Group Finder Needs to Go

It’s going to blow up at first. I don’t question that.

A complete success years from now? Then I’ll be surprised. But it definitely will die down a bit and we’ll have to see where it goes from there.

Answer my question though. Is that latecomer just “sucks to be you” or is the community going to make an effort to welcome and help those players?


Speaking of age, you know that after the first word in your sentences the word that comes after is all in lowercase. Also if I don’t have any friends, how do I have more done than you?

I’m not trying at all! :smiley:

Enjoy your sinking ship of a game :+1:

Every post you make is extremely toxic.

The game at launch was noticeably more solo friendly than other MMOs at the time.

That’s a pretty narrow and arbitrary definition. So because the community doesn’t exist the way you think it exists, that means the game is a single player experience?

The answer is both. I got both of these experiences when I started the game. I got kicked for wanting to play BM Hunter in raids because at the time, I liked how the pets looked. But when I started talking to people and communicating with them, they helped me in improving my numbers and that led to me coming along in their runs.

Players have already shown to want to be helpful in the previous expansion. Mainly with the Friendship Moose and Bird for both Aotcs. And I’m sure the same thing will pop up if there’s a mount in the upcoming raid for AOTC which so far it seems that that won’t be the case.

You’re assuming that Azshara is the final raid boss of the expansion. We don’t know that for sure yet.

I see that your argument has been diminished to calling out simple typos

She’s trying so hard

Sucks bros

Have more than what done than me?

I believe it. Solely because everyone was in the dark as to how it functioned. So everyone had to ban together to figure things out.

It’s more that I saw how the community was compared to how it is today. And how the features have molded things into the way they are in this current game.

Oh come on Rankin. Nowhere in that post did I state that Azshara is going to be the final boss.

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I’m glad you were as lucky as you were when it comes to community. I’m glad you are stronger than others when it comes to failure and I’m glad you are more socially capable than some.

I’m not talking about the current game though. I’m talking about Classic. It’s admirable that the Friendship Moose/Birds exist but I am talking about a level 30 warlock who wants to run RFK in Classic a year after it’s released and the leveling pool has dwindled immensely.

Well there’s really nothing to argue based on what you typed. You have a limited knowledge of who I am based on the armory. Sooooo if there’s nothing to discuss in terms of how “toxic” I’m being, then that’s what I’m going to remark on.

Now about those posts that make me toxic…

Try not to be so bitter, it’s not good for you. I’m sorry you hate that people enjoy things that you don’t. I do hope you enjoy classic, but I have a feeling you’ll be on the outside of any COMMUNITY that pops up in the servers with your poor attitude. Have a good one. :slight_smile:


You couldn’t get into pugs at all? That was how i learned.

Nope. I was a rogue on a small, low-pop, backwater PvP server that was already full of rogues. I had limited time to play as I went to school and had to share a computer with my family, and it was extremely hard for someone like me to stand out and make friends.

I personally found the time to get into a lot of pugs wasn’t worth the effort. Some of them turned out good, some of them turned out to be a waste of an hour and a half.

shrug Wasn’t sad for me.

RP weirds me out and I’ve very rarely enjoyed world pvp despite being on a pvp server from May 2005 until near the end of Cata.

Aside from a brief stint in late BC as a shockadin anyway.

I’m just glad I had a good guild through most of Wrath so barely had to subject myself to pugging any raids.

3.3 was a godsend. The dungeon finder increased how much fun I was having enormously, I was able to run so, so many more dungeons than before when I was trying to find groups.

I got a kick of being the highest dps and often doing >50% of the total dungeon damage on my pally tank.

That’s a situation that’s in the dark for me. So all I have is speculation in what I’m about to say.

But I do think that level 30 warlock won’t have such a hard time running that dungeon about a year later. The thing to keep in mind is that the leveling is part of the end game.

Will that player have to extend the hand to try and find a group? More than likely if I were to take a guess. I would tell them to hit up Trade Chat and see what they could get together if they weren’t in a guild. But if I was in the game with them and I didn’t have much going on I’d extend the hand to help them. I’ve done that plenty of times in the past.

I dunno. There are a lot of variables to go into a situation like that. But TL;DR. Do I think they could find a group a year later. My answer is yes.

So because people know more about the game now, that somehow has turned it into a solo player experience?

It’s a silly and arbitrary definition. The game is still multiplayer even if people don’t spend some unspecified amount of time talking to each other. I guess games like DotA or Call of Duty aren’t really multiplayer either because of their matchmaking systems.

They save the final boss of the expansion for the heroic raid mount like the moose and bird. You seemed pretty hung up about there not being one in 8.2 so I was trying to help by explaining that 8.2 is likely not the final raid of the expansion.

I can’t wait for classic to finally come out and play the way it was intended to be. Holding to the values of hard work, friendship, and true community.

But bitterness seems to plague us all it would seem

Have fun with retail wow and your guild

I truly hope retail will find its mojo back

Take care was fun :slightly_smiling_face:

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Since you didn’t answer my question Ill answer it for you. I assume you mean raid achievements. Which I see that you are clearing current raid content with your guild.

So you are blaming group finder for not having any Wow friends or involvement in the Wow community… Yet you do have Wow friends and you have every opportunity to involve yourself in the Wow community…

You just got exposed son

bad troll is bad troll


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