Group loot is back baby!

and in the wow gaming world…the cries of joy of gdkp organizers could be heard from space.

They work for say 2K here, 4k here in classic. Illidans glaive got more ofc.

million gold gamers all over…let the pots grow and be bountiful.

What that would turn into is bosses falling over with no one getting anything for an entire run.

Naw, what we need is the return of valor/justice vendors and the ability to just buy the missing pieces of our gear with currency. We can blame PL, ML, or GL as much as our fingers can handle on here but the root of the issue is that the hamster wheel sucks. It sucks so hard.

Poor blizzard sometimes just can’t get out of their own way


If it isn’t then it will be abused.

Not quite. Currently there are caps in place that limit the number of drops. So one person winning means that other’s can’t. If the loot was fully independent then a player loot would not effect anyone else as if lucky enough everyone could get a piece of loot from the boss (it would just be unlikely).


Need/Greed can encourage players to roll for a friend too. And make pugging harder for some individuals to get gear.

If 4 people for example are rolling for one person to get loot.


If independent loot results in no-one receiving drops on a regular basis then that is an issue with the drop rates not the loot system itself.

And yes a currency system as bad luck protection would help a lot. Blizzard just refuses to add one.

lots of crossover items are out there.

Rogues can need and get the dagger from classic monastery. the fact its Int bonused, and okay weapons stats does not prevent this.

Hunters ofc can take it too. All weapons are hunter weapons after all. which they are. my classic hunter knows all weapon since I don’t know wth I will get for the melee from drops. so I learned them all.

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Dinar is a great step, and it would be better if it extended beyond just trinkets as weapons. I would be content even if it went forward with just three coins per season, but included every item from the current tier.

Three slots per season to be sure you’re not locked out of benefiting from the system (ie your bis weapon and trinkets dropped naturally but you’ve been wearing the same pants from last tier thus making your options… transmog).

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it will not be so common.

The runs will be HR’d before the start. HR runs have rules.

Newer retailer folk HR means hard reserved. that item was claimed before you saw the ad in LFG. its coming back with this too. live it…love it.

Say it with me…all greens go to tanks. Best get used to seeing that. its how you get your mythic tanks in pug real soon.

Blizzard realizing vanilla - wrath was actually the best version of the game and they need to revisit much of their dynamics. Smart.

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Raiding in DF:


Seems to me like Blizzard is learning from the Classic success and bringing the game closer to what it should be.

Well it would only be pay back for “That is Hunter loot!” :wink:

I can see the words you typed, i undertand each word but for the life of me i dont understand what your sentences means and what your trying to say.

Anyway, if its the same as it was, with the “pass/need/greed” then everyone will just need vote it. It will also suck if a item is a 20 ilev upgrade for person A and a 4 ilev upgrade for pereon B but B gets it caz he rolled higher in the need vote. Will suck even more if person C wins when they only “needed” it for a transmog or person D get it, yet they cant even use the item

Its one more of the “if it aint broke, dont fix it”, yet bliz keeps trying to “fix/change” it and dosnt fix any of tje other known bugs we have been asking to get fixed for years

Need before greed is what Group loot is.

Back to losing out on two handed weapons cayse a hunter beeded it for their survival offspec as god intended :smiley: :laughing: Im still salty about the need roll i lost to a hunter for the axe that dropped in five man argent tournament dungeon!! GRRRRR. Lol

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That’s exactly what I think of PL.

Is it like the loot won’t be soulbound and thus tradable or will it be like we can’t get our loot unless someone else says we can. What’ll happen when we click the dead boss?

It’s been said before in these threads, but that is the same as how it is with PL. The main difference between PL and GL is both psychological and numeric. Under PL you will never see loot drop for a class/spec not represented, but everyone rolls a secret need roll over the determined loot drops (be it all the same ring or a nice spread). GL has that extra step of actually seeing the rolls and gives the chance of dropping a piece that no one can use.

The single benefit is that underrepresented armor/weapon classes in the group would have the same chance to see their loot drop. Trying to get your weapon as the only hunter on the team can be extremely frustrating under PL. Just as frustrating as having a bow drop in a party without a hunter.

It’s all just different window dressing for the same loot problem.

Pl is better then the need/greed mess there pitting back in