Group Finder Needs to Go

Well, we’re playing an MMO. Should we not encourage community? Right now all we’ve got going is smoke and mirrors that simulates that experience instead of actually having one.

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I’ve been here since Dec. 14, 2004. It was my experience then too.

For the rare times I pug anything that might take communication I’ll join the chat channel but almost never talk myself, then or now. And joining a chat with strangers doesn’t actually improve my experience. But I do largely avoid that type of situation and only do “difficult” content with people I already know.

It is also why I support the easier difficulty options. It nice to run stuff, even if it is less rewarding, that doesn’t require socializing.


I think its time for you to bow out kid…

You can find COMMUNITY if you stop sitting on the forums and whining about how there isn’t one. I’ve had ZERO problem finding a community of players to play with, not just LFG. I don’t know what your problem is.

Should the folks who inevitably get left behind and ignored by said community not be allowed to have a game?

Always “I don’t wanna be left behind,” “I play money so i want everything now!”
This is what video games have become.

Prob cause BFA is garbage, if you say I’m wrong BLIZZARD even agrees with me with them REDOing one of the worst systems the game has ever seen.

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BFA is garbage is why you can’t manage to find people to play with you? H’okay, sure thing. Hasn’t stopped countless others.

COMMUNITY is not just “guilds” it’s the world, sharding and a worthless dev team designed BFA to a single player game. LFR and LFG make it so I can play this game with not even be conscious.

Don’t worry I hardly play anymore just waiting the the REAL game too come out

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Here is how I would be okay with no LFR: If raids did not tell any of the story. Yep. If you want the players who don’t like raiding to keep funding raiding (and they absolutely do), then make raiding a side activity, like pet battles.

That would be fair. Then raiders will be treated like what they really are: A minority of WoW players. They can even have special raid gear, like PVP gear, to earn. But they shouldn’t get special mounts or anything unless OTHER kinds of game-play get them, too.

Treat raiders like RPers or pet battlers or Mog collectors or anyone else in WoW. Tell the story out in the world where most people play the game and make raiding a side gig.

I legitimately hope you get what you want out of classic, but I fully expect when the shiny wears off it’ll be a tiny knot of people sitting around complaining about everything. The rose tinted glasses crew will never be pleased with anything.

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I would actually be okay with that. The reason LFR is necessary is because Blizzard insists on continuing to put all the good stuff behind raids. So everyone should be allowed to see those raids.

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For sure. Classic will see a huge hype and boom early on. Hell I will probably play it. Lots of folks will be there and every zone will be a party.

Give it a year though and I suspect that level 30 warlock who just wants to run RFK will have a tough time if he doesn’t have max level friends to run him through.

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Well the game is based around community so yea I will

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Funny how BFA only lasted a month till everyone found out how flawed it was

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It will all but kill the experience of the game for anybody who doesn’t have the chance to play during peak hours and peak times. Want to level at 2pm on a Thursday? Guess you’re just SOL unless the gods are fortunate enough to put four other people who aren’t total a-holes in the same area at the same time with the same free schedule to play it. Screw everybody else, right?

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It’s a depressing thought but just by this thread alone, it’s clear there are folks who genuinely have that attitude.

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No group finder doesn’t need to go. You have classic for non group finder stuff.

Instead of telling retail players how to enjoy their version of the game stick to playing your nostalgic stuff.

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Semper Fi! :us:

I hope you enjoy classic wow
Best wishes