Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason

Simple. These forums are the complaint forums. :slight_smile:


Because a system where you can game the loot system and encourages stacking the same few classes to force drops is pretty stupid in my opinion.


I get theres a lot of backend statistics going on, so thats good. Hopefully it works out well but I am sceptical. Anything that divides the community especially in game when loot drops is not so great imo.


It just needs to work out the kinks and improve on the safeguards and bam no one can manipulate it.

I mean, Only reason it was reintroduced is probably because they’re terrified of what the top 0.1% would subject themselves to with trade restriction free personal loot.

Like not even just what regular mythic raiders would do, but the portion of those Mythic raiders that’d split runs with class stacking so they get to control the drops to get their mains geared to be basically have maxed out gear for Mythic.

Ok, I will sit on the fence for now. Here’s hoping it turns out well :slight_smile: Im just not sure it’s well placed in lfr, I can understand it in normal and above content.

Kind of ironic coming from the person that actually doesn’t seem to understand how it works and thinks it’s a brand new system…

I mean when personal loot was first introduced it was messy and as time went by it gotten better.

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or paid gdkp/hr stuff.

if someone has run the raid not full bis…they know they can do it. Not full BIS.

BIS drops its theirs if won. Ilevel now says no trades.

Remove that…it can go up for sale. they can run the raid non 100% BIS and go I need money more.


Thats what you hated. Thats not the only reason it was hated.

Thats not what Caps said. You only cant need of you have the same item but higher ilvl

Because it is a new system that took an old system and redesigned it.

Ninja’ed my first mog item from LFR last night :

Every other need roll was gonna use it as an upgrade. Except the guy with the 65, that guy didn’t need it either. What a jerk rolling on things he wasn’t gonna use.

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I knew you could do it, so inclusive of you!

I see you are back to not reading how things work before commenting on them.

Old group loot not new group loot.

Nope. I dont do LFR. I hate going into LFR. I avoid LFR. I dont care if people get loot from LFR. Wrong on so many counts.


Are you sure about that? If so I don’t hate it as much. Should still be optional. I’ve read that you can only roll need if it’s an upgrade but maybe I misread something, will need to test it out.

There is no other reason to hate it other than not being able to trade loot around. It lets guilds have their own systems to feed people gear if that’s what they wana do and there are less chances of getting loot no one can use depending on your group. Group loot is just worse as you are going to get items no one can even potentially use. Both systems are flawed but personal loot with the ability to trade is just better for players. The only real downside is players feeling bad about having something the game gave them given to someone else with guild groups.

No, you can roll need on downgrades.

Worst case scenario: Everyone in a group that CAN roll need DOES roll need, then the system takes spec into account as well as currently equipped items, and weighs rolls accordingly

Personal loot: The system automatically rolls in the backend for everyone that can use a piece of gear, regardless of spec or gear equipped, and gives the loot to whoever it deems is the highest roller

Conclusion: Even if you don’t like the new group loot in raids it’s still better than personal loot even with its worst case scenario

Is there an addon to show rolls? They weren’t showing in my pug normal raid today.

Also an item dropped you wanted so you rolled on it and you won it.

Sounds like it’s working as intended.

Or would you prefer to not be able to win the item for transmog?

That’s just the typical roll window, it’s been in the game forever. You probably have it turned off, I had it turned on in WoD, probably still have the option checked even though it was unusued so long.

I’d personally prefer PL for LFR. Makes me feel less like a jerk when the item just plops into my bag vs when I click the dice willingly.