Great Glorious Alliance eye patches

And the ultimate topper? The alliance has to beg the horde to help them siege Stormwind to depose of Yrel and her group who took over :blush:


If not, they should’ve used AU Liadrin for the GGA’s “imperial Alliance elf priestess” character. A Third War gone that far off script should be full of amusing reversals of allegiance where the blood elf characters are concerned.


Not really. Again, this is “not” the Alliance. And as you mentioned it is our alternate timeline where we went bad. But the thing is, the MU did not. Hence why we are still the “good guys”. If anything it highlights the Alliance made the correct choices because we didnt end up as fanatic knockoff with a missing eye.

Hence why I am openly mocking its name. Because it is clearly the worse version of what the Alliance could have been.

Or Yrel will get the “Draenor is free” and end up being redeem for reasons.

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With a axe to the skull as we loot her corpse for loot, only redemption she deserves


Or she wont and she ends up being a redeemd hero.

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Of course you can’t see someone even remotely alliance aligned dying

But when we loot her corpse. I’ll be sure to send you a list of the goods she was carrying :smiley:


Yrel will die and Draenor will be free. The Mag’har Orcs can teach the green Orcs to be true warriors again and hopefully we get to kill Thrall finally.

Well if a faction war light up again I am pretty sure we will end up killing a few Hordies along the way. So lets see.

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God forbid if the alliance lost anyone. You’d have a breakdown over it. But I’m sure to mention at the next Horde meeting, to demand half the alliance leadership dies. Just to even things out.


We lost Varian and Benedictus and Fandral(admittedly no one cared too much about Fandral)got the villain bat.

As soon as we get to turn a few of your cities into rubble and have a giant crater in Ogrimmar for a few expansions.

The gnoll alliance of Unjust Events decided that’s not how this works. Sorry. Request is denied. You must wait 30 days for another try


The Alliance’s lost three characters versus

Vol’jin (though he did come back)
Cairne Bloodhoof
Garrosh Hellscream
Warlord Zaela
King Rastakhan
Nathanos Blightcaller
Sylvanas Windrunner
Jastor Gallywix


Let’s make a quick overview of all Horde deaths since wotlk.

Dark Ranger Captain Areiel
Dark Ranger Lyana

And this time I didn’t even list up the former Horde allies who were turned into dungeon and raid villains. That one would blow the scales.

Gallywix and Sylvanas went into exile.

Dude trust me no one in the Horde community would ever care if something bad happened to Orgrimmar. Also you lost Darnassus. Gilneas can be repopulated any time soon and Theramore was not a capital.


Tell me, how many towns did you lose during the Cataclym? Where was the Horde’s Theramore? When did the Horde capital have to spend 3 expansion with a giant hole in one of its districts?

Oh please, is that why people couldnt shut up about Taurajo? If Ogrimmar had to spend 3 expansions with a crater(preferably if it hits something impactful like the Valley of Spirit or Honor) pretty sure you would make a stink about it.


Taurajo had importance because it was the first place for Horde players to go to during questing in the Barrens. Only when Cataclysm hit the main leveling spot went to Lordaeron aka Hillsbrad and Silverpine. Orgrimmar just has portals. Like any sensible player we stay in Valdrakken now.

And the hypocrisy shows. Our Park District was important for us because it was one of rhe most peaceful place for us in Stormwind/a great place for RP.

I think the only reason why people go on about Camp Taurajo at all is because it’s basically one of the only things horde players have to go on when it comes to motivation in faction conflicts.

Not saying it doesn’t happen but I don’t see it brought up as if players take some great offense that it’s happened.


Not even going to answer this. It is clear you don’t understand the point. Horde players didn’t lose cities because we have nothing big enough whose loss would actually upset us. We lost characters. And in a story that is driven by the leaders that is much worse than RP hubs being turned into craters.


Tell me, how many towns did you lose during the Cataclym? Where was the Horde’s Theramore? When did the Horde capital have to spend 3 expansion with a giant hole in one of its districts?

Towns? Off the top of my head, Honor’s Stand (albeit it’s not much of a town) and Taurajo.

Where was the Horde’s Theramore?

I suppose Taurajo. I think it’s the only Horde base in recent years that’s been turned to rubble by the Alliance, unless I’m forgetting about something.

When did the Horde capital have to spend 3 expansion with a giant hole in one of its districts?

I mean, half of Silvermoon City STILL isn’t restored. The Ruins of Silvermoon have been around ever since TBC.


And my point is if more of the Horde’s cities were destroyed in as brutal a fashion as Alliance ones, Horde fans would likely complain as loudly.

Oh I could think of a few places. Again, Starting with Bildgewater Harbor. You want parity, why not make the Horde race intruduced in Cata get the worgen treatment and lose their homes and get a tree(that also burned) as a replacement.

Which pales to what the Alliance have lost over the years.

And the Exodar is still a crash landed mess. Your point?