Oh you mean the 4 times the Horde capitals were turned into some kind of raid or scenario? Or that one of their cities hasn’t been updated since BC? Or where they had to spend an entire two expansions with elite guards harassing its citizens?
Last I checked the Horde nearly burned Stormwind(you know a city made of stone( to the ground rescuing Talanji.
They also saved it from Yalnu in the Evergrowth dungeon and saved it from being destroyed by a volcano due to Zaela.
Exodar. Speaking of which it was turned into a scenario that the Horde was needed to save the draenei from the Legion.
How awful. It is so much worse then having an entire district get burned to the ground by a mad dragon and have those citizens be turned to ash.
I think having our most well known capital sieged twice, once as a actual raid and another time as a scenario is worse than the two whole notable towns the alliance lost
Southshore and Theramore are the only towns that alliance players ever cry about. Lets stop pretending you guys care about those other small and insignificant towns
Oh please, we didnt even get to dent/even slightly ruin Ogrimmar. And if that counts then so does the Horde nearly burning down Stormwind.
It doesn’t even come close because Stormwind wasn’t a raid twice. So no, you’re wrong. Yet again.
Which makes it worse because a scenario with one Horde player managed to cause more damage to Stormwind then an entire raid against the Horde capital.
We were with Nathanos, Thalyssra, and Rokhan. Than Talanji and Zul join us the rest of the way out of Stormwind. And it was Zul who light the fires as a distraction. Not to mention we spent the entire scenario RUNNING AWAY from Jaina, Greymane and their alliance forces.
Enjoy being wrong again.
And we were with Varian, Jaina and Tyrande etc and yet we did not get to do half as much damage as the Horde did in said scenario.
Irrelevant. Even in retreat the Horde got what they wanted and managed to damage Stormwind.
Enjoy having dead leaders.
Nothing to enjoy. You should try taking off your alliance blinders just once. Not everything is about maintaining the moral purity of your precious faction.

You should try taking off your alliance blinders just once.
Because we somehow didnt end this war with some of are city destroyed and not even getting the satisfaction of a clean kill of those who caused the greatest harm to the Alliance.

Not everything is about maintaining the moral purity of your precious faction.
The Horde enjoyed years of being able to attack the Alliance with the impunity that as a two faction game they could never be destroyed. But Blizzard being Blizzard was always going to make the Horde pay by killing off/making their worse offender try to pay for their crimes.
you guys felt guilty?

Last I checked the Horde nearly burned Stormwind(you know a city made of stone( to the ground rescuing Talanji.
Nearly. And that wasn’t even us. That was Zul. And Zul alone did that. We didn’t even know what he was doing until the fires started. Even if you count it, that 1 of 4 times.

Exodar. Speaking of which it was turned into a scenario that the Horde was needed to save the draenei from the Legion.
Saving them. Not doing any damage, not being a raid. We were actually saving the Exodar and everyone we came across. Meanwhile with Horde cities it’s the exact opposite.

How awful. It is so much worse then having an entire district get burned to the ground by a mad dragon and have those citizens be turned to ash.
Hey if you get to gripe about how your RP spot was impacted, we get to grip about how our literal city guards were villains to their own citizens.
Saving them. Not doing any damage, not being a raid. We were actually saving the Exodar and everyone we came across. Meanwhile with Horde cities it’s the exact opposite.
Considering the Alliance could get the exact same quest with the Legion saving the Exodar scenario, I’m not entirely sure if it’s fair to say the Horde were the party responsible for saving them tbh/tbf. Actually, it isn’t. The Class Orders were the one saving the Exodar.

The Horde enjoyed years of being able to attack the Alliance with the impunity that as a two faction game they could never be destroyed.
Choke your pallet tongue. We didn’t enjoy being villain batted twice to facilitate wars in which the Alliance got to be good guys.

Vol’jin (though he did come back)
Cairne Bloodhoof
Garrosh Hellscream
Warlord Zaela
King Rastakhan
Nathanos Blightcaller
Sylvanas Windrunner
Jastor Gallywix
Is Vol’jin back? Last I heard he was in the process of becoming a Loa. If any character wins the, ‘most wasted potential,’ award, it’s poor Vol’jin. Didn’t last three minutes as Warchief.
The loss of Cairne was matched by the loss of Magni. One can point out Magni is around, but its not as if Cairne’s ghost doesn’t appear to Baine as the plot demands anyways.
When it comes to Garrosh, Zaela, Gallywix, Nathanos, and Sylvanas, you guys need to collectively decide if these characters are Horde, or were traitors. I’m surprised Kael’thas wasn’t on this list. Unlike Rastakan, he was the ruler of Quel’Thalas when it joined the Horde, and according to, Blood of the Highborne, was fully aware of, and approved of that arrangement.
Speaking of which, Rastakan wasn’t Horde. The Zandalari allied with them under Talanji. I’m sure with enough time Rastakan might have allied with the Horde, but he himself was never a part of the Horde.
I’m rather offended that Nazgrim didn’t make that list. I know he came back as a Death Knight, but still. I think there’s a general grey area where Death Knights, Magni, or really any character winds up in neutral territory. They’re not exactly dead, but nor are they really a part of their original faction anymore.
Just going by this list, the Alliance’s counterpoint list would’ve been something like…
Varian Wrynn
Magni Bronzebeard
Bolvar Fordragon
Archbishop Benedictus
Fandral Staghelm
King Mechagon (as much a part of the Alliance as Rastakan was)
Daelyn Summermoon
Sira Moonwarden
General Marcus Jonathan
Pretty sure a continuous tit for tat list could go on. I’d say losing characters on the Alliance rarely feels as painful as it does on the Horde, simply because the Alliance roster is padded enough that any loss won’t be felt so hard. If Jaina died or went neutral or missing or something, Katherine Proudmoore would become the leader of Kul Tiras again. Or heck, maybe Tandred Proudmoore. If we lose Gelbin, we’ve got Robin from the Teen Titans Prince Erazmin to step up. If we lose Turalyon, Anduin can come back, and for the Lightforged, Captain Fareeya can step up (or heck, even Yrel from the AU). Were Tyrande or Malfurion to bite it, Broll and Shandris are in the wings. Even Maeiv.
I thought the point of comparing losses was as a measuring contest to see how the players felt. I think Rastakhan counts because he’s an NPC we interact with in a positive manner, had a charming voice and personality, players got attached to him, etc. King Mechagon’s not a fair comparison because he was a villain from start to finish, and not someone you were meant to see on your side.

Choke your pallet tongue. We didn’t enjoy being villain batted twice to facilitate wars in which the Alliance got to be good guys.
Enough Horde fans enjoyed seeing Theramore get demolished. Heck, even now there are people who says Garrosh unironically did nothing wrong. Regardless, being a villainous faction was hard coded into the Horde’s story. Maybe now it will change but who knows.

I thought the point of comparing losses was as a measuring contest to see how the players felt.
By that standard you could add every single character from organizations that went neutral for story-telling, but stole from the Alliance identity, to the Alliance’s list, and that would VASTLY expand it.
Because trust me, as much as it sucked for Horde players to lose Rastakan, the Alliance has been dealing with that for ages with the Cenarion Circle, Argent Dawn/Crusade, Kirin Tor, etc… especially that last one, which Blizzard had flip-flop a few times.
I mean, feel free to consider your favorite characters killed off for acting in neutral quests, I guess.

feel free to consider your favorite characters killed off for acting in neutral quests, I guess.
Is this about a feeling of the characters being, “lost,” or killed off? Because if being dead is a requirement, Sylvanas, Gallywix, and Vol’jin can all be crossed off the original list.