Incursions Unplayable

Phase 3 So far has been a complete bust. The Nightmare Incursions are 100% reliant on what layer is faction dominate. The opposing faction camps the NPC for quest turn ins, and makes it impossible to play event. Blizzard needs to either make the event an instance, or find a solution. Its not fun in the slightest

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They probably will, because of people complaining and likely quitting. They offered transfers during WoW Classic 2019 around the time people quit in Phase 2, for the same reason of PVP happening on PVP servers.

Though, this one quitter has a pretty reasonable point in that

I suspect we’ll see a blue post and a change to these areas within the week.


Pvp problems have pvp solutions.

pvp on a pvp server wahhhh
there’s a place for weakness like you

The problem is when you soft force people on doing an event because it’s just too much gold and exp. And now you have all the people that abused the pre nerf incursions on the first week with max lvl vs people who is leveling 40-50.

And those people leveling not being able to do the incursions that blizzard themselves added can’t go and do quests and dungeons, because Incursions still nerfed are BY A LARGE MARGIN a better and most profitable way to level AND get gold in an economy that is now destroyed and inflated.

This has nothing to do with PvP at all… these are the consequences of bad design planified from the start that obliterated p3 on just week 2.

This is for real a problem Blizzard designed, weirdly enough, this is not the players fault.

Only way to actually fix this (a lil bit, because economy is already destroyed, and we’ll still see the effects going into p4) is to remove the nightmare incursions from the game. Or at least make them just give rep. No XP, No Gold so people can go and spread through the world again, either going to dgs or questing.

The economy is not destroyed idk why people keep saying this. A few players making 1k gold does not destroy an economy most people probably made like 200 to 400g by the time they nefd it. After nerf from 40-50 it was only 200g. The economy is bad because its the start of week 2 of a brand new phase. Last phase was the same way. Prices will come down in like a week or 2

Season of Layer Swapping

Layers are the real issue here and each layer needs to enforce faction balance.

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Right there should not be alliance or horde layers it should be enforced balanced layers or 100% faction layers(though this would require a new system they probably dont have the manpower to implement on the sod team)

Yeah, I mean as much as it genuinely is PVP happening on PVP servers, it’s hard to argue against:

And like I said above:

With my own personal preferences, I could go either way on this; I kind of like the idea of “Well, just toughen up, and deal with it. It is a pvp server.” but I also see the point of, “We need guards, because it’s a shared quest hub.”
