Great Job: I quit

Alright, so. Why I’m quitting is long and detailed and will be separate into points. Yes, I am playing on Crusader Strike.

My main reason for quitting? Incursions. For several reasons as I will bullet point here.

  • Mob difficulty and spawn density. Am I bothered by difficult creatures? No. Am I bothered by me respawning and getting, and I count, 15 monsters on me in less than 15 yards - especially stealthed with ridiculous amounts of CC? Yes. Because of the hyper-spawns due to player population in the area, if you’re trying to do any of this content solo, it’s unplayable.

-Trivializing the leveling process itself. So, way to take the world out of World of Warcraft. Go to Duskwood at 25, Ashenvale at 40, and Hinterlands at 50. There’s no point in doing world content or playing the actual game anymore when you hit level 25 and can join a group.

-Inflation. Well, nice to see on the most populated server new players are paying almost 1 gold for white gear on the AH now. The cheapest thing I saw for a low level was 40s on ALL sections of the AH. Enchants and crafted gear have exploded in price.

-Lack of Bruisers. In most neutral zones, there are bruisers to defend the players there. Instead, you just threw basic quest givers and called it a day. Some people are respectful enough to not attack each other, but the second one guy attacks another, the entire area devolves into one huge PVP brawl with no mitigating factors and your only prayer is to end up on a new layer. Classic zones such as Ratchet, Booty Bay, etc. all had bruisers for a reason. After I got camped on my low level, I came on my hunter and felt like an, ah… object of questionable insertions as I ran in and began killing entire groups of lowbies who started it because some random level 25 picked a fight and they all just blindly followed.

Other reasons: These are contributing factors, Incursions are what broke the camel’s back.

  1. The Devs have actual contempt for the players. See the explanation on Twitter about why they destroyed Chaos Bolt, despite it being more populous than Lava Lash. Then they locked the server under some explanation of “we don’t want people to exploit it” - then don’t open the exploit in the first place - offer paid transfers like you’re already doing. Chaos Bolt existed because people wanted an RP-PVP server where they could actually roleplay. Crusader Strike is not a roleplay server and to remove this gripe, I request that the RP tag be removed from it. You should have outright banned people who were coming in bad faith and enforced the RP ToS as you claimed you would have, but, instead, CS is filled with bots, layers upon layers of violations, and so on.

  2. The fact that the devs had to nerf ST by over 60% to make it possible for most regular players to do it. Not to mention the monsters in ST have more health and mechanics than Naxxramas itself. This isn’t saying ‘nerfs bad’ I’m saying it shouldn’t have had to have been nerfed that hard to BEGIN with. This was literally the Retail solution to that turtle boss in Throne of Thunder.

  3. They’re trying to turn Season of Discovery into Retail. The devs from it are adding in mechanics that didn’t exist and don’t fit in the slightest (see the Shadowstalker Satyrs in Duskwood and the RNG CCs that you can’t break out of or mitigate on many classes), that some classes don’t have kits to out-play (in Retail, everyone has a button for EVERYTHING - Classic, not so much).


Oh no…

Well anyways, see ya later~


I’m sure they are sad to see you leave.


Every post past op is made by dingleberries


They’re allowed to have opinions like anyone else.


hey they actually wrote a pretty good list of reasons and it seems reasonable. i’d probably quit if i was forced to play on a streamer server too, ignoring all other reasons.


You’re right on pretty much everything but Blizzard will hand wave it away and say “it’s an experiment” which it may well be, an experiment to see if they can get the classic playerbase to accept retail.


Wait, are you talking about the Shadowstalker Satyrs that are near the emerald portal? Is it that they don’t fit the area or the CC thing? Because both those make a LOT of sense if you know anything about the lore.

Satyrs are created from a curse spread by Xavius, and Xavius is the source of the corruption inside the Emerald Dream. It makes PERFECT sense for demons and Satyrs to be pouring out of the Nightmare Dragon portals.

And the RNG cc they do, chest pains, is part of the Satyr kit from Satyrs in Ashenvale. Has been for a while. So I am very confused about your criticism here.

This also confuses me too. Are you saying you WANT more design like retail here? I’m really not understanding the argument here.

See I disagree with this. I would rather have raids that are overtuned at the start, and then are slowly nerfed into a better state, than have them release being too easy. And the reason for that is simple, overtuned raids get fixed. Undertuned raids don’t. So as someone that enjoys the challenge of raiding and the content, I would rather things be hard and get easier over time as there is more testing and understanding, than have weak raid content that doesn’t satisfy.

Also, classes are more powerful now. It is not unreasonable to see enemies with significantly increased health and stats when current dps is far above even 60 raid dps in Classic.

As for the CS issue, I can’t really comment on this. I was not on that server, and it’s not really something I am familiar with. Sounds like something you were unhappy with and am sorry about that.

To be fair this was already happening. Everyone leveled inside SM and didn’t leave unless it was to repair/train/vendor

And if it wasn’t incursions from 40-50 it would be ZF.

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Close, but that was originally created by Sargeras by what he did to Xavius and Xavius spread it. The Emerald Dream relation came much later with relation to Old Gods.

The abilities are a problem. Trying to lore me isn’t going to work. See where I pointed out the issue is more mob density and hyper respawns.

If you have a class has no response to things being done to them and in regular amounts, your design is the problem.

If I released a badly built product and my excuse was, “I’ll do something later,” about it - my employer would fire me. Almost like there’s no internal testing team.

So, encourage the behavior and make it easier. Nice. Yep. Solving the problem entirely.


Yea, I remember the mage trains in Classic Era. Basically the first month of the game was a lot of open world stuff and then everyone disappeared. Once the mages hit 60 it was nothing but spam carries and dungeon runs.

I mean this past phase. I as a shaman didn’t leave SM unless I had to vendor or train or repair lol I loved 25-40 in Sm exclusively. And that was how most of the population leveled.

Also a dumb take. I see role play all the time on CS. We have grey parsers roleplaying as good players all the time.


See ya next month.

You won’t. The only reason I gave a care enough to come back was a friend begging me to. Now they don’t even login.

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That doesn’t contradict what I said. Saregeras cursed Xavius, Xavius became a Satyr, Xavius spreads the curse, and has been the source of the corruption inside the Emerald Dream.

What is a problem with them? Chest Pains is a literal copy past from existing Satyrs. I don’t understand. Can you explain which abilities and why?

But see you are making several different points and when I ask about one you jump to another. Mob density and respawns is not the same thing as mobs not making sense being where they are, and is not related to mobs having abilities you don’t like. These are all separate points.

And yea, I guess quoting lore to you on why demons being at the emerald gates won;t work if you just ignore the lore.

I’m sorry but this did not clear that up any better… Do you want there to be MORE abilities similar to retail or do you want LESS? Because at first you said retail is bad, but it sounds like you want more design like retail for PVP.

Ok but that’s not how game design works. I have never, and I mean NEVER played a game that released with all content perfectly designed and balanced. Every single game I have ever played has had some kind of bug fix or patch to repair an issue or rebalance difficulty. It’s called the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and it’s really quite strange for this to be a criticism. All games are flawed and get patched and rebalanced. All of them.

Someone call the burn ward to help these players.

But like also in Era too, and every other version of the game. A lot of people act like SoD has somehow done something to fundamentally change the game because players today don’t play the game like players in 2004. Their memory or experience or expectation doesn’t match up with reality. And so their only consideration is that SoD did something wrong.

But the actual cause is the players themselves. Players today are different than in 2004. And so their behavior, decisions, skill, and efficiency change. We optimize the fun out of games. There’s nothing stopping the OP from doing whatever they want. There’s nothing that is forcing them to do the optimal strategy for leveling, or choosing not to enjoy the content they choose to focus on. They can go against the grain.

But to me it sounds like they don’t actually want to do that. It sounds like, and this is my opinion, they want their preferred content method to be the optimal method, so that they don’t have to choose. That instead their focus is on being optimal.

People just don’t play games the same way or for the same reasons as we did in 2004. SoD didn’t do anything wrong I personally think SoD has done almost everything right. It’s made the “classic” game 1000x more enjoyable. There’s no way I would have played sod if it was a fresh era realm which is what people “claim” the want but I don’t think it would do well.

Now tbf this want made for me as I’m pretty much a retail Andy but I have been loving sod so far

I uh, would not go THIS far. I can think of a LOT of issues I have with SoD. But most of them are preference over objectively problematic. I’m not a fan of the low level of investment from Blizzard into the project that I can see. Small dev team, seems like limited resources, and absolutely no testing on the phases just feels like a level of support I am unhappy with. I wish there was more investment.

I also think that the current state of Shaman is unacceptable. It’s utterly ridiculous how unreasonable their power is right now in every aspect of the game. I feel like there is definitely some issues here and should have been addressed a while ago. Most of the other stuff is kind of back and forth, a little murky, but I cannot see any reason for the current state of shaman at all.

As for the content, I think it’s very good and I am enjoying it. There could always be more, but it’s not like I feel it’s too little.

I would not throw that around these forums, that’s a four letter word to some of these people!

I get called a tourist a lot. This acct is probably older than a lot of the ones claiming such lol

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