Griefing WSG As a Premade Mostly Streamers

Imagine being THIS bad at WSG

Lol, the Grobb Horde prems that wipe the floor with you has issues with this team. Imagine being beat by the people getting beat with this tactic… Oh wait

oh no… you beat our for fun group… nice job tryhard…

Lol, you were the one coming in here trying to call people losing/being griefed by Yesmaster bad. They’re the WSG equivalent of the private server guilds who’ve been running Naxx endlessly for 10 years. Complete sweats who spend hundreds of gold on consumes to use vs other teams.

The teams I run with are made of good players trying to hit b13-14. We arent WSG pros and dont use consumes other than FAPs for the FC and warriors. I guess if you wanna call that tryhard go ahead, but it works for us and gives us a super high winrate, so whatever works right?

I can’t read that essay… please shorten it a bit… thank you!

Yesmster’s team > my team > pug > your team.

Gitgud, cant call players bad when you yourself cant win vs them. Thanks try again.

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sorry I can’t critique that thesis for you, shorten it up a bit!

4chan died in '09

I don’t know what 4chan has to do in this conversation, sorry!

You seem to not know a lot. In the future, leave the trolling to the real trolls, you seem lost here.

you did it champ

You ever been on a mage’s KoS list? Congrats! You made it!

Idk? Hard to say. Considering premature are allowed I’m assuming, it’s equal playing field. Just because you’re not on a premade and didn’t plan ahead doesn’t mean it’s their fault. If the other side is outplayed, then they’re outplayed.

i get trolling with mind control can be funny sometimes.
but how is this hilarious?
its straight creepy/sad bm

it is legitimate autism and or social neglect. technology accelerated many things since original wow.


And before it was a problem, discord premades weren’t stopped either. What’s your point?

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Do you know how many times i have intentionally done this in retail for 15 years? I have a habit of seeing a premade while joining wsg as a pug and the second i see a fap/invul pot used in wsg i turn to ‘turtle and slow their honor per hour mode’. I dont want to win, i want to slow their wins. Not against the tos

The short answer is upon seeing this premade - dont let them get a flag - run a heavy defense. Make their game to even pickup and hold the flag ten times harder before they get into a position of being able to set up heavy defense.

/sarcasm enabled
“Why not ask for map changes to be made”
“Why not ask for a debuff on the efc”
“Why not ask for timed games”
"Why not go play retail where all of these things have ruined wsg for the worse, because games become a race to cap first and then farm kills"

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“Why not discourage this toxic, degenerate behavior by banning them?”

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Because you cant ban someone that hasnt broken the tos.

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