Great Job: I quit

This character has been through every expansion. It is my character, my focus, my main. And will be my forum avatar. A lot of people call that out, but they will get over it. They just want a reason to insult me for my opinions.

Created in 2005, seen it all. Loved Vanilla, loved Classic Era, and love SoD. And the key to them all, having friends to play with.

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TC, please tell me you played a ret paladin to make this thread as best as could be. Please tell me you deleted said ret paladin character.

I’ll give you a simple counter, you DON’T have to do nightmare incursions. I did my first 40-50 through world quests alone, I never even touched nightmare incursions. They also mention that incursions should probably be done in a 3-5 man group. Just because they put something in the game doesn’t mean this is the ONLY way to play the game. They left all the world quests intact, even gave you experience and reward buffs for them. At most you will only need friendly with the faction, that’s it.

I would understand if incursions were the only way to level, but they aren’t. The rest of the game is still intact, if you chose not to explore other options and that’s why you’re upset, that’s on you. Don’t blame devs for refusing to play the rest of the game.


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-Inflation. Well, nice to see on the most populated server new players are paying almost 1 gold for white gear on the AH now. The cheapest thing I saw for a low level was 40s on ALL sections of the AH. Enchants and crafted gear have exploded in price.

Yup. Biggest issue WoW has had since Legion. Brief glimmer of hope after Shadowlands humbled them a bit, but that’s run out fast.


SM grinding was so toxic as Ally. Incursions seem much more accessible.

Contempt is a good word for it. Never played a game like it before.


Incursions took the best thing out of classic WoW (The leveling) And replaced it with doing the same quests over and over again mindlessly. It’s bad design man. If players want to spam dungeons in a group to level, that’s one thing.

If you need a Rep for gear and runes, and its the best gold/hour and XP/hour activity in the game. It better be good. If you quested P2 instead of ground SM you missed out on nothing except a few hours, If you ignore Incursions you miss runes, gear, and gold.


Huh! I can’t for the life of me think why anyone would hate wow players, especially after visiting the forums/reddit/discord servers!

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The ones that are left are either jaded jerks, or micro transaction loving mobile game playing clowns.

Can’t think of why anyone would hate them either.

SM skill books in SoD.

Meanwhile you only need friendly from incursion rep for the runes which you can get doing the daily pretty easily in a deterministic way.

Agree to disagree here. Maybe the best thing for you.

If you didn’t dungeon grind you missed out on xp, gold, and runes/gear. If you did dungeon grind you missed out on potential quest chains and other benefits.

As you get higher level these change too. The gear from these incursions aren’t even that much better than Gnomer gear, and some aren’t better at all. For someone that seems to think leveling is the best part of the game, you sure do focus a lot on things that have literally nothing to do with the leveling like gear.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head, Juvia. I have already quit this phase and I’m sure more are to follow.


I was wrong in one aspect, the skill books from SM are a big deal. Sentaza is right about that.

What Im getting at is the rewards incursions bring are very strong, It’s not optional content if you want to raid ST. (atleast up to friendly) Honored if you don’t have Gnomer gear. And the content included in incursions is mindless trash.

People were hoping SoD would be the beta for Classic +, a modern take on the design that made Earlier versions of WoW so much fun for alot of people. Phase 3 has been a big step back in that regard.

They will never be able to capture why wow was so much fun back than. People don’t play games the same way and mmos aren’t what they used to be.


Phone game dynamics really did destroy gaming for a large group of people. It’s a psychological battle between the player base and the Dev’s nowadays.

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There were some major class runes that were inside dungeons too. Priests had a good one though I forget which. I think maybe Pain Suppression.

I mean, yes they are very strong but it is absolutely optional if you want to raid. None of that gear is on the bis lists except MAYBE the exalted trinkets that no one has, but there are alternatives to those as well. Druids have a good argument as feral for it, but that’s a single class/spec.

You’re entitled to that opinion. Personally I don’t find the Ashenvale ones too interesting, but man the Hinterlands stuff is a different story. Had a lot of fun doing a 2 hour rotation and attempting the bosses inside today.

Sure, so was I. But I also tempered my expectations the moment I saw their teasers and conversations. I knew I wasn’t getting Classic +.

But like, it is absolutely still in line with that. Nothing about the Nightmare Incursions is different from original Classic in approach other than some numerical aspects, but those can take time to get right or can be incorrectly applied. Vanilla was a MESS of this all throughout. In fact, Vanilla is probably one of the worst designed, most poorly managed, and most messed up releases of a video game ever. If you think the bugs or mistakes in SoD are bad, OH BOY vanilla was WAY WAY worse. 1.12 is not even remotely close to what actual vanilla was.

But what makes vanilla so much fun for people varies wildly. There’s a ton of people that love a lot of different things. And nearly all of them are wrong about something from vanilla. Whether it’s thinking something from a later expansion was part of it, thinking something from a private server was part of it, or just flat out their brains doing what brains do and literally fabricating memories, it became pretty clear to me in Era that most people on these forums have no clue what vanilla was like or what it should be.

Incursions are everything in line with vanilla, except their value for doing them isn’t completely crap.

It’s clunky, simplistic, and straightforward. Everything Vanilla was and is. Personally my only issue is that they could have done a bit more to stagger these quests, but at the end of the day this still feels reasonable.

So no, we don’t agree on this. This feels exactly like vanilla quest design and the same way every faction did. But I mean, I guess turning in the same reagent to a quest NPC 100,000 times is totally different. Right?

Bro. I mean, I don’t know what to say to that.

I respectfully disagree, but thanks for a well thought out reply.

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To be fair a lot of players here hate everything retail…and the incursions do feel ALOT like the invasion events we get every patch in retail now. So I do understand why they were met with a lot of hate

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