Group Loot is antiquated, and was removed for a reason

If you didn’t care about other peoples opinions you wouldn’t make a post like this…

How is that going to matter when everyone needs everything that drops?

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I’m just gonna leave this one here:

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It isn’t. It’s a modified verson of an old system by the same name.

Personal loot is the only appropriate loot type for random groups.

People will bid on things they don’t need because they can get away with it.

There are real issues with putting group loot in LFR.


You can’t steal loot with this version of GL.

Unless you feel you’re entitled to an item over someone else?

I was actually pretty happy with how it went today during my pug CN run.

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Personal Loot should have stayed. I’ve already seen cases were people are rolling need on something just for the mog when someone could have really used that piece of gear. Even had someone say in chat this morning, “I feel like a di*k for rolling need on something just for mog.”
So yeah, the system isn’t fixed. It’s still very much a broken system imo, and should have stayed gone.


Plate ≠ mail

Mail ≠ plate

Mail ≠ cloth

Cloth ≠ plate

Plate ≠ cloth

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The default will be roll need on everything, always. Nobody has time to parse it out to see if it’s an upgrade.

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People win items with PL just for mog and don’t trade it away, “stealing” it from someone who could have used it more.

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When this announced, trolls said they were going to take groups of friends into LFR to bid on stuff they don’t need just to keep people who run LFR as their chosen difficulty from getting it.


Which means its NEW and not the same as the previous version.

This new system is actually better than PL.

Everyone there has a right to need on something in a random group if they meet the requirements.

Only that people dont understand how it works.

You actually took the word of trolls seriously?

They were successful in riling you up about a system you didnt read about.

No, but if they know their rolling just because they want the look, then it a di*k move regardless. There are people who are very much still gearing mains/alts.

Bro, putting a spoiler on an 88 pinto doesn’t make it new.


that aint even close to the same thing, and you know it. get the hell out of here with that garbage logic.


Sorry I dont respond to trolls please have a wonderful evening.

If you only PvP this doesn’t affect you.

I mean in our Nathria three plate gloves dropped. DK needed all three, won all three and immidiately left without trading the other two.


Except when it doesn’t. “This ring is in no way an upgrade for me, but I can’t trade it because it’s a higher ilvl. RIP.”

There might be some middle ground here, but… :woman_shrugging:

In both cases someone is walking away with a transmog when someone else needed it for a power upgrade despite the person who got it from transmog having the ability to give it away.


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