Great Job: I quit

A lot of players hate literally everything Blizzard does. It’s reactionary. “This is different so I don’t like it.” Phase 1 got hate. Phase 2 got hate. Phase 3 is getting hate. Constant polarization.

People claimed BFD was too hard, then Gnomer was too hard, now ST is “retail” levels of raids (It’s not TRUST ME).

But we also get people saying Gnomer was great, and that ST is even better.

We did it as a guild with pugs, only got 3 bosses down, but abslutely LOVED the encounters. Only minor really glaring and silly things sucked, like the dragons spawning immediately after the council and you losing out on feathers for your class quest.

People tend to have a vision of what they think the perfect version of wow was and what made it that way, and nothing will ever live up to that.

Oh oh! I had a thought, what if they shut down chaos bolt because they are making SoD servers permanent but not that one so they migrated people off to prepare but it didn’t go well and all those characters will be deleted if they aren’t claimed at change-over time? dare to dream.

Ya so anyways i was sayin buff 2h enh

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You know you don’t have to write an essay to cancel your sub right?

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SoD has turned into a flaming dumpster fire loaded onto a 737 supermax.

Today I learned that SoD didn’t use to be a flaming dumpster fire. lol.

BS, I still made over 300g just doing world quests. And the next easy counter is all those supposedly inflated prices means farming gold is incredibly easy. Go farm cloth, ores, herbs, whatever.

I’ll be sure to not read them separately.

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phase 3 is an unmitigated disaster :expressionless:

Booty Bay was at its :ok_hand: back when there was a permanent swarm of goblin guards permanently aggro-snarling at the bottom of the ramp into the water.

good 1 lol :expressionless:

Don’t you hate everything about SOD?


SoD was great all of phase 1 and phase 2. Phase 3 feels like it was rushed and the emphasis on speeding people past the leveling phase and all of the gold inflation makes the game feel just like retail. Can’t bring myself to play currently. Might quit, not sure.

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isn’t this like you’re second i’m quitting thread

Lmao stop.

OP didn’t even mention the most frustrating part of doing incursions: Big train groups mounting/running through and leashing elites onto your face while you try to solo.

MPK should be considered griefing - and is against TOS… Yet there’s no punishment for it, because tickets don’t get answered.

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This isn’t an airport. You don’t need to announce your departure.

If you don’t like incursions because they feel too much like a version of the game that you do not like, well fair enough. Thats okay.

The other reasons people hate the incursions really baffle me. They’re fun to me to run, they’re quick and easy, they added an emerald wardens rep, a nightmare amalgamation 5-10 player boss, 4 wildly different nightmare zones with varying enemies. But above and beyond they gave me something to do with my friends every once and again. Finally adding emerald dream content in some variety to classic, also long over-due.

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Now that’s the kind of “I’m quitting” post I want to see, lots of critiques and key points.

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Nah. Players took the best thing out of classic WoW (The leveling).

They replaced it with dungeon spam.

P1 was the best experience because we were all out in the world together.

P2 started the whole stockades → SM grind. P3 was going to be another SM → ZF grind but then we found out incursions did better quest XP and moved on.

Nobody was ever going to quest out in the world again like in P1.

The only way to fix it is to make “leveling dungeons” have a harsh lockout so you can only do it like once a day. Maybe like a heroic dungeon used to be. Then populate the entrance of the dungeon with one time quests that award equivalent gear to the dungeon drops so people aren’t mad they miss out on the RNG drops.

You do the dungeon, see the dungeon, and move on like you’re supposed to. Save the dungeon grinding for level cap where you’re going after specific gear. A party of full level capped players should be immune to such a lockout. Then you just don’t put the incursions into the game and suddenly you got people leveling in the world again through quests like how its meant to be.