How does Blizzard expect us to take them seriously? I just don’t get how such a stupid obviously grief mechanic stays in the game this long. We actually pay money every month for this game and they can’t even think 1 step ahead? Level 75, I was top dps in my end game raid gear from BC, not pulling at all, and just chilling while the 3 person pre-made party took their sweet time and then I’m getting the kick? and it was wrath levelling content of all things.
They probably got a laugh in discord knowing I had to wait 30 minutes and carried on with their life’s.
Just pathetic honestly.
Got kicked last night, and when i whispered them asking why they said my dps was to low (i was higher dps than the 1 dps and only slightly behind the other).
They were a guild group.
So i reported them with the in game report system and put “abusing vote kick” in the details box.
All you can do is report it when you see it, and hope Blizz removes their ability to do so because of the abuse.
Yup, this is happening all over the place. But get ready for some people to declare their undying doubt.
People with learning disabilities will say “but it doesn’t happen to me!!!” Like that is at all irrelevant.
When a system in theory can be abused, it is a flawed system. Empiricism doesn’t need to play a role. Premade guild groups can kick you for the chaos orb, because you are not 360 ilvl, because you share gear with one of them, or just to make you waste 30 minutes and not get valor. There is NOTHING stopping them from doing this. It doesn’t matter “if it doesn’t happen to you” on your one character that did heroics for gear the first 3 days of the expansion. Low geared people DO get kicked now. People are 9k gs and don’t want slow dungeons.
There’s typically more to the story with these types of things. As a general rule of thumb:
- Don’t be a jerk
- Don’t play poorly
Follow these two rules and you will be fine in 99% of your dungeon groups.
Anyone can be kicked for any reason and reporting being kicked does nothing as being kicked is not something CS will or can help with nor it is against any of the rules to kick someone. Intent doesn’t matter here.
If you live in constant fear of being kicked just make your own group and go. I do it pretty regularly but my solo runs have always been fine.
I’ve done a ridiculous amount of dungeons on 2 characters since Cata launch and haven’t been kicked once.
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They could fix this easily too.
If all the “yes” votes are from the same premade party queueing in, no deserter debuff.
This should prevent both hostage taking (kick me so I can get another dungeon) and most of the griefing.
Its all a pipe dream though. The single dev on cata can’t even fix game breaking bugs like raid lockouts randomly forking and ruining an entire raid night. Net new features are totally out of the question.
I was on my Boomie last night, after downing the first boss easily, next thing, I am out with a 30 min penalty.
I have done all dungeons many times on multiple alts. I know all the mechanics. My conclusion is my DPS was not high enough for the person who initiated the kick.
I took it with stride, and waited, then joined another group with no issues.
How can you self reflect and not point fingers? Come on, you’re the victim of a conspiracy!
Just a bunch of victims, waiting to be accosted.
Nothing you can do when queueing for LFD. Roll the dice and hope to get a good group.
Sometimes when I join and there’s 3 or 4 guildies I just drop the group before I’m kicked LOL. Switch to different character and carry on.
Who is playing the victim? Simply staring what happened doesnt mean i feel oppressed or the victim of some crime. Some people are abusing the system. But i dont think the system as a whole needs to change.
If blizzard gets enough reports of an individual (s) abusing the system they should lose their ability to use it or have it limited if they show a pattern of abuse of the vote kick tool.
There was a system in place (idk if it was late cata or mop that it was added) that increased the time it took for you to be able to vote kick if you did it to often, but that system seems to not be in the system we have now.
How often has this happened to you?
Around 6 times since cata classic launched.
It isnt overly common, but it does happen.
And i do most of my dungeons with friends/guildies. And i have voted to kick a few people, but it was for afk or leeching (not afk but not helping the group, this was an issue when leveling and people trying to get free experience).
Vote kick shouldnt be removed, but they do need some type of system added to prevent abusing the vote kick.
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I guess you’re just a god among men, then.
Once upon a time there was no debuff if you got kicked. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, players abused this. When a player got an instance they did not like, they would simply tell the group to kick them and they would afk until they did. This was super common among tanks because they could instantly get another instance.
I was also recently reminded of the tank queue selling. Tanks would take gold just to queue up with a dps and then demand to be kicked as soon as the instance loaded, thus helping the dps skip to the front of the queue. Happened all the time.
No, I just don’t do anything that will get me kicked.
Amazing how that works out right lol? It’s also amazing that the people that cry about the system and getting kicked all the time, also always seem to have a trash attitude in their posts/reply. Hmmm I wonder if that crosses over to how they talk to people in game.
In another thread by one of Hottiepants many forum alts, I pointed out that I’ve never seen a single person kicked for performance. It’s always been somebody who’s being toxic in chat chat or somebody simply being AFK.
That’s how we know you… haven’t had it abused against you.
I haven’t either, until i have. That’s kinda how it goes.
Viz, stop stalking me, dude. You’re mad I’m done with you in one thread, so you seek the attention in this one. I would point out YOUR bad attitude, but that’s the whole point. You use it to goad out responses.
Have fun with that. Bye, get your last word!