Great news from Blizzard!

That’s somehow comforting, yet unsettling at the same time lol.

You missing the point being made is irrelevant. The fact that you see something wrong with kids playing in a moving car and Okinawan people do not is a perfect example of a cultural difference where diversity can be used to improve a company.

Let’s use the reverse example to see if we can drive the point home.

A Japanese company is manufacturing a new type of vehicle, and due to their cultural differences they overlook certain safety features. You are working at the company as an American, and you immediately notice that the vehicle could probably benefit from some seatbelts. Boom, diversity win.

Again, 40 MPH was their expressway (freeway). Most of their roads had like 30 KPH speed limits, and like I said, it looked insane to me, but culturally they probably didn’t have as many tragic accidents because they weren’t driving as fast and therefore weren’t bombarded with public safety announcements etc.

How? Plenty of American parents buy their kids shotguns or rifles or even handguns…I’m sure that Japanese people look at us like we are absolutely bonkers for doing so, but here in America it’s 100% perfectly normal and acceptable. I think this is actually a very good parallel example, and the fact that you default to labeling it as a troll and dismissing it confirms this and let’s me know that it hit a little too close to home for you.

Same thing with vaccinations. The entire concept of freedom and liberty and no government infringing on my rights is a very American thing. The idea that you would put your kid’s lives in danger because of political ideologies probably makes zero sense to people living in Japan.

So, you aren’t wrong in saying seatbelts are better than no seatbelts, but what’s your point? Every culture and society will do some good things and some not so good things. The more diverse we are, we can share the good things and discard the crap.

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Opportunity should have no race or gender requirements. They should simply be opportunities for anyone whose actual skills fit the position best. Lunacy right?

It wasn’t self inflated until the lunatics started running the asylum.

As an executive in a very large corporation who went thru this years ago be careful because it was a disaster for us. (retired from said company) Passing over qualified candidates for the right mix gaurantees some bad hires. Put some in key positions and it will come back and bite you. It can also make those qualified who were passed over quit to make a bad situation worse. IMO all hiring should be both color and gender blind.


lol. Get out. You’re not even trying.

Diverse how exactly?

Bro I had a shotgun at 15 are you seriously not aware that a lot of people in this country hunt?

I’m a hunter, and have been since I was legally allowed to. I also understand the significance of keeping my rifles under lock and key in a safe. How does that equate to someone thinking 40mph is safe enough to let kids play around in a back seat? You’re using ambiguous moral equivocations to assert a moot point.

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Now if only they would hire based on merit. You know, as in skills and abilities.

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You just gave me hope.

I both agree with, and applaud your statement.

Willy Wonka: So shines…

Japan? No.

They don’t go oh we don’t have enough gaijin (foreigner, non Japanese)…we must fix that. This includes legal aliens. I was one for a time when I left the Marines. I was a registered alien under my wife’s sponsorship.

as they have rules.

Like literacy and language skills. You must be at this certified level to work here. And it ain’t I can read a manga levels either. Manga is lower level you see. Many will even put the hiragana over the kanji.

Work for a Japanese corp…you need to know that kanji no help.

So there is no we must hire more non Japanese. Even if they are racking up categories like minority, female, disabilities. Can’t get the language cert pass…it ends there.

You look at the Okinawan person letting their kids not wear a seatbelt playing in the back of the car and think “that’s unsafe, those people are stupid, I would never do that”.

Meanwhile, they are thinking “I’m obviously not going to have an accident, I know how to drive, this is perfectly safe”.

The Okinawan person looks at you and says to themselves “this dumb American is insane giving their kid a fully functioning firearm”.

Meanwhile, you are thinking “I’m obviously not going to have an accident, I know how to properly and safely handle my firearm, this is perfectly safe”

The only point I’m making is different cultures have different experiences, and therefore different values and ways of thinking. Someone that isn’t American is probably going to be way less comfortable around guns than someone who is American, the same way that someone from L.A. probably doesn’t freak out during an earthquake whereas someone from New York would be more likely to panic.

No one culture is perfect. People from Boston are probably generally more knowledgeable when it comes to fishing or catching clams than someone from Iowa, but less well versed in farming corn.

We all have things we are good at and things where we have deficiencies. If you come from the same town and have the same background, the probability that you share said skills or deficiencies is higher. Thus…diversity wins.

No, because your argument falls apart when it’s not simply up to you being a good driver. There are other people on the road driving as well? So, if you get hit while driving 40mph, even though you’re the safest driver on the road, does that not render the behavior of allowing children to stay unbuckled unsafe? Or are we going to continue using a silly argument, while trying to bring culture into it?

And don’t bother saying “there are other hunters out there as well”. The statistics on having hunting accidents is significantly less than the possibility of getting in a car accident.

As a female, I second this! I also worked through the affirmative action period and most often in order to hit their diversity quotas the right people were not hired for the job. It wasn’t fair to that person, who was put into the position of having to do something they weren’t necessarily qualified to do, the people they had to work with, or the customers of the business.

I agree with this. Back in the day, when the company I worked for had parties, they’d get pretty wild, and the women weren’t innocent little angels. In fact, our company drunk was a woman.

So? You can’t seem to see the forest through the trees mate. I give up, you are too dense to have any sort of nuanced discussion.

Sounds like we should stop hiring people from universities.

What studies back this up? I’m probably just searching poorly. I’ve heard it a lot but never actually seen anything.

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Preach brother.

It’s great news when talented people who were the best for the job get hired. Nothing else matters. Otherwise we get… Shadowlands…

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Many small businesses are under staffed and struggling to find any employees at all. Corporate America on the other hand is in such a luxurious position they can afford to not hire qualified and talented people based on skin color analytics. Talk about out of touch.