree with against personal loot is that it has less drops. So why not just fix that and keep the drama out?

And in the meantime you’re screwed out of a lockout depending on the circumstances. And this is an abysmal change for LFR. NBG worked in dungeons well enough, but it never worked for raids. They know this. We had this in raids, including LFR, during Cataclysm. It was unbelievably stupid to lose loot to classes that can’t even use the items because of the NBG system. It’s why personal loot was introduced in the first place.

We’re getting really sick and tired of the race to world first screwing the rest of us over every single raid tier. This is being put in to stop class stacking. You want to stop class stacking? Make the system a hybrid: Personal loot but with a loot table for all possible classes and if an item drops that has no available users then that item and that item alone is flagged to use the NBG system. And remove the iLV restrictions for trading already so people that don’t want to be jerks can help out others that need upgrades.

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If you put your Guild’s raider leader on ignore, you’re getting /gkicked.

This is ML for guilds. If you don’t click pass, you’re not raiding with that guild ever again.

GDKP minimum bid 1M gold… In order to participate in a GDKP run you’ll need 10M gold.


Loot is fine before SL. They made boss drops less, no bonus rolls, no bad luck protection and now back to those bad loot system?

Bringing back ML so GDKP’s could be run would be unfathomly based on Blizzards part.

Bad change. I don’t want any system that encourages me to not run content with ANYONE who shares my loot types to maximize my chances at loot.

I’ll never understand why WoW is so miserably stingy with loot.

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LFM Vault, Full on plate/str.

Plate/str users in the raid : the leader. That’s it, that’s the list.

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To keep you chasing the carrot, logging in and paying that subscription.

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That doesn’t mean they need to be stingy.

I can go do a raid or dungeon in Destiny 2 and get loot off every single boss, along with 2-3 bonus chests with guaranteed loot. You don’t necessarily gear up any faster depending on which slots you get loot for, though even duplicates are wanted to infuse into other exotic/legendary gear you use regularly. But it feels infinitely better than this mess where you can go weeks without legitimate upgrades from any source.


PL encourages only inviting people who share your armor/loot type and not inviting anyone else.

Imo I think a loot system should encourage bringing a variety of classes rather than encourage class stacking.

But they should definitely have PL/GL be a choice

LFM leather classes only for armor stacked group to maximize loot.

That doesn’t work right now, because you’ll never be able to force them to trade you the loot. If I join a pug that’s looking for Plate classes, and I have the drops, I’m in there for mog. Good luck getting me to trade you that ilvl upgrade when my mog set just got completed.

It’s why you currently don’t see “LFM Leather classes” anywhere in Group Finder.

With Group loot (that has rules), you don’t invite any plate so any plate that drops, you’re the only person able to need roll on.

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Ya, then they get kicked. Not that big of a deal