Group Finder Needs to Go

Not gonna try and read 575+ posts, however, Group Finder and it’s ‘spawned’ features throughout the mainstream WoW game are not going away. The best hope is to have them non-existent in Clasic, and if more expansions are reforged, do not implement it.

I do enjoy LFR for the most part due to a lack of time, I will admit that the price is near zero accountability of the people in the group. Back when you could only group with those on your server (dungeons or raids). if you ‘misbehaved’ too much word got around and you would be unable to find groups that would let you run with them. It took a lot of time to get your reputation clean, so people did not get dirty.

So you can’t. Well, as long as you can’t prove that I’m being toxic.

Uh oh! I see that backwards cap coming on!

I feel like it never really was though. All the “community” was found in those guilds and cliques and if you couldn’t break into them, you didn’t have any “community”.

No one gave a damn about you for little things like supplying some fish to the economy or helping defend a backwater little town from the horde.

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You seem to lack basic reading comprehension skills, which I’m not remotely surprised by given the kinds of replies you’ve given. I said zero percent of that time would be spent in WPVP. Personally. Try to keep up if you’re going to reply, okay?

Well from my experience there was. Sorry you missed it. But I can’t agree with the changes that they’ve made.

I personally used to defend Redridge and Honor Hold tons of times to help out the little guy. I remember even coming face to face with Horde lowbies and let them be, only to have them message me later thanking me for not killing them.

And what would be your solution? Take them away and leave those left in the dust to the wolves?

I think that’s where a lot of the resentment in live lies for some people. They don’t like that it made things more accessible to people who were outside of the cliques. They stopped being/feeling special and important when more people could get involved and meet other folks. I’ve met plenty of people through LFG/Group Finder/Sharding that I befriended and still talk to and/or play with.

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To be fair the only MMO I’ve ever played that really had me be involved with a community of people was Star Wars Galaxies, but that was mainly due to the game requiring you to get items, buffs, etc from other players since the concept of a dungeons and raids (besides Krayt Dragon Hunts) didn’t exist in the game.

Other games, including Vanilla WoW, the only time people conversed was when a CC was needed, someone needed mana, a summon, boss explanation, or when someone messed up. That was before a LFG tool even existed. Than again I aimed to find a guild if I want a social experience and avoiding “toxic” players.

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Pretty much my sentiment. Folks would ride by feeling high and mighty being able to enter those instances, feeling superior to folks like me scraping by on daily quests outside of those instances. If that is “community” then I am not sad that is gone.

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I’m gonna assume that your negative attitude and toxic personality has gotten you excluded from any Wow community that directly surrounds you. This will also happen in the real world so you might wanna learn that lesson now instead of later

But sure it’s group finders fault

Just hahahahaha

Naa just not worth my time quoting everyone that opposed you in this thread or your toxic comments. If someone wants to know they can scroll up and read

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Personally, I think we’re too far deep in the rabbit hole. We don’t know whether we’re going up or down at this point. Removing said features right off the bat would cause a lot of problems. But server population and imbalances have been an ongoing problem for multiple expansions and have been for the most part ignored.

I can suggest changes all day. But the damage is done. Only suggestion I have for players is if they want that to hit up Classic.

I won’t disagree there, in fact I mentioned the same thing earlier in the thread. I don’t think it was added on a whim at all, but rather filled a need.

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Which I think will be fine for a few months when it’s all the rage and hype. But when the honeymoon period is over, the same problems that existed in the past pre-tools will come back.

Btw you didn’t address the points in my argument.

Your 1st point isn’t true and its almost like you didn’t read my post. The system i stated in my point was from vanilla and BC.

How did you not catch that?

You said it wouldn’t work after it was how the game was made. And your post makes you look like you don’t like multiplayer games and have authority issues.

Please answer the question from my previous post about the devs dilemma, because that is how we got to bfa in the first place.

I started playing seriously in BC. I was 2 levels away from max level enjoying the game. I had no clue what i was doing. I somehow got in a karazhan at level 68 and fell in love with the raiding. This was january 2008 btw. I hit 70 and started running dungeons for gear. Someone told how my damage sucked, and then someone else told me about recount. From there i discovered addons, i realized how bad my damage was and i started to research talents, then i learned the proper rotation which i mostly knew already and then started prioritizing stats. Geared for raiding i started doing kara runs, after getting some good upgrades i started pugging for gruul. After 2 or 3 months of doing this i finally started hitting magtheridon pugs and got invited to my 1st ssc pug. After that i got into my first real guild. We made it most of the way through ssc, but i was still getting upgrades and increasing my skill, and the rest of the raid was stagnating. I found a guild that was progressing on hyjal and they invited me with a bench spot. 1 week later on got in the raid and i claimed a starting spot after clearing a couple bosses in hyjal. 3 weeks later we killed archimonde and started BT progression.

What I’m trying to say with this story is, yes it may look arbitrary and luck based, but increasing motivation and increasing confidence are the biggest parts of improving in endgame wow. People are going to tell you that you suck for no reason sometimes, its just about focusing on improving yourself. I did all this with 3 to 5 hours a night single working 9-5.

All the self-improvement in the world meant nothing if you can’t get yourself into a good clique. I never knew how good of a rogue I could actually be because I couldn’t land a spot in any raid. I played throughout all of BC and never wound up getting a Vampiric Batling pet.

Oof. See you’re doing that thing again where you think it’s toxic for people to disagree with you without having any form of proper reasoning behind it. Sad.

So you can’t. Welp! Guess that settles that. Anything else you got for me?

Or, ooooor. We can see the game flourish and for people to have what we perceive to be a proper MMORPG experience. So I’m going to ask you a question here. What if you’re wrong? What if Classic WoW blows up? What then?

Already said it would for the first few months. But what is going to be done when it dies down after half a year to a year, there aren’t many folks leveling anymore, and a level 30 warlock wants to run RFK in a dwindling pool of players his level that are actually interested?

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Stopped here. Again, what if Classic WoW blew up and it was a complete success through the entire experience? What then?

I Know at your age it’s hard for you to accept responsibility for your own actions. But blaming group finder for your lack of Wow friends or your lack of involvement in the Wow community is laughable

You’re trying too hard

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