Group Finder Needs to Go

Only to bring it back.

You can’t bring back the past

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That’s exactly what they’re doing with Classic.

Except it isn’t. It is not Vanilla.

Well said
 and pretty much my feelings as well as it gets very boring, tiring, sickening and repetitive.


you beat me to it

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How is it not?

Many changes from Vanilla and they are trying to run it on top of their modernized code base. I am playing beta currently and it doesn’t feel exactly the same to me.

How can you remember how everything felt as an overall experience 14 years ago?

 How can everyone remember how great Vanilla was?


You can remember how the expansion made you feel. Like MoP felt great. But if someone was to present it to me again with small and minor changes then I probably wouldn’t recognize them.

From what I’ve seen, most players that are in beta aren’t claiming that Classic doesn’t feel like Vanilla. Hell the listings of bugs that aren’t bugs should say that there are plenty of little things people don’t remember.

Well, you don’t need to use any of those options.

You can go to, say, Stormwind. You can then use the LFG channel (or any channel for that matter) to call out to make a group and travel to the dungeon. That option is still available to you and to everyone who plays.

If enough people believed as you do, you’d have no problem doing that. If you do try it, let me know how it goes. I’m truly interested.


I did what you can call “progression” raiding in Vanilla. So, yeah, I can remember a great many details from the start of the game. I do agree most people can’t remember things correctly. Will it be close to Vanilla sure but it won’t exactly be Vanilla.

Not going to disagree with you there. But the idea of what they’re making is Vanilla. If it’s close to Vanilla then I’m happy to call it Vanilla WoW. If you don’t because there are minor changes but the overall experience is close then that’s fine as well. I won’t fault you for it.

BTW, you back in the game as a player?

I’m playing casually waiting to get on the beta. Looking to get in on Wednesday for the stress test even if it’s for a few levels.

Ok, cool! Hope you get in beta soon. Also, I like your transmog!

Edit: You may need to check your beta preferences to make sure Classic is checked, but you probably already did this. :slight_smile:

Thanks. It’s my Nazjatar/Naga mog for the upcoming patch.

Yep. The game has for years now fostered a community that emphasizes ‘get in, get out, get loot/points/whatever’. You can’t just undo that kind of deep-seated communal behaviour in a day.

One example I love to trot out was the ‘LET THEM WIN’ scourge about a decade ago. If a random BG was looking even slightly off, people would intentionally throw it just to get their honor faster. It didn’t matter if there was a chance at a comeback, they’d rather get their internet-points quicker than have a fun game.

This seeps into all parts of the game. When people just want to get their things as quickly as possible, even at the expense of actual fun, of course they’re not going to stop and chat!

Basically, if you want to foster this kind of community behaviour, stop creating content that incentivizes people to rush through it. If they even have to stop and coordinate for a second, conversation will happen.


Access begins and ends at paying, and you should have picked a genre you didn’t hate to play. Instead you helped ruin the game for those who appreciated it for what it was.