Group Finder Needs to Go

I’m sure they can make the content fun without removing features that have existed since Wrath and Cataclysm.

They tried making dungeons more fun in Cataclysm and it didn’t work out. They had to go back to the mindless model. And who can blame them? Who wants to do a semi-difficult dungeon with random strangers you don’t know it’s awful.
In cataclysm one of the troll dungeons I did this druid was helping explain to this rogue the last fight for Jin’do. The rogue said “I don’t have time to not stand in the fire I have a life!” This is the kind of attitude you get.
If you get put with random ppl it has to be super easy and that’s what we have with all these systems.

Which is fine. Folks who might not play that well or lack coordination should be able to have a game for them to play. Yeah I remember the heroics in Cataclysm and yes they were a pain. It was nerve wracking because you never knew who you got in your queue and they genuinely did demand a level of play that not everyone was capable of.

That’s why today you have mythic dungeons. For those who want that challenge and expect that coordination. The fact that someone else can do an easier version of that dungeon in a queue for less loot does not bother me at all.

It’s not just 1 mode. It’s leveling, world content, the new expeditions, warfronts, etc. The majority of the game has become mindless to cater to one audience that barely plays. They’ve drove out the middle class of the game and they’ve all quit. Most people want some level of challenge.
They’ve designed classes to be super safe and easy. They made it so you can’t pick the wrong talents with these new trees. They keep holding everyone’s hand. It’s totally killed the MMORPG.
So no it’s not just 1 easy mode.

So what do you want exactly? A terrifyingly difficult open world where you can’t so much as step outside the city without a full and optimal composition of players? You want us to go back to the days where folks had to manage 100+ keybindings and if you deviated even one point from the approved talent setup you were mocked, ridiculed, and denied entry into groups? The days where the elite got everything and the ones not with them got nothing, despite paying for their epic content?

Yes the super elite. The ULTRA elite. 10 year old, 12 year old, and 16 year old that raided clicking their buttons while having peanut butter all over their hands. That was your average raider for the first 3 expansions.

I mean there was literally a 8 year old kid raiding naxxramas in my friend’s guild. He could only press 2 buttons but they needed a priest. was he the super elite tyrannical player that would /spit and own you? No he barely understood anything but I guess cause he did naxx he was the dreaded top 1%. OOO scary

Glad he was one of the lucky ones. Not everyone was.

to me the harder the game is
the better the game is
I want a change to earn my stuf nvm this noob version of wow give me classic 24/7

I’m not against challenge. I’m just against a game that opens up the potential of never being allowed to face that challenge because you didn’t sufficiently kiss up to the raid leader of the guild that is currently on that challenge. Or because when you search through your pile of friends, not one of them happens to be those who can get you into a good raiding guild.

I support the tools we have because they let you see content even when the above things end up being true.

Not too long ago I went through some rather nasty drama with my previous guild and ended up leaving. Without the tools we have today I would have pretty much had to say goodbye to seeing content outside of the open world stuff for good.

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Even the guy who made LFR thinks it’s terrible.
"I have a lot of regrets about Raid Finder for WoW. I am sure I worked on features that were much, much worse, but that’s the first one that came to mind.

To be clear, the goal of getting more players into raiding is a good one. But the way Raid Finder turned out removed, IMO anyway, a lot of the epicness of what made raiding raiding. I also haven’t played WoW in a few years, so it’s entirely possible they have solved the problem by now." - Ghostcrawler

Group finder is staying. Dont like it then do others a favor and dont use it. Stop whining. :roll_eyes:

How bout go play classic when it comes out.

Blizz won’t listen to these cries. Sorry. /shrugs/

And anyway if you out do the difficulty of group finder…why the heck are you whining over something you dont even need to use. Group up with people who are at higher content as you. Stop trying to remove something others use. This is the stupidest whining I ever read on the forums.

FF14 has group finders for content and doing well. What makes ya’ll think group finders cant be of good use. This is just dumb. The systems aren’t the problem. It’s the community.


So if I want to make a group for normal deadmines how would I go about doing that? How would I find the people today and go to the dungeon? I wouldn’t the ONLY option is LFD.

And, without it, you’d be SOL to do deadmines unless you happened to play at a specific peak time / day. People who play at non-traditional times could waste five hours just trying to get one thing done. That’s not “rewarding”, that’s the kind of waste that gets people to go find some better game to play.

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That’s how a MMO works. You don’t get everything you want instantly. There were all these people who couldn’t get into the elite groups. Guess what they did? They formed together. Then the people who didn’t get into the mid-tier groups formed their own. If there are all these people who have no one to play with, then they can play with each other. It’s not that they couldn’t find groups it’s the fact they wanted to put in zero effort.
Imagine if you bought a Mario game and when you failed and died on the level it just auto-completed and move to the next level. That’s what WoW has become.

Shame he thinks that. He should be proud that a larger portion of the playerbase are finally getting to see and experience the epic content basket that Blizzard has put all of their eggs in over the years.

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Imagine if you got the entrance of World 8 and were told you weren’t cool enough to do this level, and were forever blocked from it because of other people. That’s the point I am trying to get at.


He just wants the good old days where only the special few were able to do content, so they could feel like the special snowflakes they want to be.


Why don’t all these players who want a community, just, y’know, make a community with their own rules and talk to each other? You could even make an addon like the iron man challenge add on. Is it just that you think you do but you don’t? Nothing is stopping you people from getting together…

I for one remember having to find groups with out rose tinted goggles. I also remember the community, it wasn’t any nicer, you just had to tolerate each other more because it took hours to group.


Pretty much what I’ve always suspected and have yet to be proven otherwise. Even though they try to present those positions as “for your own good” or “for the good of the game”.

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