Group Finder Needs to Go

Wrong. Group finder needs to be expanded to include M+0 and beyond. Raid finder needs to be expanded to Normal mode. Leave heroic and mythic raids for the snooty fanatics in raid guilds.

Guilds have always been over rated. The focus on organized guild and group content has been killing WoW and other games like it for years. Free us of guilds and watch subs soar.


Go play another game. You hate mmos.

Group Finder Needs to Go

Said no rational person ever.

I think some of you are trying to be ironic? I don’t see how you could actually believe this.

No LFG/LFR is one of the large reasons “Classic” will fail; It will be the very first complaint posts.


You sound like a broken record.

You mean the ones they don’t post anymore?

When LFD was first introduced we still had communication. That vanished when dungeons became laughably trivial un-failable facerolls, not when a queue was introduced.

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Yea that is a nice QOL change. You don’t like it then group with guild members or friends and leave the rest of us alone. I don’t miss spending forever and a day trying to put a group together. More often then enough by the time you had a full group you would get to the dungeon and someone would have to leave.

Besides it was CRZ and sharding that ruined server community and I would be happy to see those gone.


Anything that gives an excuse not to speak to someone else ruins community.

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Whatever OP. They take away Group Finder and I take away my sub.

Go play Vanilla. Notice how they don’t call it Vanilla, but ‘classic’? Maybe because Vanilla is as descriptive as it needs to be?

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I’d pay good money to watch the keyboard turners to run actual hard content. If they expanded automated queuing into the harder modes it will be tragic. I want to see it for M0 so I can see all the crying for nerfs to it and then I can say I told you so.

I really don’t know why LFD & LFR is needed with sharding/ cross realm groups & flexible difficulty, LFD & LFR should have been cut in WOD.

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if you don’t like it, don’t use it, is really not an intelligent way to look at game design, if Blizzard added a vendor with free mythic gear, if i told you to not get mad about it & just not use it, would you still defend it?

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Because LFD/LFR being in the game and having a vendor that sells the best gear in the game are comparable.

OP says that LFD/LFR hinders a sense of community, but they are entirely optional. You don’t ever have to step foot in LFD/LFR. You can have a community in the sense of a guild.


For starters, anyone who actually played back in Vanilla is 15 years older. Times change. People change. The world changes. (Myself, I started playing just after Cata was released – and I immediately fell head over heels for this game.)

P.S. Just so you know, I am actually, definitely looking forward to Classic.

I am as well and I acknowledge that everyone is going back with some form of knowledge as to what to expect in the game will more than likely create a new experience in some shape or form.

But when thinking about games that have been doing remakes recently like lets say RE2. I’m fully aware that it’s a single player game so I know it’s already different on that front. But the RE franchise went off the deep end for a while with it being more of an action game than trying to simulate a horrifying zombie apocalypse until their most recent game. And then they did the remake. And not only was it a breath of fresh air to most RE fans but it was a complete return to form, and it even made a hilarious meme with the main guy that chases you around. (Mr. X gonna give it to ya) Hell someone made a mod that has “X gon’ give it to ya” play every time he shows up.

Point is I think Classic has a ton of potential to create some more infamous WoW moments with us not only having the knowledge we do, but hopefully bringing in newer players to share the experience with us.

What saddens me about these types of threads the most is that they give no regard to the people they hurt, the folks that rely on these tools to play the game. No solutions to help us, no compensation for its loss…nothing.

They were made originally for a reason, because they were necessary for some of us. Blizz saw the numbers and they were not satisfied.

If you’re going to call for removing tools like LFR and LFD then present an answer for those people you’re going to hurt with their removal. And if you don’t have one, or just want to tell us “sucks to be you”, then your call for this has no validity.


Group finder allowed me to leave the cities and actually experience the content. I didn’t have to make the choice of "do I do some Argent Tourny dailies or do I sit in trade and LFG chat spamming ‘DPS LFG’?

LFD said “You can look for a dungeon AND experience the world. Have fun.”


These threads always come about once every week or so and every time it’s the same answer: No.

For me it was about finally being able to see the dungeons and raids without having the correct set of friends or kissing up to a guild who may or may not be full of bad apples. I was finally able to enter and play in these places without someone telling me that I’m not cool enough to.

LFR and LFD were godsend tools for some of us.


Group finder doesn’t need to go, you do, to classic. go have fun.