Group Finder Needs to Go

Blizzard if you look at this thread, please know, I couldn’t disagree with the op more.

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Are we playing CoD right now? Should I get your backwards cap and Monster energy drink?


Should we make changes at the expense of said community? Would you rather not have a community to begin with?

I keep hearing this, but really? I wasn’t there for early Vanilla but started just before BC. Most of the people I knew socialized within their guild and that was mostly it. Higher up players DID help random strangers, but that was because it was so hard to get gold and gear and such that it gave new players a thrill to get anything. But the game won’t be new, now, to most players. Are they really going to be thrilled if you give them a six slot bag and a green mace?

I think people will be social until they form guilds and then it will be just like retail: Players playing with those they know and not talking to others.


Its not personal.

Just know when you’re done

Well I already told you the way out of this. It’s on you if you don’t want to listen. It’s the good part about being on a public forum

There never was a “community”. It’s always been a select group of cliques and guilds that controlled everything and if you weren’t a part of those, you were left behind and not allowed to see content. An actual community would see its members struggling and extend a hand to help them out. That never happened.

If that is “community” and LFR/LFD helped alleviate that, then I can’t say I mourn its loss.


Your missing the point of vanilla


Community is also the other faction
Rivalries happen, battles happen, legends are made, legends are feared.

Yes the bag and mace I earned that doesn’t have another layer of RNG

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Lucky you!! They are coming back for Classic. You can join them if you want to run to each dungeon and raid, and sit around LFR and LFG all your play time.

Coughs up drink

Yes it did. I’ve done that plenty of times for guildies and guilds that we’re allies to us. And that same help has been given to me

I see where you’re coming from but I think that if they are removed those that group your way will find it a lot harder to get into groups. Some people don’t have all day to find a group in chat or worse yet, the time it takes to get a raid together. I just see players abandoning even looking for a group or worse, leaving WoW because the things they want to do, i.e. dungeons and raids, require too much time to even get going.

LFD and LFR reduces the time and so gives players more time to actually play instead of spending equal amounts of time looking as playing. I would never do a BG if I had to find a group to do it. Only thing I think even requires a group outside of LFD, LFR or BG’s is ranked / rated stuff or possibly the Mythic+ stuff. Things of challenge I can see but mundane stuff should not require it.

Opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one. This is just my subjective opinion and by no means an objective truth. You do you. To each their own.

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Literal L O L.

If all the people who just complain about the lack of COMMUNITY put in the effort, there wouldn’t be a problem? This is just going to translate over to classic, imo. The same mean spirited aholes who complain about retail will not change when they get to classic, they’ll just be mean spirited aholes in there instead and make it a toxic hellhole for everybody but themselves since that’s the kind of thing they thrive on.

The only thing I hope for is that they wind up ostracized by a real community about positivity and working together, only to come back here and whine some more about how classic isn’t the same for them.

I’ll play classic, doubtful I’ll do it as much as retail that I find more fun personally. But zero percent of that time will be about the apparent true vanilla experience of WPVP. lol.


Thank you.


Right? I have a wife, a step son, and a full time job. I don’t have time to come home from work, spend four hours putting together a five man and another two to run it. lol. I don’t mind more challenge, I love the idea of people talking to one another, but crippling the experience for everybody except the unemployed and/or those with entirely too much free time isn’t going to help WoW at all.


Doesn’t mean that nobody helped me when I started. Again, I didn’t have a guild I only had 1 friend. And we used this magical place called Trade Chat to get into groups and raids.

Oh no you didn’t go there
You did

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It’s a improvement because it gives people more options, and that’s never really a bad thing.

More options = more people playing = more $$$

If you wanna ignore the LFD/LFR you can, but for the majority who don’t consistently have friends/guildmates online or they took breaks/quit, these tools are powerful and let them see content they most likely wouldn’t see anyways.

And like others said, it’s a community problem, not a feature problem.

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Why are you laughing?

Classic servers CAN handle wpvp events without LAG unlike current servers who can’t even handle a 20vs20 battle. Your clueless on the matter apparently

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The posts in general are so hard to figure out. Can’t tell if trolling or serious.

yea… take out every opportunity for people to play with other people easily. Holy hell some of the responses in here are dumb.

I’ve never noticed a community either. Not when it was supposedly around and I didn’t notice a loss when it was supposedly not.

All the people I don’t know seem to operate roughly the same both before and after the “community” supposedly died a horrible death.