Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason


Just need on everything you can need on.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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They want to revisit it, then let them revisit it. If I win a roll for transmog Iā€™m not going to feel guilty. If itā€™s an item I need then Iā€™ll need it. Personal Loot also had itā€™s issues. Getting an item and having to d/e or vendor it because you canā€™t trade it for a multitude of reasons also didnā€™t feel good.

its gonne be pvpā€™ers in lfr who will test this system.

As many keep saying this is pve game and pvp is an afterthought.

very true, sadly. PVE weight > pvp weight for gear. that is one side effect to this. outside of rated maxed gearā€¦pvp gear is deemed lesser than pve.

So I will ā€œneedā€ pve gear. Need them for mogs and vendor gold. I will keep on using that pvp vendor gear after the run.

and it will work.

it will be MH for me. Hunter, bow. Bow, hunter. need I say more.

The pvp gear lower ilevel (or weighted lower if close or a tie)ā€¦all lfr drops I can need will be upgrades.

the 2 main rules of group are met. Needā€¦is a go.

Now if they record hits I can only do this once. Once is all I need per slot for the mog lol.

Iā€™d feel bad but Ion and Brian for reasons mysterious love to send us pvpā€™ers to pve content. Iā€™d rather not be there. But I have to be.

Since thereā€¦I will let /roll decide. I will need for mog/vendor sale. I like to get paid for my time you see. Hour of contentā€¦I expect payment of some kind.

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I dont even know what I need yet but I know I need to roll need because when would I not need to roll need? If it didnt give it to me is because it system wont allow it.

I agree this is idiotic!

Counterpoint: personal loot sucks and has a plethora of problems with it as well.

Iā€™ll be fine either way.

Which is no different to personal loot now which effectively is just auto needing on everything you could use (upgrade or not).

I think people have the odd opinon that this is going to reduce their loot and in some cases that is true (over represented classes wont gear as fast and under represented ones will gear faster).

lol no its not.

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The dirty little secret is that Personal Loot IS Group Loot. Theyā€™re one and the same, just the rules are different.

Group Loot is not Master Loot. Are you unaware of this difference?

I have killed 19 bosses this week without a drop. On the upside I got my Denarā€™s done. On the down side, the new loot system seems exceptionally sparse. No turning back now though.

I will never miss: ā€œMay I please have that if you donā€™t need it?ā€ auto-whispers from 6 people in a raid after a boss. The shenanigans around begging people for loot were dreadful.

we only fixed the anima drought. we did not fix loot drought. that is dev boss fight. No one can win that one.

Why I see this getting ugly. NOn personal loot based system like classic work(ed) since even if (deemed) ninjyaā€™dā€¦most are walking away with something. I mean we had gdkp runs for SWP trash mobs lol. People bidā€¦on ā€œtrashā€ drops. the purpose of the run was to not even kill a boss.

the golden era :face_holding_back_tears:

People with side-gigs, Iā€™m sorry you chose poorly in life.
This jealousy :poop: has to stop

Eh I donā€™t know I got 2/3 pieces of gear from bosses in LFR, yes I am lazy at this point. It works for me and is better than having having nothing drop at all.

edit: Of course I lost the weapon rollā€¦but got shoulders and a chest piece on an alt because of the new system and luck.

They bolted and took a treasure bath with all them golds. :face_holding_back_tears::+1:

Im definitely rolling need on everything because that extra gold stacks up with time

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Roll need on everything if the loot system dosent let you itā€™s not meant to be.

lol, take a look folks.

This is how crazy you are when you think you can never be wrong.

It is nothing new.

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