Griefers Rejoice - Reputation griefing Zerith Mortis

If IRL is requiring you to immediatly shut down your PC…that is fine and dandy…do it.

It won’t disband the group. You’ll go offline.

The OP is talking about someone who is, mid fight with a rare, disbanding the group so people get ported back to their shard.

I didn’t know that. Anytime I’ve had to bail, I always promoted anyone to lead and logged before shutting down. Regardless, I wouldn’t read into the intentions of the lead beyond, ‘what a dink!’ And move on with life.

You don’t appear to be in a guild tho’.

It’s certainly someone intentionally being a donkeyhat. There is no conceivable reason I can think of (and I doubt truly exists) why someone would need to immediately disband a group mid rare pull.

People are just jerks and plenty of people take advantage of their online anonymity to screw over other people with no perceivable gain other than the knowledge and “satisfaction” of knowing you did a mean thing to them.

Holding you accountable and pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. Sounds like from your response, you are pretty high on the spectrum, how unfortunate,

Shadowlands is the last xpac actiblizz will ever produce. 10.0 will be on Msoft. I don’t see folks who are working for a company that is being sold to ‘try hard’. All that’s left are the ‘gimme my paycheck’ types.

You joined their group, they were lead, it’s their choice to do as they will with it. That means disbanding as well.

Welcome to player power/choice. Blizzard gave you that choice too. You could have made your own group too and not been bothered by it.

Blizzard cannot police every action of the player. They give them the do’s and do not’s and set them free in the world. They rely on the players to make the best decisions for themselves. And some times you get jerks, other times you get lovely folks. Tis the roll of the die sir.

i could see your point about some folks working less…unfortunely, MSoft won’t invest on ActiBlizz until mid 2023

I’m talking about it from the point of view of employees who are working for a dead company. There’s no guarantee that they will even have a job when 10.0 drops. This is demotivating and it is easy to postulate no one working there really gives 2 hoots about the health of the game.

You are so very wrong.

10.0 is already well underway and has been since Shadowlands launched. Do you honestly think Blizzard doesn’t start designing and coding for the next patch until the next is fully done? That isn’t how it works.

The next expansion and probably even the first major content patch are already more or less set in stone as far as expected features and stuff.

I think it isn’t even likely MS will have any say or influence on anything related to the next expansion period. Quite possibly even for the expansion after that (assuming there is one).

Given the amount of incomplete and bugged, unpolished content, yes I would say they really are clueless. I think it’s more like kewk at that company these days.

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Well I don’t hate to break it to you, but software development doesn’t work the way you clearly think it does. Contrary to what you apparently want to believe, but there are teams of people who were working on 9.1 when 9.0 launched…just like when we were all in BfA just starting to take the fight to Nzoth, the team was hard at work building out Shadowlands.

They didn’t just wrap out BfA and then start fresh coding up SL and deciding on the conceptual designs for covenants and Torghast and whatnot. By that same logic, Even if MS finished acquiring them and day 1 wanted to force a total course correction, it would be far too late to stop probably, at least, 2 major content patches.

I think it’s aspirational but possible we “may” see their influence as early as 11.0 at the absolute earliest.

There’s no guarantee that Msoft will even keep retail wow, the real value left in wow for msoft are it’s art assets. This will make the cut and paste devs lives easy as the next wow xpac could very well be ‘Candy Crush: Wrath of the Lich King.’

Thats funny af

There’s no guarantee you or I or anyone else reading this will be alive in 24 hours. Life can just go that way.

WoW may not be the number 1 MMO anymore (and isn’t…FFXIV is), but it still pulls in a hefty chunk of cash is almost certainly is in the solid green before even taking into account all the various cash shop items and services. It would be pretty stupid for MS to just be like “shut it all down and slap Illidan’s face on some promo materials”. Far more likely is for MS to roll a WoW sub into their xbox pass thing and look to bring it to consoles…which the actual number 1 MMO has done for years now.

I also hunger and thirst for righteousness my brother/sister. Rarely will we find it this side of glory. I agree with fighting for the principal and I can pray that whomever owns the game this week, will actually listen instead of trying to sweep it under. There are good honorable people who play this game. Seek them out. I hope you find hope in this. Much love, Zar <3

I’m very confused, because I’ve been killing rares every day and… haven’t seen any rep tokens except for ONE token I got on the first day…

Yeah, I’ve killed like a hundred rares or more and I have yet to see this. I have no idea what they’re talking about. I do know that 10 rep is worth just about nothing and won’t matter in the long run, even if you could farm these things.

Same. Never seen the token but according to WoWhead, Akkaris, Garudeon, General Zarathura, Mother Phestis, and the rates needed for the Dine Dominance achievement give 15 rep when killed. Everyone else is 10.

I can understand OP being mad if they had killed the rare and not received credit but there’s nothing about a rep token as a drop.

I wonder if he’s thinking about the inscription thing that gives rep when doing world quests?