Group Finder Needs to Go

Cheers, friend. Best wishes.

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U2 friend :purple_heart:

Yeah same here, i just expected that group failure would be apart of the game sometimes at end game, i’m trying to understand why people didn’t have that expectation. At other points when ive been busier in life i just don’t play the game.

The other part I’m trying to understand is why people come on the forums and say that it’s blizzards problem and they need to fix the game to fit their schedule rather than holding off the game until they have more time to play.

Oh yeah I have no issues with dungeon finder. I thought it was a great feature when they introduced it in Wrath. I just think like pruning it was a step too far.

And nothing’s weird about an army of dwarves lined up ready for war!

Not my argument. The systems they’ve added over the years have done that. Player knowledge didn’t really do that.

There’s a big difference between Dota/CoD and WoW. Come on man you can’t compare a FPS and MOBA to an MMORPG.


egg on my face

For some reason I thought the Grove Warden came from Emerald Nightmare. Totally forgot it came from HFC.

Did you have more time in wrath? The time thing is a specific issue i have with the community and i outlined the conflict in my previous post. People need to have a reasonable amount of time to do well in the higher tier raids. Like 3 hours at least per day for like 3 to 5 days a week.

They’re still multiplayer games. You can’t just redefine what it means to be multiplayer to suit your agenda. It’s silly gatekeeping to say that WoW isn’t true multiplayer because people don’t spend x amount of time talking to each other.

Actually you didn’t expose anything. You also didn’t read anything that I’ve read at all and are twisting the argument in a way that only you can understand instead of reading and understanding what I’m saying. Again, I don’t really have to try when conversing with you. :joy:

Multiplayer games or not, it’s a completely different experience. You can’t really compare the 3 games in that regard since the multiplayer experience is different across all of those games.

God me too. I can’t wait! :grin::grin::grin:

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My point is that they’re all still multiplayer games. You’re the one trying to say they wouldn’t count because of your ridiculously narrow definition of what it means to be multiplayer.

You’re right, you exposed yourself lolol

Ill consider this post your admission of defeat

Hopefully other readers see through you as easily as I did

I never once said that Dota and CoD aren’t multiplayer games. Again, different experience. So they’re functioning in the fashion that works for that game type.

I would take this angle too if I made claims and couldn’t prove any of them! :joy::joy::joy:

Your definition does apply to those games though. So you have said that they aren’t true multiplayer games. Either they are actually multiplayer games, which would mean WoW is still a multiplayer game, or none of them are multiplayer games. You can’t have it both ways.

Not trying to. I don’t think you’re understanding what I’ve said.

No, I have understood it perfectly clear. If anything, I’m putting more thought into it than you did. If WoW is not truly a multiplayer game anymore because of the amount of player interaction outside of matchmaking systems, then that means that other multiplayer games that use matchmaking systems are also not truly multiplayer.

Never stated those other games weren’t truly multiplayer or not. I’m talking about WoW.

This is a terrible point, how is your definition of multiplayer not narrow if you are putting 3 completely different genres through the same multiplayer tube? MMORPG’s have always been purposefully slower, and its to attract a different audience.

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But your definition can apply to those games. What makes WoW’s matchmaking system so different from the matchmaking systems used in other multiplayer games?

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