Group Finder Needs to Go

This didnt make much sense. You can keep defending BFA style game design IDGAF but it clearly isn’t working.

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So if you really hate people so much why not just make instant dungeons with 4 npcs or LFR with 24 npcs? That would greatly suit your needs.

If we only had a way to set your speed preferences the system could place the slow pace players with each other and the speed demons with each other. (it could also indicate the prefrence next to the char HP bar just in case they where mixed.) That would make it so the group’s would be sure of who wanted what and could find a nice pace for everyone. That may help people to have a more enjoyable experience.

EEAp…nm I keep forgetting Forum people only want to complain. Pay no attention to this interesting system idea that may solve a problem I put before you.
(jingles her shiney keys)


Every aspect of the game effects the type of community that develops around it. Sure, theoretically I could get a small group of people who restricted how they played together. But that doesn’t create what I’m after at all.

We would be playing a different game than 99% of the people on the server. We wouldn’t be a part of any kind of larger community. The AH would be filled with mats and items gathered by people from LFD. Anyone you run into in PvP would have the advantage of having farmed content via group finder.

You’re also constantly running into people from other servers.

There’s no comparison.

You can already experience that in the present game. That is why the motives behind these types of threads are suspect. There is nothing stopping anyone from not using group finder right now. If you don’t like it don’t use it.

However, these people are asking blizzard to remove that choice from other people as well and that is where the problem comes in. Why, why don’t they want other people have a choice to use it ?

I find it very interesting most people who claim they want community are the exact opposite of people I would want to play with.


So, I assume you essentially hate the process of playing this game, and only sub/log on to experience the content once, and then unsub/log off until the next patch, no? You never want to level other alts or experience what it would be like to play a different class/spec in an old raid or dungeon? That’s why people play the same content over and over as long as it’s current, but as soon as it isnt it magically becomes painful right? That’s somehow different? What you’re describing here is literally the endgame content of any expac.

I have 3 or 4 games that are so well designed and beloved to me I go back to replay on a yearly basis. I’ve played them a lot more than 5 times. Still love 'em. I think a lot of people probably feel the same way about old WoW content. Shame.

If you’re going to keep playing that game, then you should be perfectly happy being grouped up with some chatty AI.


Vanilla and TBC had a crapload of dungeons. Also the crawl to endgame was much slower so pacing was a lot better.

For M+ content that probably wouldnt be too hard honestly. Only an X amount of players will still have the same amount of keys. But outside of mythic pluses that would not work, I would agree with you there. Im not aruging for his view on content, I’m just saying that reverting to older design philosophy could easily work in today’s environment.

Most people playing today didnt even play vanilla or were too young too young to understand why WoW worked so well. You see it with younger streamers eating their own words with how they thought classic would be bad. Blizzard can keep ignoring the importance of community to their own detriment but the OG WoW team knew exactly what they were doing. Granted class balance wasnt the greatest at the time, but most everything else was on point(besides server stability, think I had over 30 days of free game time).

It’s not going anywhere, so your complaints are moot. Group finder leaving won’t change a thing except make it even harder to form a group.


Y’know there’s a simple solution to this. Either don’t use the tool, or go play classic. Group finder should stay. If you have issues, just like flying, don’t use it. That simple.


I don’t really have a dog in the LFG debate. It helped me see a lot of content I would have never gotten to see w/o it. But I understand why there’s a big chunk of old skool players miss the WoW w/o it. I’m just here bc of the derail about making old content relevant again.

You have no proof it isn’t working though ? My servers and guilds are active, the auction house is active. Just because some group of people got together and said they don’t like BfA, doesn’t mean the majority of people don’t like BfA.

You are basing your entire argument on an assumption that probably isn’t even true.

No? I dislike the leveling process. Doing end game stuff is more enjoyable to me.

I have six alts at 120 and eight more at 110 or higher.

Apparently you’re really bad at explaining what you want. Don’t get angry at me because I can’t read your mind.

People who make these threads weren’t there at the beginning. I was there. It gives you a certain perspective. You don’t want to lose the LFG tool. Oh sure there’s a bit more community using the old method (spamming chat LF1M (no hunters) PST). But really that’s not what you actually want removed.

It’s the instant teleport that you want removed. Leave the group finder tool in. Delete the instant port. Suddenly you’ll find people will be a lot less toxic if they have to wait 10min for a replacement. It’s already happining in Classic beta. People waiting around for others strike up conversations etc.

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Using BfA as an argument tool is laughable considering Legion did just fine and is considered one of the top expansions by many. Guess what? It has group finder. Maybe the issue isn’t modern WoW? Could it be… This expansion is one they messed up and it’s not due to QoL stuff? Yep.


The API data leak? Oh ya, I forgot, those numbers were totally “not real”. lol

lol. So this is what you are going with? BFA is a successful xpac? Alright, think what you will, no skin off my nose.

Of course it’s not going anywhere and yes it would make grouping harder(at least initially) but it isnt a 0 sum game, there would be benefits to such a thing as well. Regardless they need to at least either adjust the LFG tool or give larger incentives to not using it. They clearly see the need to reestablish community with their clumsy attempt at community channels.

So we agree on that.

Read the thread.

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If you don’t like it then don’t use it.


A community is what you make it these days, not what is forced upon you.

Classic will die within a month once people see what it was actually like, mark my words.

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I want people to be able to choose to use it. But I also want separate servers that don’t have it, because that would create a different type of community than what exists on servers nowadays.

There’d also be no CRZ, so you’d never see people who aren’t on your server there.

There are many factors about modern WoW that effect the type of community that forms. LFD is just one of them.

Pristine realms solve those issues without taking anything away from anyone.

Saying we can just experience that on regular servers demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of why people want this type of game.