Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason

im gonna put this out there, agree, disagree, i dont really care.

group loot is an outdated system. personal loot worked just fine, and no one had to worry about ninjas. you could swap loot specs if you need something from another spec to get into that spec later on. it was totally plausible.

but here we are.

even the greatest of guilds out there had ninjas back in the day. social engineering is a thing that exists, and people actively do it. entire guild banks stolen. warglaives stolen. invincible and ashes, stolen.

in a world were there’s even less trust than ever before, they expect us to be okay with someone else having control over the loot like this, or to be able to trust that Johnny NoThumbs isnt gonna roll need on things just to sell it because theyre greedy?

and blizzard’s arguments will be “pick better players to run with”, as though that mitigates things like losing a rare mount or a legendary drop (not a problem now for legendaries, but you get the idea), or losing out on your BiS because the master looter decided last second to be a thief, or even worse, losing out in other places because it was standard need/greed and little timmy decided that a sword under the his current weapon’s item level was something he just had to have.

for what? “meaningful” loot? meaningful does not mean taking a chance on having your time stolen because someone else rolls need on an item thats a clear upgrade for you, but a sidegrade or downgrade for them. meaningful does not mean losing a piece of gear because “i dont have the appearance, teehee.” you want loot to be meaningful, then make the loot itself meaningful, or make it have a better chance to drop under personal or something. but group loot? this aint it.

sorry for the rant but group loot just doesnt have a place in the game anymore without the option for personal loot remaining in place. at least then we could choose what raids we wanna join instead of taking a chance on having our time wasted every week.

edit: man, that one guy got heated fast. ah well. im just gonna leave this here and mute it.


Its a BRAND NEW system.

Personal Loot did not work fine and was actually hated by the majority of the raiding community.

You still dont have to worry about ninjas.

Yes, you looking clueless because you clearly dont understand how the new loot system works.


higher end raiders, the type that hated personal loot, aren’t that big a part of the wow player-base.


based off an old system.

it was hated by the people that no life the game, and were very vocal about it. the game needs to stop being made around the professionals.

yes, you do.

nice insult. can i get another one?


Even about half of heroic raiders didnt like PL.

Considering the Majority of the raiding community hated a loot system that was changed for only raiding means that doesnt matter at all.

If you dont raid this doesnt affect you.

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Are you 12? Because only children think this is an effective argument.


That was completely redesigned thus making it a NEW system.

I am not a professional nor do I no life the game and I hated it. Even in legion 50% of heroic guilds used ML and 100% of mythic guilds used it, This is the new ML.

Its impossible to be ninjaed.

Its not an insult when you clearly dont understand how the loot system works or even read how it works.



Please explain how a loot system that works only in raids affects people that dont raid?


They changed the font n stuff. It like … totally new… /s


Thanks for proving youre just a troll and didnt actually read the changes.


Good night.


I agree that it should have been kept to personal loot in LFR. For other difficulties, I think it should be an option but not required.


So quick to whimper troll and scurry off. Later then. Also, I do raid.


Sadly Blizzard mostly seems to value the top 1% of people who raid at high end when it comes to loot distribution. For some bizzare reason they even need group loot in LFR. It’s bad enough in pugs but LFR is a recipie for toxicity and disaster. Particularly as many players go in there for transmog as the ilvl is usually trash thanks to complainers.


Group loot, like talent trees, is a pendulum. Give it a few years and it will swing back around.


Every time wow tries to lean hard into the hardcore, people leave in droves. This will be no different.


No it’s not. It’s Group Loot with a few restrictions relaxed.

It is still Group Loot, and at its core, is still a horrible system to force on Pugs like LFR.


Can’t ninja anything. Everyone rolls if it’s usable by their spec and they don’t have it already, unless it’s got tertiaries. :woman_shrugging:


If by “relaxed,” you mean “tightened up,” then yes.


Tell us you didnt read the loot system without telling us you didnt read the loot system.


At the very least group loot 2.0 has safeguards in place it will prioritize main spec far more than say off spec. And lock out those who can’t use the armor piece.

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