Group Finder Needs to Go

They don’t have to be your guild and they don’t have to be your friends but you need to be in a group to clear X content. Which means a SOLO player can not see X content unless they join a group. At which point they are no longer a solo player. They are a group of players. How a player chooses to join said group is irrelevant.

I don’t think you understand what “single experience” is


For sure. Folks don’t realize that even in LFR and LFD you’re still playing with other players. It doesn’t matter if you’re not going to see them again, it doesn’t matter if you don’t forge some deep lifelong bond of friendship with them. You are still playing and cooperating with other players to tackle a piece of content.

“They might as well be bots” isn’t an argument.

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Only if you really, really, really loosely define solo. So loosely the term becomes meaningless.

On the contrary, I think the ability to successfully solo significantly more content compared to its competitors, along with being more accessible and much less punishing, was one of the main contributions to WoW’s success.

Literally anyone under the sun could hit max level, playing solo, without any real possibility of hitting a wall preventing it. I’m positive that was a huge draw.


For sure. If it was true then wouldn’t EverQuest have more subs than WoW? It has far more RPG elements, instills far more terror of the world, and demands cooperation at a level that WoW never did.


More about you not understanding the point I’m making. You seem to be thinking that I’m stating that you don’t need a group at all to clear grouped content. Which is not my point.

When I say single player experience I’m saying that you can pretty much play the game without uttering a word to anyone or being a part of a guild or community and still get a majority of the content done. In past expansions this was not the case.

Until they implement genuine bots for those systems and you genuinely are the only human player in those instances, that’s just simply not the case.

Yes you can. You can totally Group Finder Aotc and get high keys done as long as you have a good IO score.

Uttering words to strangers is massively overrated in my opinion :slight_smile:

Unless I’m playing with guildies/friends if I’m running group content I’m there to play, not chat. That was as true in 2004 as it is now.

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And you still need to play with other players to get that AotC or key done. You are still playing with human players in those instances.

Even if you never say a word to them.
Even if you don’t give a single iota of a damn about them.
Even if you don’t become friends with them afterward.

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Okay but you need other people. You literally can not do it alone. Regardless of what you’re doing, several other human players need to be present.

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Are you done yet?

That’s fine for you. But that wasn’t the older WoW experience.

Not really. You needed to join whichever Ventrillo server that was being used to do things like clear raids. For me in Wrath I joined plenty of runs that I saw in Trade chat and had to communicate and work with people to not only understand mechanics but how to do my best in the environment that I was in.

Yeah but that still doesn’t address the point that I made.

But you don’t need interaction. Again, you can be the lone wolf with the cowboy hat tipped just right so the sunlight doesn’t hit your eyes and be the silent mute and get almost everything in the game done.

What point? Yours is that you think doing AotC and keys can be an entirely single player experience. Mine is that you’re still playing with other players in those instances. Unless you’re Mionelol you are not soloing them.


Dude we can only dream that classic is so successful that is has that issue. Imagine so many people trying to do endgame content that you can actually be picky about stocking a 40 man raid.

What exactly is wrong with that? Some people in this world are quiet and introverted. Should they not have a game?


Only when you’re done responding to me :grin:

I have zero interest in being bffs with every stranger in this game. I have my guild, I have some cool people I’ve met along the way. But there’s no need to need a hundred friends just to do basic content. Don’t like it, don’t use it. There’s community if you stop sitting on a forum whining, and find it.


It killed this game like sharding

I hate using it

I’ll play classic for what that game was suppose to be about…COMMUNITY

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