Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason

I feel like that would solve more issues than one.

Oh word, Group loot is back? I’m actually super pumped about that. Personal loot was boring and felt bad. At least now we will be able to see what was actually dropped instead of it just being whisked away into people’s bags
 especially when that person doesn’t need it and now you have to get on your knees and beg or /w them with a, “Hey, i see you don’t need that but it would really be an upgrade for me, can i have it please?” At least now we get the chance to roll on it
 and a lot of people that don’t need the item, won’t roll need on the item. Sure. Some people will do it, but from my experiences most people are pretty chill about it. And i mean, if the piece you want drops, and you don’t win it, it gives you an insentive to run the content again.
Group loot makes beating content feel like a social activity instead of just “I’m here for the loot that the game deem’s me worthy of.”

Personal loot was boring, group loot is a better system and is exciting. Everybody gets to take part in the joy of looting a boss and seeing what dropped and making a decision. It feels like you are taking part in something instead of the passive nature of personal loot.

Idk. I hated personal loot, it made me lose interest in doing things real fast. Now i will actually enjoy running PvE content again and won’t feel like poopy when a boss goes down and all i see is “5 gold” instead of being involved in the excitement that is looting a boss
 Like regardless if it’s something you want or not
 being a part of the process is SOOOOOO much better than there being no process to be a part of.
I could win absolutley no loot in a run (it’s happened many times) but still have fun, and want to do the content qgain, because i was activley involved in it.
Personal loot just feels so dead compared to Group loot. It takes away all the excitement of beating a boss. Like I’m happy you got something shiny and i didn’t
 because now i got to actually see the shiny thing
 I know it exsisted. I was there for it. I was part of it.
You can watch somebody else get something they’ve really been wanting and still be happy for them.
Plus, there is excitement behind the roll. The roll is something tangible. The roll is something i can see and “feel”. Like what’s the point of playing a game of chance if you don’t get to throw the dice? You walk into the gaming room, everybody sits down at the table and then some guy points to one of the people and says, “Good job you won” then everybody walks away from the table. That’s what personal loot is like.

Sorry for the rant
 but personal loot was so bad and boring and made running PvE content feel lifeless and stale.

It is stupid they brought it back. Do people not realize how awful the WoW community is in general and always has been? And now that it’s dwindled down to an extreme minority of gearing hamster wheel players only there is so much room for ninjas and manipulative psychopaths to just exist with this loot system. Everything is already gate kept enough, heck even flying has become a gate kept thing.

And yet here we are, still listening to the wrong foolish people and still trusting Blizzard in any capacity.

I’m pretty sure Personal Loot was just the same thing as Group Loot with all the work done behind the scenes
 I think all the same things still apply, you just get to take part in it again instead of the game doing it for everybody with no input required.

I could be wrong, but i’m pretty sure they are the same system wearing different hats.

Lol yes it is.

What’s stupid is people like yourself commenting on something you clearly haven’t read the changes.

Ah yes I mean why would I bother reading the changes? It is the same terrible system from many years ago only it will be made worse since the games player base has dwindled and what remains is the worst of the worst. I stopped caring awhile ago, the subs running out anyways. People like you ensured that the game would die eventually so congratz.

Would you mind telling me where i can read about this? I’m very curious for the actual details, but don’t know where to go searching for them.

Lmao, go to Wrath you get Retail changes, you come here you get Classic changes. So backwards af. PL > all loot.

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It’s not the same system. It was changed and does the exact same thing PL does without being hidden behind the scenes.

Now people can also pass which means more of a chance at loot.

So again you didn’t read it and now just making your self look foolish.


Sorry for the delay. Getting my daughter dressed for school this morning.

Thank you for the link! That sounds great and i’m so excited for it. I haven’t done any PvE since pre-patch. Is this implemented already? Or not until actual Xpac launch?

I haven’t done any raiding since Tuesday but I think it is implemented.

i have seen 3 daggers drop from Sylvannas , only 1 rogue on raid

PL was wasted loot u say?

Because people complained about it, just like they complained about personal loot.

And I don’t care if you don’t care :slight_smile:

lol no it’s not. We’ve had group loot in classic

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You’ll have that appearance long after the gear has been replaced. Its probably the only actual meaningful part of loot in the long run.

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But did the classic system check for your armor class? Or your ilvl in that slot?

Yes there was group Loot in classic, but it wasn’t the same as it is implemented now.

Thats good for pvp though, need more participation :stuck_out_tongue:

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Mog is forever, upgrades are for 1 month :ok_hand:

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