Group Finder Needs to Go

I. think the raids have been a good step in the right direction. More teamwork required is a good thing. The 2 most recent have been great.

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I’ve probably had to talk more in voice chat during Mekkatorque than in the last couple of expansions combined.

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Yet the LFG/LRD and Classic are two difference things here. The thread is about the tool not Classic and yet you keep bring it up. I can care less about classic but if you want to go do it then do it and stay in classic along with the rest of the 10% of the so called entitled/toxic players and stay there. Also AGAIN if you look at all mmo games they have the same dam tool and none are complaining, it you truly think the game is going down hill like your trying to say then go to another game already and be done with it. You want a hard mmo, go try Eden, that’s the game for you. And I’ll leave the thread with that, for this thread is no longer worth my time, have a nice day.

How about NO… Group Finder is the easiest way to get into groups without having to look and party and summons. Go play classic…


Have a no LFG/R realm and see how it goes.

Telling people to quit or go play classic are not arguments they’re ways to shut down speech. BFA is wow in it’s worst state and now is the time to repair the damage done over so the years. It has to start somewhere and regardless of what you tell me or call me I will voice my opinion to Blizzard. I won’t be bullied away.

Removing the whole system is not a good idea. We need to think of viable solutions rather than have a “rip it all out” mentality.


Nah. Because LFG/LFR aren’t the reasons why BfA is struggling.

Seen it happen all too often over the years. LFG/LFR are just scapegoats for when players are frustrated with the game. Been like that since they were first introduced in Wrath and Cataclysm. It’s beyond played out by now.

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They’ve tried thinking of solutions for almost a DECADE now. It all comes back to this.
The game used to be balanced like this:
Tanks worry about positioning/threat
Healers worry about mana/threat
DPS worry about resources/threat

In Cataclysm they removed threat and mana issues. So okay we have to make things hard. Lets add 1 shot mechanics. Lets add a ton of boss abilities and phases. Now you have to read a textbook to do any boss. Before the bosses were very simple and accessible. The game was very simple and accessible.
Now there are two modes: AFK 95% of the game or read a textbook and min/max like crazy.

Threat is and never has been a meaningful mechanic.

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Uh, no. You can go into any dungeon and 100% learn the mechanics without reading anything if you’re willing to play each boss a few times. Sounds like you’re wanting the EZPZ mode for dungeons: hit some slightly harder than average enemies who do nothing special until you get to fight four-ish slighter harder enemies who do nothing special.

And your argument of people being able to “afk 95% of the time” doesn’t make even the faintest sense with your complaint about there being too many mechanics. It just sounds like you’re complaining for the sake of complaining because it’s cool to hate something that a lot of people like.


Dps requires as much if not more effort than tanking in competitive content.

In casual content nothing requires effort.

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Wait? Are you sure you remember Cataclysm correctly?
Any healer worth their salt will be able to assure you that Cataclysm overturned a lot of WotLK’s nerfed content including the reintroduction of healing triage.

You had to spend mana wisely and could afford to keep healing everyone for every single mistake. It was not until later on in Cataclysm when mana became irrelevant again as gear scaling made mana regen too strong.

Threat was definitely a meaningful mechanic in both Vanilla and TBC content. WotLK removed threat as a meaningful mechanic. Turning tanks gameplay solely into “managing defensive cooldowns”.

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News for ya pal, WoW’s community has been a steaming pile of crap going all the way back to vanilla.

Too be fair though, that isn’t relevant in the conversation of LFG/LFR as you are able to see your own markers.

It’s only really relevant in Heroic and Mythic as even in normal you can assign a player to call out all markers instead of having to rely on the players within the mechs.

I do agree that a lot of BfA’s boss encounters have been really good though. Designed around unavoidable mechanics that you have to complete.
CoS for the 2 encounters it has (and the trash) are a good example of this.

The post I responded to was about teamwork though, and good luck getting past Mekkatorque in Normal+ without it. That’s all I meant.

If a meaningful mechanic requires other players to stop what they’re doing and jump around in circles, that is not compelling gameplay.

To be honest I think that’s a 1 dimensional way of looking at it. The question also wasn’t whether threat mechanics were compelling, but meaningful. If you failed at threat mechanics you died. It was 100% meaningful.

There were other things to consider in regards to threat as opposed to just “ok dps” “ok stop dps”. A lot of classes had spells and abilities which granted either high threat or a reduction to your current threat level, as well as certain boss threat wipe mechanics.

These needed to be managed to a balance between effective dps and not pulling threat from the tank.

Considering the number of players who use addons to monitor their rotation I can’t see how it is worse. Having to think about how you are playing whether it results in periods of downtime, or pressing a button whenever it flashes on your screen?

The design of the current actually has a lot better encounter mechanics that would allow the old threat gameplay to be more meaningful with downtime in my opinion.

Downtime essentially means “I’m doing nothing.” Add to that the fact that very few dps classes even had the ability to wipe threat. Off the top of my head, Fade, Feign Death, Vanish, Invisibility and Soulshatter. Everyone else had to sit there and do nothing. That is not good game design. Now, if they had gone all-in on varied rotations dependant on high threat-high dps, and low threat-low dps skills and abilities we would be having a different conversation. But this binary decision of “Do I press buttons or just sit here?” is not meaningful because there is only one right answer. Blizzard decided to forgo threat as a serious mechanic because making it compelling would have required more balancing knobs. Going back to that now would just make things worse without corresponding mechanical changes elsewhere. And some of us have a laundry list of things we would like to see them address first. Get in line.