Grats to everyone on their Tyrael's Charger. However

Yeah… that doesn’t make it any less impactful to the fact I stated.

Okay? Some people do, and some people don’t thing even challenge mode items should be protected. OP’s point stands- there’s no point participating in promotions if the exclusive that come from them aren’t exclusive and return in the future.


Then yeah that’s how McDeys lies, “Only” means one, not more

I like how half this thread is actually just an advertisement for the McRib.


Well that’s just false. It took 11 years for this to return. We got to enjoy it for 11 years. We got 11 years of use out of something that was free.

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True, McRib getting free advertisement lol

bring back scarab lord title for 19.99.

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Mini Panda for 60$

For all the hype some people give it, I’ve never even tried it.

Most stuff from there makes me feel sick except for their fries and mcnuggets.

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By definition it’s literally not false. Something no longer being exclusive means it’s no longer exclusive… regardless of whether it’s 11 months, 11 years, or 11 decades.

You’re reaching and it shows.

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you all don’t have to defend everything you know :duck:

I actually think this is incredibly weak.

When I clicked this blog I was expecting something like “Acquire this mount, before it vanishes into the depths of Hell!” or something cheesy, suggesting the mount will forever be unobtainable.

You know who uses “for a limited time!” to push sales? Furniture stores, who are running the same sales all year round.

It’s a very small hill you’re choosing to die upon.



I really wish people would understand how marketing works.

I just explained to you why you’re wrong. You claimed the following:

Which is false. Maybe understand the conversation before you reply.

My humble opinion is that contracts were once made, and have recently expired, removing contractual obligations.

It states in that article that the charger was on Taiwan’s shop. I find that bit interesting…

There’s a convenience store near me that’s been having a “limited time” sale on soda for the last 5 years.

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They have different laws on how things can be given or purchased. So they couldn’t give away the mount there. They were allowed to put it on the shop, though.

And it’s possible you’re right. Lawyer hubby mentioned that 10 years is usually the limit for some contracts.

The mount was exclusive for a period of time so that is good.


It never went away, just to Taiwan.

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My Dollar Tree has a limited time only dish soap that I’ve been buying there for two years. lol

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I understood the reply, and mine is based on the premise that the value of participating in promotions that market exclusivity is removed when the fundamental basis of participating, exclusivity, isn’t honored. You’ve misunderstood almost every aspect of what I’ve said.

I feel bad for the people forced to tolerate you in real life, I can only imagine the patience required.

I had it on a previous account and never used it. It has some weird, dainty type of cloppity clop way of running that made it just derpy looking imho.

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