Group Finder Needs to Go

Very well familiar with that. And in all those hours of sitting in Trade trying to form or get into groups, the only person I managed to make friends with was Myra Tyrngaarde.

You’re not recognizing the fact that not everyone is you and some people genuinely struggle more with this kind of thing than others.

That’s sad. Can’t really imagine that because I saw it flourish on our realm. Most our stuff was RP and WPvP related. Where we would fight over bases that we claimed in the open world.

As for me in raiding I saw it in Wrath when I had to communicate with people in trade to get into raid groups with my best bud. And then those random groups started becoming familiar faces

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If Blizzard is going to put a shortcut in the game it’s going to be used. It’s dumb to blame the player, the majority of people aren’t going to purposefully put themself at a dissadvantage. Blaming the player is just silly.

Oh… you’re still here. Figured mommy called you for supper or maybe you were tired of getting owned

People are solely responsible for their own poor behavior. Blaming anyone else for that is nothing more than an unwillingness to own one’s actions.

No, just no. Stop licking the Blizzard boot. They put the functionality in the game. Don’t blame players for playing the game Blizzard designed.

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Can you not read? How does the lfg tool make people act like jerks? I’ll wait.


Yikes. In an attempt to sound more adult you’re using childish insults. That’s not going to make me go anywhere. In fact, I find this pretty entertaining

I’m not talking about people being acting mean. I thought you were saying the community dying is the players fault. For sure, if someone is a d-head that’s them. I’m saying blaming the player for the current state of the game is silly. My bad if I missed one of your posts or something.

Oh I recognize it. But what I also recognize is what they did was not the answer. 800 employees fired should be the red flag that goes off in the mind when thinking about this.

You can tell by your toxic comments that you’re under age so no need to take it personal when you get called out on it

Point out where I was toxic.

Can only speculate why that happened, but I very highly doubt the LFG/LFR tools are responsible for that.

No, i never said players were responsible for the state of the game. They are responsible for how they treat other players though. That said, I still disagree on the community bit, and you can contest all you like and you may very well be correct for your situation. However, I am not someone that waits for a captive audience to make friends, if I want to make friends… I make sure to actively seek that and a tool existing does not change that.

We would likely go round and round on this one though, so I will leave it at that. :slight_smile:

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I’m not stating that LFG and LFR alone caused that. It’s several things that have led to things being in such a bad state. The only good news is 8.2 is on the way. This expansion is not well received and it’s a combination of all the things that have been wrong with the game crammed into one xpac.

Maybe. We’re not talking about all those other potential factors though. You can’t blame a tool that has helped many including myself that was introduced very early on in WoW for whatever problems BfA has, though.

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Literally not 1 person has agreed with anything you have said…

You are just vomiting ignorance or you are just a bad troll

Like I schooled you earlier, know when you’re done

I do think that if the community was more of an actual community that helped each other out (not just in their own guilds and cliques) such tools like LFR and LFD might not have become necessary.


I feel that I can. I have no major issues with LFD but more with how far they took it. The same thing with the pruning back in WoD but then they took it too far in Legion and BFA. Or when they introduced phasing back in MoP to reduce lag in populated areas but now how far they’ve taken it in BFA.

Server community used to be a thing. From my experience of having to socialize with people to join raids to claiming a base of operations that we would swear to protect from assaults from the opposite faction.

Right now community isn’t really a thing in World of Warcraft.