Group loot is back baby!

Doesn’t this happen by default with PL?

Everyone rolls and some get items even if they don’t need/want them? Essentially everyone rolling need?

I was initially hating this but thinking on it more I kind of like it. Because one thing I hate about PL is how it encourges gaming the loot tables with armor stacking and spec stacking. A loot system that encourages class stacking instead of a diverse group is awful.

It also stops mostly necks/rings from dropping like they do in a PL system because they are on all 36 specs loot table.

Sure. You know, I have oceanfront property in Wyoming I’d be willing to sell you super cheap!! :smiley:

In case the point of my joke is lost, I don’t believe this is just for testing. They’ve picked it and all they might do is tweak it in tiny, unimportant ways – like maybe adding a pass button for the people who want to show off they don’t care.

I find one line “you’re wrong” responses to a cherry picked single phrase in a longer post while completely ignoring a large number of points made in the rest of the post to be kind of obnoxious and fight-picking in themselves. So I could ask you why you’re bothering to argue with me when you’re not even interested in addressing the other concerns I brought up.

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I guess… I can’t think. I’m here because I had to get up to pee. I’m running on 50% brainage atm and probably shouldn’t even be posting.

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Time to roll need on every item I can even if I don’t intend to use it or have a better item. Takes how pug works

I encourage everyone do the same to piss other players off so blizzard won’t do this again.


That’s how PL works, though. It just removes the agency of clicking the need button. Been thinking about how people tell me it’s my right to not trade this piece that’s 20ilvls below my equiped because transmog, but that would be heresy if I had clicked the need button myself.

You do you. I just gave the facts we actually have.

I never said you were wrong. I gave some facts. You started this rant and I don’t even know why.

I haven’t done either of those things. You literally came at me with this subject. All I did was give some facts. lol

I wasn’t the one arguing. Again, you started this. I gave a few facts, you got insulting and more argumentative. :woman_shrugging:t4:

But I guess since you’re just looking for a fight, I’ll let you find someone who wants to. Because I sure don’t.

Edit to clarify: these are all facts, not arguments, not “you’re wrong,” just giving facts.

And those were the only responses you got: just short, simple facts.

Disenchanters paradise :crazy_face: Rip Coolio :nerd_face:

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Doesn’t PL by default have the entire raid rolling “need”?

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I just want to throw it out there that bosses Under PL Currently only drop a certain number of pieces for party composition. The only benefit of PL is that all the gear is useful to the composition: no priest tier will drop without a priest present.

PL is not:

  • Bad luck protection.
  • A personal /roll for the entire party.
  • A way to get more gear per boss.
  • A system where the most in need gets the biggest upgrade.
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I’m not playing Dragonland expac but I will read up on how this works out. Folks are just too cutthroat nowadays. I hope it’s all that you masterloot folks wanted.

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Currently if I have my loot spec set to restoration then I won’t get the agility trinket the hunter wants.

Under group loot I can roll need on it a take it right in front of them.


Loot ninjas. Those never existed… I don’t even know why you’re calling them loot ninjas, never heard of it

I have to go there’s a casserole in the oven

Gonna funny to see people roll need on something they cant use and try to sell it to other pug members


You see your loot to an int spec to take a tricket from a spell caster in the already abysmally small alloted weekly loot drop.

In any system you are taking something from someone else. That’s how blizzard throttles gear progression.

It doesn’t have to work that way. Blizzard could easily make each player’s loot completely independent. That would be a much better change than bringing back group loot.


You’re sure the Need roll won’t be spec-locked?

Lol this is funny. Kick the no life tryhard mythic raiders and puggers in the groin with 1 kick. Puggers because so many people are going to roll need even to hold an item hostage to demand better items and no life mythic raiding tryhards because now they can’t class/armor stack to try and funnel drops as best they can.

All hail the day of loot drops literally nobody can use just because. The icing on the cake will be Blizzard removing the ability to trade it if won on a need roll.

Could’ve just made PL better by removing the ilvl restriction.

It already is that way, and it sucks.

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Ehh this makes transmog farming harder. Since most people who do raids want the gear for ilvl. Now you have to compete with them if you just want the transmog.

Or probably get kicked if you role need on something just for transmog.

Personal loot at least made it so you can keep items and not loot until after the raid to keep your transmog gear.

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