Next on my list of things is to run 3 warriors from 111-120.
1 with 3 az pieces and 20% xp from heirloom gear
1 with all heirloom pieces and 50% xp
1 which will heirloom swap.
I’ll be running my preferred horde route thru Zuldazar & Vol’dun
I’ve leveled 23 warriors to 120 thus far, and the heirlooms feel severely underwhelming for the cost and compared to heirlooms in the past. My goal is to illustrate the weakness in its current design in hopes that we may get them buffed to where they should be.
Currently my hypothesis is that heirloom swapping is the fastest way to level currently, albeit not much faster than leveling prior to 8.1.5.
Heirlooms are garbage for actual combat but great for experience turnins after 110. More at 11.
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Except this isn’t true for any other content. Le Gasp.
you’d think they would be usable considering we just got them upgradeable in a recent patch
but QA is tough
I said after 110. Other content used Set Bonuses, which were vastly superior to Heirlooms but were not frequently obtained while leveling.
Azerite pieces are like, “Here, have partial set bonuses.” Which puts them over heirlooms in that regard, and usually arrive at higher item levels than the normal gear for the level.
And Heirlooms should have had a higher stat value given to them. Heirlooms were a way of rewarding people for having already been through content and making the leveling experience better.
That is the opposite of what is occurring.
Well, the experience gains are faster. That hasn’t changed at all. Plus there are heirlooms that don’t share slots with Azerite pieces which is probably the ‘efficient’ option. Less HP and less DPS means it’s slightly harder to murder things, but you’d still get more exp. Just… You won’t be that great in dungeons.
Best route is probably going to be Cloak/Ring/Pants and weapon if you had one of the Garrosh heirlooms and maybe one of the trinkets if you had a Legion BoA trinket.
So what its an exchange of gear with garbage stats to get more exp vs gear with better stats but less exp the choice is up to you.
Not the purpose of heirlooms though ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Purpose of heirlooms are to make leveling better.
The heirlooms have never been a sidegrade before, why should they be now? The only reason they are is because the developers couldn’t be bothered to remember that azerite gear is so much higher stated than normal gear.
Downgrade* as per the graph
I wish you guys would stop saying the experience gains are faster.
If I have on azerite gear and I kill a mob in 10 seconds and get 100xp
If I have on looms and the same mob takes me 1 minute to kill but I get 150xp
I am not getting an experience gain from wearing the gear, that is a loss of xp/hr.
(numbers used as an example, don’t reply to this with “oh if it’s taking you a whole minute blah blah blah”)
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100% agree, which is why I’m doing more testing this week. Just wanted to get some conversation going with actual data.
I was using their logic of trading one thing for another, but yeah, there’s really no comparison.
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I understand. I’m really curious to see what my leveling results will show. I suspect it’s not quite as good as people are making it out to be. As I haven’t noticed much change compared to the 21 warriors I leveled previously to this.
Math so far… If you take a 25% DPS hit, meaning it takes 25% longer to kill something… But in the end, you get 50% more experience for each kill, it’s a net gain for leveling speed.
The health hit probably is worse because it means you can’t as safely gather a bunch more mobs and AoE them down.
so 50% faster is 25% faster meaning a 12.5 minute difference in leveling, but what I’m seeing is more like an 8 minute difference. and that is with heirloom swapping.
Well, won’t be a perfect science because that’s not counting travel time and time spent not murdering.
All the more reason why its important to address the stat differences to make heirlooms more meaningful though.
Can you provide a description in words? The image isn’t showing any more.
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