Grab the Crusty Crawler Mount and Clamber Aboard

The crazier part is the pricing, it doesn’t fly or allow for another passenger it should be $15 imo

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For some reason this mount the Crusty Crawler isn’t listed in my shop window…all the other the ones are but not this one…I have all the shop mounts they are showing with a green check mark saying I have it already which I do…but no Crusty listed …strange…and I have Crusty I got it back last Sept Trading post.

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It’s an interesting small evolution of the store’s personalization and the ongoing slow blurring together of store and trading post.

That has nothing to do with what I posted now…so what if its in the store …its their game their rules…I am just wondering why the Crusty Crawler isn’t showing in my in game store front…like the other mounts are.

My initial reaction that it was deliberately hidden from people who already owned it. But perhaps I’ve jumped to conclusions and it’s just not on the store yet? (my cynical paranoia about everything to do with the trading post sometimes gets the better of me)

It’s not showing up in my store either, I’ve tried everything and everything else is visible but the blue crab mount.

Also worth nothing yesterday I wanted to check if I already had this mount and it wasn’t showing up (either as collected or uncollected) in my Mounts tab, but today it does show up (and I already have it and had forgotten about it…).

I’ll probably get it got a couple reasons, I missed out on it when it was in the TP and I’m also a cancer so crabs are my spirit animals.

I was able to find it in the shop window of the character select rather than the battle net store.

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Imagine if it did, but could only fly sideways :joy:


15 bones for a recolor rofl

No thanks.

How about giving us the spectral tiger mount instead?

That happened to me, also. Turns out it was because I already had it. I think it was a freebie, but from where I don’t remember.

So…any hope for the blood troll set?

Soooooo if I already purchased a year of game time do I get this mount because I am not buying more for this. I will not play this money game where I buy endless game time for special items because Blizzard ownership are shady and won’t give it to us who already paid for the game time.

Almost every mount in the shop is $25. There are some mounts that are paired with a pet that are $30. And I think there have been certain mounts by themselves that were also $30.

So how many months til the surf board is in the shop?

at least 2 months. the panther from first month was a few months ago

It does look pretty great

Why is trading post items going to in game shop? This was a trading post mount some months back?

And there is a red version you can get with BFA.