Grobbulus Mass DC

Only ONE RP-PVP server. No excuse here Blizz, get it together. 10k queues, use your head.


Why is this only happening on Grobbulus? Why not other servers?


other servers have streamersā€¦


somethign just tripped up and DCed eastern kingdoms. the problem isnt the DC imo, its that it dumped all of the players into the back side of a queue that they already waited through, or avoided and deserved to be ahead of. stuff is going to DC sometimesā€¦


Didnā€™t think choosing this server to avoid streamers would have a drawback.

Ya, my friend and I were in as soon as the servers went live and we made it to level 7. My group of 4 was running to do some of the quests in western Tirisfal Glades and then all of a sudden, thbbz, disconnected. I donā€™t mind it too much, to be honest, because I understand that everyone should be allowed a turn, but Blizzard probably shouldā€™ve prepared a little bit better. XD Someone said at one point, the queue for Grobbulus was 12,000 (yes, thatā€™s right) man queue and was around a 400 minute wait time.

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People who have not started yet have the option to switch to one of the new realms, those of us who made the time to get in and wait thru the first queue, only to get kicked, are sitting here with level 11+ are completely SoL. Somewhat unlikely at this point we will see the other side of this queue


Highest level on the server, 20 minutes ahead of the next person.
On the menethil docks, making bandages waiting for the boat. 2 minutes until Iā€™m in darkshore. Eastern Kingdoms crashes, 2 hour queue. This is surreal. Going to be fun in Ashenvale/Stonetalon now that the horde have a head start.


I was horde, we got dcā€™ed tooā€¦ I donā€™t think it was a crash.

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I was in the first login wave in Deathknell, got to like lvl 8 or something then DCā€™ed, 8818 in Q now. Was planning on staying up all night now I think itll be wiser to sleep and check the Q in the morning. Disappointed.


Looks like it was Eastern Kingdoms that crashed.

This is entirely unacceptable for an RP-PvP server. Several people are going to be behind just because they were on the wrong continent.

Literally just finished the elf death run only to get kicked running up to Ironforge.
Absolutely cannot wait to try Stranglethorn after being behind a few hours because of thisā€¦ if I can even get back on tonight.


Iā€™m horde and got d/c as well.

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So how many viewers do I need to skip the Queue Boss? Creating my stream now Blizzard, just want that instant login and disconnect protection please


Yeah, I was already in queue for 2 hours, then almost choked on my beer when it went 6820, 6815, 710.


Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms?

Yup, I was 11,800 and 415 minute time for queue when I first tried to join it 2.5 hours ago.

I think bothā€¦ I saw an alliance guy with same issue talking on the forums here.

Did yā€™all get DCā€™ed again? My queue just dropped from 80+ minutes to 14 minutes without me moving any places up in the queue. Still over 5k in line.

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Same here. Group of friends got in literally within 2 minutes of the button going live. Ran good for almost exactly 3.5 hours and boomā€¦ mass disconnect! So itā€™s definitely something to cycle groups through and cut ques down. So now my friends, stream, and I sit and wait. All part of the experience! Kappa


Same. Position 5666. Time: 15 minutes.

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