Group Finder Needs to Go

classic gonna make players more social?
ba iam nt going into classic dugons to talk iam their to make xp maby new gear
if wan to talk speak to me in /1 genral char our trade but in dugons iam not intreasted

Sorry I missed this. No. I am not arguing that WoW is not a multiplayer game because of the LFG tool. I’m saying that the LFG, Group Finder tool mixed with CRZ played into the state of how the community is today.

Before, you were sitting at the dungeon with your group ready to go in. You go in and you wipe repeatedly on the boss because your tank doesn’t know the proper mechanics to the fight. Now you have a decision you can make. Either you can

A. Go back to the main city and hit up Trade Chat after kicking the player in question. Or

B. You can try and teach the player what to do because you don’t want to go through the trials of having to do suggestion A in hopes that you can get past the boss and finish the dungeon.

Now that does not at all mean that I’m suggesting that scenario A never happens. It has happened to me plenty. But with players that went with suggestion B, I got to know them and we ended up pugging together in raids and creating a solid connection between myself and many players.

Now it seems that players have no issue with and are relentless on kicking each other when they know that there’s a Q that’s going to automatically fill in the hole. As well as people not having any issues with kicking people because they have access to all servers to raid from with the Group Finder.

I’m not saying that the game isn’t multiplayer because of the LFG tool. I’m saying that it doesn’t feel like a solid community anymore because of how vicious people have become and how disconnected we are from the servers we choose from.

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Gotcha, sorry for the misunderstanding. <3

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No worries.

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“Times change.”

I know. I just don’t agree with it personally.

Nor do I. However, until society changes as a whole, it will continue to be this way.


I very reluctantly agree.

I never get these complaints. Don’t use LFG?

Without it most people will still get into random raid groups, they’ll just do it through the chat. Guild members don’t always share the same interests, and they’re usually random anyway. The LFG tool allows more people to participate in the game’s content.

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People would just go back to spamming trade. Some folks would get in after spending more time than normal finally getting the group together, others would be left behind. Such a change would benefit no one and make no one happy.


Lol. Community. Clique is more like it.


I’m going with the Tarantio response to your statement. I reject the premise of your statement.

Year after year the people on these forums posted a giant “wall of no” for vanilla and look how that turned out. Don’t be so certain.

See here’s how these people think. They are hardcore old school EQ and DnD types (our own current Lead Developer is one, having been very hardcore into old EQ, hardcore in vanilla WoW, and a lead contributor to old min-maxing sites like Elitist Jerks). To them WoW is not a game it’s a way of life. They act as if playing a video game is supposed to teach us life lessons, and that the only community that matters is the one that they want and the rest of us are just spoiled and entitled millennials who don’t know what a “real” mmo is. These are the players who ruled the roost back in old EQ, then migrated to WoW, and still ruled the roost here because they had the time and energy to devote to WoW to raid, which often was 4-5 hours a night 4-5 days a week (on top of hours spent farming mats), or do bgs 12 hours a day to compete for and hope they get Grand Marshal/High Warlord (both of which is the equivalent of a second but unpaid job, and was responsible for more than one shattered relationship, lost employment, flunked/dropped out student. my own oldest cousin nearly dropped out of high school because he fell into the hardcore gameplay style these Classic cultists crave so much).

Their definition of mmo means making friends with every stranger you meet. Their definition of rpg means the basic gameplay mechanics are as realistic and complicated as possible. Their definition of challenge is every hostile encounter leaves them drunk on adrenaline like they just beat the last boss of Dark Souls.

They rail on casual players, not understanding that WoW was built to be THE casual mmorpg compared to the only other games that were available in 2004. They rail on QoL features, blaming them (and casuals) for WoW declining, not understanding that they are the only playerbase in the entire modern market that complains about other players having options when it comes to the game. They truly believe that there is one and only one right way to make and play mmorpgs. All their talk about community and immersion is just a smokescreen for their real goal, which is to make all of us “filthy casuals” either step up and play the game “the right way”, and those who won’t bend the knee can gtfo back to their Hello Kitty Adventure Islands.

I apologize in advance to everyone here on behalf of the seeming minority of Classic players who aren’t like what I’ve described above. You think the trolling and gloating is bad now? It’s going to get a thousand times worse once Classic servers are finally here.


I agree, games rely on graphics and sounds only fail and will always fail. As for the group finders, I have mixed feelings for them. I’m a solo player and WoW is one of my escape games. The only thing I hate about group finder is the long time ques that’s why I avoid them as much as I can.

You have a “US VS THEM” mentality. They don’t agree with me so they must be bad people. It’s a very wrong way to view things. Just because people think differently than you doesn’t mean their evil.
I don’t think people who disagree with me are evil; I want to convince them. Instead you say we have malicious intent and want to rule over you which is absurd.

What’s ironic about your comment is that the classic crowd is the one who started with the Us vs Them mentality when bashing on casuals and QoL features became the norm among them. The rest of us never tried to tell them they weren’t welcome in modern WoW, but they sure as hell wanted the things we enjoyed about the game to be subdued or just outright removed—things like flying and LFR/LFG.

Hearing about how perfect Classic is day in and day out for months and months and being told I’m playing the game wrong and how I’m just a filthy casual gets very grating. I’m entitled to be cynical toward the Classic-now crowd. Even still I will be there in Classic when I have nothing else to do and I will do it all from memory, right down to grinding the last 4 levels on those sand worms in Silithus by Cenarion Hold.


Blizzard got greedy and wanted to appeal to people who don’t like MMOs. So they went and made all these changes. Now it’s gotten so bad they have to release classic to make up for the huge failure that is BFA.
QoL doesn’t come free of charge. How does LFD/LFR work? Well you can’t have tank threat, mana issues, cc, or really any game play just press buttons or afk. It’s affected the entire game from level 1. They’ve changed everything to make LFD/LFR work. Imagine LFD/LFR in vanilla they wouldn’t even kill the first two giants in MC.

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Ten years ago? You mean patch 3.3 which is when Group finder was added??? Your comment supports the OP. Do you realize that?

Dollars to donuts, I bet you anything that someone’ll come along and make an LFG addon or there’ll be usage of that one LFG phone app floating around.

It doesn’t matter how they’re networked. The only difference is that the dungeon won’t teleport you in and that you’ll have to travel individually.

If they make the game good, the people will play it.

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