Great Job: I quit

Easier way would just make quests reward more XP, make new quest chains that start at the end of existing ones, tie runes to open world quests. Super easy.

But all that stuff went to NI so that’s what devs want us doing.

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Yeah, also quit for same reasons, + rolling alliance and that being a massive game ruining mistake months into sod, it hasn’t been fun for over a month, p3 is just worse.

Now I know why Aggrend was no changes for so long now lol, they aren’t capable of executing them.

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For anyone reading who didn’t play Classic, this is just not the case. Zones were populated at least through to P5.


Simply untrue. Remember all the gripe about how questing was inefficient because all the leveling comes were full on every layer?

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So “you think you do, but you don’t”? People like you will never learn how wrong you are about that, apparently, not even the massive success of no changes Classic.

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You’re quitting cuz of one tiny little fraction of your experience of the game

That’s cringe
Give gold though

You mean like the thousands of players who quested out in the world in P2?

can I have your gold

too long didn’t read get wrecked try neopets

It’s an experiment to see how much low quality buggy garbage their base will put up with before quitting. If they can figure that out, they can optimize the decline in quality to the point where they can fire everyone and just have an AI handle everything.

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I stopped playing WoW for a bit there, but I’m like 99% sure they nerf all bosses eventually.
I remember plenty of nerfs during Wrath. And I’m 100% sure there was more going forward (when I started playing less)
So I don’t know why so many people cling to this “it’s too easy” thing. This game has always catered to casuals until heroic+ type stuff started showing up. And then there was a place for the casual and the sweats to congregate.

Other than that, I’m sorry PvP happened on a PvP server. Rip.

Some classes having advantages just from being that class is the classic experience. And they keep it going in BC. Who else had mass dispel? Who else gets spell steal? Etc.

Goobye goober

But if people just wanted Classic, then they’d play… Classic. From the beginning this was supposed to be a modernization of Classic, still keeping a lot of the old elements so there’s an element of nostalgia, but at the same time updating the things that weren’t that great, like class balance.

Mail me your gold… name is spelled the same.

I think this is the key takeaway and what is fundamentally flawed about the season. Honor has been trivialized. Rep has been trivialized. Leveling has been trivialized.

This is why they had to cut phase two short. They theorized that all the dad gamers would just keep playing and raid logging and that would be great.

But as happy as they make their reddit posts, they aren’t subscribing. They aren’t what makes the game tick. They aren’t the player base. They are game connoisseurs that go from game to game. They aren’t going to keep subscribing here.

MMOs are for grinding. You can excel by dedicating a lot of time. Trying to eliminate that by time gating just isn’t going to work. Especially if you trivialize what people grind.

So hopefully they’ll figure this out. The sooner the better. Phase 4 would be nice.

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The market is absolutely trashed right now. The devs really screwed things up at launch for phase 3 with the gold dump. I’m convinced the phases are coming out way to freaking fast and they need to slow down and focus on quality.

Rogues won’t be missed. Also didn’t read just wanted you to see this comment.

I think they need to proceed with giving up on this idea. If they take more time to produce a better quality, the population will dwindle down to nothing during the process. And it may be harder to retain people for the next phase if they have been gone for a long time.

Hopefully, and I’m sure you disagree, this is the last phased season. The last time gated season.

They should take at least a 6 months to implement new content. But each implementation should be a reset server. A new season, each time. That way they’ll have plenty of time because people will be busy ranking for months on end, etc.

i quit

Sir, this isnt a Wendys.

bye felica.