Great Glorious Alliance eye patches

So I’m sure many people noticed that a lot of those GGA NPCs all have eye patches.

Then wowhead posted that article about an old grizzled varian wrynn who also has an eye patch.

So then I thought, what if as an act of forced fealty, all of Varion’s highest ranked individuals are required to remove their right eye in reverence to their fearless supreme leader.

The GGA seems pretty metal AF if that’s the case.


A fork in the eye or a pork in the aess?


Sounds as cool as the Bleeding Hollow clan but the Warlands timeline also has the horde in eyepatches. Might see a known horde character in a new eyepatch. :thinking:

edit: Just realized the greatest choice is giving Kilrogg an eyepatch.

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That timeline with the GGA and BH sounds interesting.

Why is it every timeline I’m seeing or hearing about feels vastly more interesting than the main timeline? Like, geez… just the general premise for some of these is just fascinating.

An Alliance that went full Scarlet Crusade, and a Horde that went all in on Royal Apothecary alchemy for chemical warfare? Tell me more.


Kind of sad that the only alliance with a actual backbone is one from a alternate timeline. I can’t be the only one who is laughing at the irony of that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Varian’s still alive in it no less. No sign of Anduin. Also, a High Elf High Inquisitor? Makes me wonder what happened with the Blood Elves, or if they even existed in that timeline. Imagine if Arthas mopped up that last 10% and there were just, no survivors from Quel’Thalas at all. The remaining High Elves go full Blood Elf in terms of pragmatism, and find a place in this new, zealous Alliance just fine or something.


Not really sure what’s supposed to separate the blood horde from the real one, from what I’ve heard. It’s not like the faction fractured over the use of blight.


It would be wise to have the alternate Anduin alive, there shouldn’t need to be a fight if we can offer a childless Varian a fatherless Anduin. :sweat_smile:


Our Horde never truly embraced chemical warfare as a whole outside of sylvanas loyalists.

Like remember during the siege of lorderon you get that quest that has you choose to spray down soldiers with plague or not.

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Which sounds logical that the parallel will probably be Sylvanas but the Frostwolf symbol could be related to our encounter. :dracthyr_sweat:

Go figure. The Alliance who is cool or interesting isn’t the one we can be part of. Sad.

I still find it funny given how bizarre blizz handles the High Elf issue yet they still tease them even in these AU timelines.


Knowing Blizzard, that High Inquisitor is just a Blood Elf. The blue eyes mean nothing.


Well blood elves = high elves, but let’s not derail the thread now.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Time to make a 4 paragraph argument about how you are wrong and that pine apple pizza is cool

Pine apple pizza is an abomination that needs to be purged from the face of the planet.

Takes some serious arrogance to take perfection and twist it to hell.


The Great Glorious Alliance sounds like it was named by Donald Trump. I hear it in his voice when I read it.


How dare you. Now you’ve infected me with that.


The great glorious alliance, is the best alliance, probably the best ever made.

No other alliance comes close.


I imagine the silly name is a deliberate attempt to soften what would otherwise come off as a potentially very dark story element.

Evil genocidal fascist Varian is kinda rough, as things go.


No offense to Blizzard’s writers but… come on. Take off the kid’s gloves already. It’s an alternate universe. YOU CAN GET DARK WITH IT. Call it the, ‘Holy Imperial Alliance,’ for crying out loud.