Group Finder Needs to Go

If you want to bang your head against LFR for a chance to get one piece of good gear instead of getting better gear 99.9% of the time you can be my guest.

On average, higher difficulties = better gear. Sure there might be that 1 in 1,000 piece out of LFR that titanforges, but it is not the norm.

Forcing players to be social doesn’t make for server communities.

What is the problem is that there are less players out there with the time or desire to organize and maintain guilds. The truth is that managing groups of players, just like managing any other grouping of people, is a hell of a lot of work. Most players just want to log in and have fun. LFG/LFD/LFR are proven tools that make having fun in a game like WoW possible.

Now, if you want to see a greater number of players engaged in the “community”, there firsts needs to be more players willing to step up to the plate and organize community activities. That means not playing the game so much as spending their time recruiting guild members, being a cheerleader for their guild, scheduling times where players can party up for group activities, always being available to help other players, etc, etc, etc

Are you willing to be that kind of community leader?

Think about it for a second. This community is filled with fragile people who freak out over the smallest thing and are ultimately self-serving. You cannot have a healthy community with this massive component. Group Finder or not, it would take a tremendous effort to sculpt this “community” into something that might resemble healthy.


Thank you for this!

Its 2019 and I don’t need a guild. There are no benefits to entice me into joining one. Add actual incentives to join a guild and viola! community.

not going to happen on retail.there is even talks of group finder addons for classic but i doubt anyone will use it.

Thing is when they returned to form of what made RE great, people rejoiced and loved both games. And again even the remake allowed for a new and hilarious experience to be had with the mod. WoW Classic is doing the same thing for a lot of players since we’ve drifted so far from what brought us in to begin with. Not to say all QoL changes were bad, but Blizzard has written themselves into a wall with all these design choices.

The thing that actually killed community in WoW is uhhh, i forgot the exact name and i dont have the best words to describe it but basically sharing /sharding servers. Im never going to see this mf from the Kil’Jaiden server or from the Dalaran server in my life so i have no incentive to talk to them beaodes “get the job done”

If there was a LFR/LFG tool for server only? Im down. This has been happening since BC too, thats what ive been feeling since then.

The difficulty was not in the raid itself It was all the farming and previous gear required to get in them. Modern raids are easy to get into because the required gear and items are basicly free, but the modern fights are harder. Part of the reason modern fights can be so much harder is because the community is both experienced, and has better tools and resources to learn how to be perfect. In the early days there were not resources to analyze and min max like there are now.

If you don’t’ like using that part of the game then don’t. But stop insisting that others play the way you do. Wish the down vote button was available.

Hate it or love it the best thing for this game is choices. Its not a new game any longer and most of us still playing it have changed from that young gamer with a sparkle in our eyes and little or no responsibilities or interests outside of gaming.
Find “your way of playing WOW” and make the best out of it for you. Demanding others play your ideal notion of what the game should be is just not reasonable nor practical. Not to mention its selfish.

I can solve the “community issue”

Under 21 years of age servers and over 21 years of age servers

The less I have to interact with children the better

Knowing that I wouldn’t have to interact with a 13 year old would allow me to be more sociable, use group finder more, ect

W/o group finder pugging would come to a halt. I played pre gf, I know what it was like pugging in trade chat and it sucked. It took too much time. As an adult casual player I don’t have that kind of time nor would I make room for it. I can assure you Im not the only person that feels this way. ActiBlizzard would lose a portion of their casual player base if there was no group finder.

ActiBlizzard is a business. Let me repeat that for you all,
 ActiBlizzard is a business. With a loss of player base comes loss of profit. Do you really think ActiBlizzard, a business, is going to knowingly put themselves in a position to lose money? After they spent the time and money implementing group finder into the game? Just hahahaha

You say that there is a problem with Wow. I hate to be the guy to break it to ya but you’re actually the problem. Over the years Wow has grown, developed and evolved into what it is today. As a player you adapt and roll with the punches or you get left behind. It looks like you’ve been left behind.

Don’t worry tho! Here soon you can spend all day pugging 40 mans, waiting months for gear upgrades, getting refused to groups because you don’t play the right spec. Its all yours soon enough bud!

Hope I helped



I can solve the community issue right now.

Be nice!! OR I shall lock you in a small room and force you to spell check me!

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The idea of a living breathing world is shattered. Its not just the philosophy that shatters, but the design of an mmo without multiple difficulties by nature already has scaling (by level) difficulty designed into it.

From level 1 content goes from simple to complex along with character strength the further you progress your way to max level. When you hit level cap this difficulty starts increasing dynamically and you no longer have levels to help catch you up. Leveling progression turns into gear progression.

So if different difficulty settings are implemented into a system where dynamic scaling had a relatively linear progression, can you see how this would be a very big problem for a development team to keep a gear progression system functional and not give the player who experienced the dynamic system a completely artificial experience?

How is LFD/LFR an “improvement.” They HAD to water down everything so you can afk through it. It just made the majority of the game mindless. This is why everyone left. It’s not fun to be playing mindless content the majority of the time. Warfronts, Island expeditions and WQ continue this mentality. It doesn’t need to be “hard” or time consuming but it’s all afk content.
They made this game for people who don’t even like MMOs and just want to afk in everything.

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LFR is an improvement because you don’t have to sit in trade chat for 45 minutes looking for a tank. While in queue you can go do other things, and if someone happens to leave you can keep going without having to go all the way back to trade chat to find a replacement.

Harder content, that doesn’t use LFR/LFD exists. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Why is everyone so hellbent on removing things if they personally dislike it?


Because we’re at a point in the game where server and guild choice don’t matter at all. You can get through a majority of the game as a solo player. Which is kind of against what made the game great to begin with.

This kid is trying way to hard lolol

No you cant lolol

Everything you do beyond questing involves you being in a group. And even then some quest require you to be in a group.


You misunderstand what I’m saying. Do you need a guild or group of friends to get through a Normal / Heroic raid? No you don’t. Because there’s Group Finder.

Do you need a guild or group of friends to get into Mythic+? No. You need a good IO score and again there’s group finder.

You can Q up for Warfronts and Island Expos.

And most World Quests are soloable outside of the World boss which again, you hit up the Group Finder.

The game simulates community. Without actually having one. Your guild choice and realm choice do not matter. In my eyes it’s a single player experience in an MMORPG.

I recall that time with no LFG tool, it sucked. And LFR is present so people who suck at the game can know the story.

Its sad, but yes plenty of people play this game that can only do upto LFR difficulty.

Only 1% of the gaming population in Vanilla wow had actually SEEN the ending story content. Do we really want to go back to that?

This sort of system works in single player games. It’s less so in MMOs.

Imagine if you weren’t allowed to enter World 8 in the original Super Mario Bros for reasons entirely out of your control. If it had the arbritrary requirement to gather 24 other people together to watch you play it before you’re allowed to even enter. That would suck, right? In WoW you could face a wall that a person cannot cross, not because they lack the skill to beat the challenge, but because they didn’t have the right times open, they didn’t make the right friends, or didn’t sufficiently kiss up to the raid leader capable of organizing things.

It opened up content for everyone and justified the cost of making these epic sprawling raids and dungeons.

It solved a problem many were facing in trying to do this content, which was trying to gather the correct people to do it.

It gives folks an option to not have to submit to a tyrannical raid leader who previously had all the power over you.