Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason

Sure it does, because when all those people roll need … and nobody gets any gear … the masses will all start looking at other places in game to find gear. It’s affects everyone.


Was it the same exact gloves? You aren’t supposed to be able to win multiple copies of the same item at the same time.

But I saw it happen with the offhand token off Xymox in CN today so I made a thread on the bug report forum.

Don’t care huh?

What we hated about PL was not being able to trade the items we got. All they had to do was change the system so we could always trade away our personal loot.

The main problem I have with this new system is that it ruins the ability for us to farm transmog in current expansions. I can’t just queue up for LFR as an example and have a chance at items I need to unlock because if I have better gear you can’t roll need.


You seem to not understand that everyone can’t roll on everything.

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they can look but they can’t touch, honey

This was the drop, yeah.


And yet, I don’t doubt what he is saying either because some people would go that low.

Not really sure how group loot had ninjas? If you need the item and so does 3 other people, just cause they win it doesn’t mean it’s a ninja. This prevents guilds funnelling all the loot to the GMs girlfriend even though they might still ask people to trade it to her

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No one can have the same item more than once this is a bug.

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Post about it in the bug forums or beta forum. Per the blue post about group loot you aren’t supposed to be able to win multiple of the same items at the same time.

I just made this thread about it happening to a run I was in as well:

there is middle ground, and it aint group loot. but i do agree, there is a middle ground, but someone smarter than me that gets paid to think can figure it out.

I see you’re back into that obsession thing that takes control over your brain and won’t let you think. Same name, very minor changes. Not a new system at all.

Group loot was removed from LFR for good reason in the past. It failed hard in LFR.

Yep, that’s why you like it so much. You will be one of those queueing for LFR and rolling on stuff that you don’t need because you don’t want people who do LFR to get loot.

Sure. People like you. Or maybe it’s just you on yet another of your missions from God.


I still don’t understand why they didn’t just drop the item level restriction and let us trade personal loot.


If it was such a good system why isnt the forums exploding with ‘Yay its about time need/greed was back!!’ Its a controversial system and your gonna have people on both sides with positive and negative arguments which shows it is inherently a bad system if this is what it causes.

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Guild raiders wanted master loot. Giving them master loot would have been like admitting devs made a mistake by removing it. They can’t admit mistakes. Besides, they got to put group loot in LFR, where it will fail hard again, which is just trolling people who do LFR.


This group loot is not the same as the original version.


So mythic raiders dont funnel loot to fotm classes probably.

Casual players doing old content having to navigate the inane logistics of dispensing loot because PL is a PITA.

Glad we can just pass and need on the things we want on our weekend runs now. So much easier.


My AOTC guild hated it. The problem was we couldn’t trade some items for whatever reason.

Not once in my entirety of playing WoW over the last 18 years have I ever experienced ninja looting. I’m sure it happened/s but not nearly at the rate anyone sounding alarms like to make it out to be.

The new system worked just fine in a pug raid tonight.