Griefing WSG As a Premade Mostly Streamers

Mind Control wasn’t the problem, the portal was the problem. You can still use MC in any battleground.

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Yep - you can mc people for hours and it isnt griefing. It only became an issue when forcing that player to exit the portal.

10m priest mc premade inc!

This team (I know which one because I’ve played against it several times) utilizes most of the safe spots and jumps for their griefing, which is one of the reasons why they can stall for so long. On top of that they’re fully consumed, all have engi and have been playing together for a very long time.

They have full control of 95% of their games without using the spots, why do they have to go that extra mile to grief.

Because thats what they enjoy doing - none of what you listed is against the tos. None of it. When you say the safespot - do you mean exploit the game map to get to places that cant be reached by normal means? Thats against the tos - and not under the heading of griefing - it falls under the case of exploiting terrain.

Using safe spots to go to places where the enemy team cannot kill you, then repeatedly dropping and picking up the flag for 20 minutes is 100% griefing the battleground.

You can be as thick as you want, it’s not gonna change that fact.

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This isnt what was being discussed in this thread.

Still reachable via normal means and not against the tos by any means.

Stop changing what i have said to fit your narrative.

I’m telling you what I have observed this same team do. If you kill their FC, they will throw a fit. They’re a high level team and if they decide to turtle roof 9/10 teams they face arent gonna be able to push them out.

They’re bottom tier people and deserve a good couple day ban.


On what basis? They outplayed you. As much as you dont like it - its not against the tos to not cap a flag. Its not against the tos to run a perfect defense and spam click the flag for 30 mins - you could do it for days and it still isnt breaking any rule.

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I don’t think any one is asking for a timed game. I think what they are asking for is if someone is deliberate playing WSG with the intent of forcing the other team to /afk out and take a debuff, then something needs to be done about it.

No one is complaining about a a turtle. It’s when the on team is avoiding ending the game for 30+ minutes while constantly dropping and picking up the flag to troll the other team even when they could end the game now.

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It horrible content… he is just standing there for hours making the noise over and over

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I understand completely what they and you mean. But to call it out as an actionable offence is absurd - no one has ever been actioned against for not capping a flag - ever.

The issue here is the losing side gives up and wants the game to end - by everyone elses logic - they too should be actioned for not playing the game as inteneded.

You keep repeating that like it’s a 100% foolproof solution. If a Pug is facing a high-ranked premade, often times they won’t even register a single killing blow to anyone on the premade team, yet you think the solution is as simple as “go and kill them DERP”. How about just end the game you are dominating and the other team has conceded instead of trying to force a 15 min deserter debuff on to other players. That’s 100% grieifng and if Blizzard was smart they would start banning these toxic jackasses.

It is a foolproof solution. If you can’t kill them then take the penalty, learn from what happened and get better for the next game. Maybe next time you’ll start your own premade.

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Griefing is an actionable offence. This is clearly griefing by the standards laid out in blizzards ToS. Playing defense is fine if you’re playing the game, but sitting with 10 on D, you flag ready to be capped, simply extending out the game in hopes you can get the other team to afk out and take a debuff is griefing.

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Since when it not capping griefing? We just want to PvP in our PvP battleground. Isn’t that what everyone was complaining about before? No PvP happening in AV?

They arent PvPing either unless you assault up the banana. At which point you’re sappered into oblivion while 2 warriors focus targets. Even knowing exactly what’s coming theres not much you can do to them. They’re all r12+ maximum sweaties. You arent breaking their turtle. I’d love to see your reaction to a Horde team doing the same to you. You won’t though, cause Horde finish games.

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We had this happen to our premade last night when Vampire Clan got mad at us for camping their graveyard with their flag. It was 30 minutes of them picking up and dropping our flag on their roof. 300g of sappers etc wasted by them. We all reported them but I’m sure nothing will happen. We had to afk out and have the time of 8 pugs wasted as they would not let up.


I dont know if they have or have not, neither do you.
But that matters not a bit one way or the other.

Again, it is up to Blizzards interpretation, and they reserve the right to reconsider their views at any time.

You’ll never get these toxic kids to agree with you that it’s griefing, but thanks for trying. I’m simply amazed at the level of degenerate behavior that some humans find acceptable. I can only hope that none of these despicable human beings have children so that their poor genes are not distributed throughout humankind any further. At least we have this thread to identify some of the scumbags that make up the classic wow community, and Shame on Blizzard for allowing this behavior to continue.


It’s sad when the original Vanilla WoW playerbase is starting to look like socially well adjusted and normal people compared to what we have today.