Group Finder Needs to Go

Convince me otherwise then. Folks want to take away LFR and LFG for those who might rely on it, but offer no solutions in return. We explain why we like those tools and give examples of how we were screwed back in the day by other people when they didn’t exist, yet there doesn’t seem to be any empathy from the other side.

I would genuinely be okay with a world without LFR if such a world made it unnecessary.

Now, do I think anti-LFRers are evil, exactly? That’s a strong word. But I do think the position is a bit unempathetic and harsh.


I wouldn’t bother trying to make them understand. He says I’m looking at it in black and white and that I shouldn’t, but hasn’t given any logical reason to see it any other way at this point, especially when all I ever see now is nonstop trolling and casual and QoL bashing.


Read what you guys are writing. You’re saying “Prove your not evil!” “burn the witch!”
Again just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re evil or morally wrong.

Never said “burn the witch”. I’m asking you to convince me why yanking helpful tools from players who utilize them is not a malicious position.


I keep explaining it but you ignore it completely. It dumbs down the game in order for it to work. How would LFD/LFR work in vanilla?

Personally I see no big issue with any of this. For me personally the BFA model has me mindlessly slaughtering everything in my path without really an ounce of thought put into it. I’d definitely like more close calls and actual things to worry about in the open world while I’m traversing through the zones.

As for the RPG aspect, there really wasn’t a plethora of things that were complicated when it comes to Classic. If people managed to figure it out in 2004 then I think it’ll be a breeze for people to understand in 2019.

I disagree for the most part on this. Yes Classic was meant to be THE casual MMORPG when EQ was the main thing. But that doesn’t mean that it forever has to be the casual mmorpg compared to other games. What I mean by that is that any other MMO that comes out they don’t have to try and make the experience easier in comparison to get players to come over from those MMOs to WoW. And again in 2004 people managed to figure it out things like leveling, professions, attunements, reagents, zone knowledge (because they didn’t have quest helper) and many other things. Which is crazy to me because as THE casual mmorpg, if that were introduced today in BFA, people would go nuts.

As for community being a smokescreen, you couldn’t be more wrong. My realm Emerald Dream had a solid community of players that were interested in RP and World PvP. Guilds made their mark on locations and claimed them as the RP base of operations. And swore to defend against any attackers when their lands were threatened. We also had a fair share of drama. We were a dysfunctional family. But that highlighted word right there is what we were. We were and still are a family. But in BFA it’s nowhere close to what it was due to all the systems they’ve introduced across the board that pretty much watered down server community. We even had bounty boards for guilds that showed up on our realm to mock RP or claim that they were going to take over and make everyone kneel. And the server rose up to fight against people like this. Don’t believe me? Take a read.

And if we’re talking about the experience of having to “bend to knee” to do dungeons and raid, I never had this problem when I picked up the game in Wrath. I only had 1 friend who played with me and we would hit up Trade Chat to join into groups. I picked up MM first and thought it was okay and kinda got bored. Picked up SV and had fun for a little bit then got a little bored. Then I looked up BM and boom my mind exploded when I saw Skoll for the first time.

But the struggle of being a BM Hunter in raids at the time was that I got kicked for being BM alone plenty. And of course when I realized this I took it as a challenge to improve myself and try to reach out to the server to learn what I was supposed to do. Many people helped me. They pointed to guides and videos that gave me everything I needed to compete on the DPS charts. And those unfamiliar faces suddenly became allies that would invite us to our runs via Trade Chat. Through me reaching out, communicating and meshing with the players on the realm, I walked away with an amazing experience that I personally hold with me to this day.

In RP, PvP and PvE, I managed to find and be a community without having to bend knee. Overall, I want there to be a community again. And I want to invite any and everyone to join it and mesh with people and make friends! It always confuses me when people demonize communities and guilds when in actuality that’s what pushed the game to be great to begin with.

It wouldn’t. Vanilla was a different time, made by different people, a lot of them from EverQuest which was a pretty cutthroat and elitist game.

Now why is it a problem for there to be an easy mode for folks who don’t want the stress and harsh challenge of the higher modes? Especially when those higher modes still exist for those who do want it?


Just because you had no issues doesn’t mean others didn’t. I’ve explained why having these options was a godsend for people like me who couldn’t break into a good guild or community. I just want to hear a convincing explaination why yanking that from me is actually a good thing.


It’s not an easy mode. They’ve stripped away everything. You have no chance of failure and it’s impacted the entire game from level 1. The only thing that doesn’t have this is very high-end stuff but why would someone stick around for that if they’re bored from level 1.

What exactly is wrong with a story mode though?

And I’m sorry if you’re bored with the actual challenge mode stuff in the game but that has nothing to do with there being an existing easy mode. I don’t get bored with Brave mode in Kingdom Hearts just because a Normal mode exists.


Well, I know I don’t have an army of friends to do content with, and raiders tend to be egotistical douchebags. I’d like to able to do content without people making the experience an exercise in futility because I dont meet their inflated standards. Being stuck in Kara all expansion long sucked all the fun out of TBC for me. LFD can stay.


I mean yanking it right now is not a good thing. In fact that would break the game at this time if there were to do that. But something that should be considered is that the game was targeted for a specific audience of people that loved community and I’d also say DnD as well. The gameplay aspect of it is big as well but what makes the WoW experience is the community that comes with it. Good or bad.

If Dark Souls was to change how the game was and lets say make an LFR version of it where getting hit repeatedly only made you lose 5% of your health then people would be upset. But because it set a standard for people to rise to while creating a genuine experience of a medieval type of combat and world, it attracted a lot of people.

Not everyone can appreciate and like the Sekiro/Dark Souls experience. As well as people not being able to like what an MMORPG experience entails.

Communities have been dead since Wrath. Opening up faction xfers (3.2) was the start of the downfall. I don’t support the OP’s rubbish at all…

Taking away sharding, LFG and LFR altogether would be necessary to make this work because with sharding or layering you have people phasing in and out. If they took away LFG but left in sharding you would still have no sense of community. The people you group with one day for a run in SFK most likely will never return to group with you because they’ve been forced into a different shard, and the cycle will continue.

I showed my friend clicker heroes one and he said “wait how do you lose this? What’s the challenge” and… that’s what wow has turn into

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I would also like to play a game where there is community. Not a game where folks put you down and laugh at you when you want to try to raid. Not a game where the elite expect us peasants to kneel down and worship their boots because their guild happens to be able to do a tougher raid than us.

I also happen to like D&D. I will admit that I haven’t been able to play it much because of my extreme social anxiety (and thus lack the courage to go find groups that may or may not laugh at me for being a noob) but I have done a lot of reading on it and the world intrigues me.

Dark Souls was a game made for different people with a different purpose. As far as I know it is also an entirely solo game, so your success in it is entirely on the shoulders of one person. WoW is different in that you can be an excellent player but not be able to raid if you don’t have the correct friends.

I like MMOs, but I also like there to be options for when the stars aren’t aligning and you don’t have a reliable team to run with.


But the point I’m making is that to think that that’s all there is is blindsiding yourself to the idea that maybe there are good players and as well as good guilds out there that are willing to help others. Because I reached out to any and all sources to try and get more knowledge on what I was doing, I was able to improve myself as a player.

Are there trolls? Yes. I’ve dealt with them almost daily when I was far more active. Are there elitists? Yes. I’ve dealt with them almost daily when I was far more active.
Are there guilds that look down on people? Yes. I’ve dealt with them almost daily when I was far more active.

But when pushing past that there is a community to be had that’s just aching to have a World that encourages that kind of thing. Because when I and many other people hear things like…

“We didn’t allow Warfronts to be que’d by guilds and premades because we didn’t want them to trivialize content”

…then it’s a spit in our faces. The game doesn’t even try any more when it comes to guilds. I don’t even know how long it has been since we’ve gotten new tabard designs. They still look like something out of Vanilla WoW. And the community system is a complete bust where we only lose certain powers that we used to pass out.

The game doesn’t care about community right now. And with the bad reception that BFA has gotten, I can see why. I just wish the BFA players wouldn’t be so hellbent on trying to tear down community and guilds to the point where it’s all about you and you alone.

I mean, I give you the thing about Warfronts. It doesn’t make sense that guilds can’t queue for them because they already are trivial.

Yes there are good players and good guilds. I personally didn’t get to experience them until I rerolled as a DK on the highest pop PvE RP server in the game at the beginning of Wrath, sadly. I would have loved to have a good community like that in Vanilla and BC though. I would have loved to be more than a guildless, gearless scrub in those times. The guilds I ended up in were all useless and do-nothing organizations that ignored me when I asked for help and the good ones I tried to join just laughed and insulted me. That is why I have a hard time with the idea of “community”. Because the “community” I remember were just insular circle-jerks who liked to put me down, liked to tell me to kill myself, and I am just thankful that we are less beholden to those people in this game today.

everquest ah the god ole days
that game was the bomb:)P lower gulk… camping room
traines to zone:) miss the the fun times

At what cost? The content sucks. This expansion sucks no one likes it. I doubt people at Blizzard play BFA.