Grief kicked from a dungeon so you have to wait the Dungeon Deserter timer

Oh people did, because they had to. What you seem to be intentionally glossing over is that the group then has to requeue and wait for a replacement. In the case of tanks this wait is generally not insignificant. You are asking people to wait in the queue to get a group, and then once they finally manage to get inside an instance they have to start waiting in their second queue.

You can certainly disagree with me. You can disregard the play experience for all those groups. What I doubt you will be able to do is convince Blizzard to reverse their own decision to give kicked players the debuff. Unlike you they will consider all the implications of such a change.

I personally only once got a kick for no aparent reason right before last boss in zul ferrak. Didnt bother me really. But my wife who has nerve damage that affects her hand has been kicked many times because of her adjusted playstyle and having lower than normal dps. I even helped make a macro for her so she can warn groups in advance though ot does seem to have helped her id say she still gets removed more than she should via the kick feature from folks who want to be elitest. I personally wouldnt mind if it acryally told you the reason you where voted off yhe island at least.


My favorite people to vote kick are the ones doing low dps, not doing mechanics, no gems, no enchants, and pvp gear. Not my fault they should still be in normals getting relevant pve gear and reading a wowhead guide. Put forth an effort, that’s all I gotta say.

Oh and the ones who just ignore you when you’re trying to explain to them how the dungeon works, but fully know how to communicate when you kick em. Goodbye :wave:

I think its a really poor decision to give the person getting the boot a deserter debuff, perhaps modify it so that if it happens twice in a certain time period they get a big deserter debuff, it doesn’t happen often but I’ve had them even as a healer doing my job well


It was worse when this didnt happen.

Tanks were selling their queue times to dps to skip people past the queue for gold, then would have them vote kick the tank. Thats why the deserter debuff effects those who were vote kicked.

Yeah suggesting WoWhead id kick you so fsst youd blink and have the debuff little bro lol

You’re a jerk, and part of the problem. This is RDF, new and experienced players will be in there. Have a little bit of common sense and humanity.

That’s absolutely the stupidest reason to give people a 30 minute debuff. Once a boss is killed, this should go away completely. I’ve been 3 bosses in, kicked because I won a piece of gear and 30 minute debuff. That’s CRAP.

I don’t care how people are abusing the system, the average joe is getting trampled in it, and its unfair.

Except they’re not the people claiming that frivolous vote kicks are common are just flat out lying.

And for that matter I haven’t seen bad behavior at any greater rate than before RDF.

Oh it’s much worse than in WOTLK, because everyone just ran the ICC heroic and finished it in 10 minutes. There was no reason to kick anyone for the most part because it was over so fast. The fact that it’s tied to your weekly valor grind is what is driving this behavior to finish “faster”, regardless of who queues in and no dungeons are “fast” anymore.

Here are easy fixes to this issue:

  1. 30 minute dungeon debuff if you LEAVE the dungeon on your own for any reason during the dungeon.

  2. If you are kicked from the dungeon, there is no dungeon debuff, only RDF cooldown of up to 10 minutes, countdown starts after first trash is pulled.

  3. If you leave the dungeon or are kicked at any time, you are queued for the same dungeon again and must complete before you can move on to a new random dungeon, but you receive no debuff. Alternately, they could present the user with a choice after being removed from group “Queue for same dungeon or receive a 20 minute debuff”.

Please don’t lump those of us with disabilities in the same camp as people who wanna ignore the problems other players face because they themselves don’t encounter it.

That being said, onto the topic at hand, it is quite amazing that people are sooooo blind to the fact that people are scum and when you have the ability to vote to kick someone from the group for literally any reason, there’s gonna be people who abuse that. It’s as simple as that.

Now, does it happen all the time? I wouldn’t say that but it sure as hell happens and anyone trying to say it doesn’t is just wearing blinders and ignoring the reality that other players are seeing.

So you realize that in the last phase of wrath the people who were just there for the daily gamma could specific queue HoR and still get the reward right?

They weren’t being forced to do an awful dungeon like OK or AN.

Yes it happens, it doesn’t however happen anywhere near enough to justify the amount of trolling that removing kick penalties opens up.

And if you’re getting kicked unfairly more than once in a blue moon it’s a you issue.

So, people don’t already troll with vote to kick right? Give me a break.

Not really? If it’s an unfair kick that’s happening because you’re unlucky and getting the toxic guild groups or the people who wanna abuse vote to kick because the RDF matchmaking put you with them, that’s not on the players at all.

Like I said, does it happen often where someone gets unfairly kicked? No, but it does happen so anyone deluding themselves into believing that it doesn’t happen or that people who get unfairly kicked deserve it are just being intentionally obtuse.

Have your own set of morals in the group. I treat it like my job its there for me to do things I want to do in my game life. A means to an end. The other people in there are not your friends so they could care less about you. Some servers seem more toxic than others though so be careful (ie Grobulus my ignore list is full of that server). Always best to team up with guild members or people from your server. So if you get to a group and they start needing on greens just leave or get kicked it doesn’t matter.

It’s a good thing I didn’t say anything about new players.

I simply said there are two general rules:

  1. Don’t be a jerk
  2. Don’t play poorly

That’s it.