Got scammed out of all my gold

No trash CS! It is them not wanting to get in the middle of thousands of more tickets over people loosing their gold over things like this. Be it trying to get blizard to be your debt collector. The information is out there before you did this if you looked.

Only supported transactions are things you can trade directly via a trade window. Anything else it is not supported.


All good man, Good luck with it.

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Did you work out the details for this in wow or in discord? If in Discord well then a gm will not be able to verify that any scam happened.

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Stating policy regarding unsupported transactions is not being condescending.

We have seen Blizzard’s stance over this for years. At best, the other player will lose the gold and generally it won’t be returned.

Yes, it’s a severe lesson to learn - nobody is arguing that.

However, unsupported transactions are exactly that.


I had my stuff returned in a similar situation, so you’re wrong. Sorry.

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Care to elaborate how long ago this happened?

As policies can, and have, been changed over time.

Argue all you want. Current policy is it’s an unsupported transaction.


No two situations are the same. If you were given your gold back then you were one of maybe 3 cases that I can recall over 10+years on these forums where people were able to get their gold back.

But if I recall, those other cases also had everything documented in WoW and not in a third party like Discord.

While I’m hopeful for the OP, I just don’t see this working out in their favor. I’m happy to be wrong, though I don’t think I will be in this case based on what they’ve stated.


Mcstabbz, I feel for ya man. I had lost a lot of gold accidentally trading with the wrong person back when the game was new and when gold was hard to come by. Live and learn man. That was my super soaker (hunter gun that was expensive to make that looked like a super soaker). My brother ended up buying me one. I should have stayed within the guild and wait for our crafter to log on, but dumb me wanted it NOW. :slight_smile:


Was this in Classic, or Retail? Was it for a purchase or crafted item that the other person failed to trade? Was the arrangement made 100% in-game or on a third-party platform?

I get you wanting to help and give the OP hope, but you’re mistaken in your approach. There are limitations in what Blizzard can do, and a lot of it depends on the terms and how everything led up to the scam. So coming in here and being quite condescending yourself doesn’t do anything constructive in this conversation.

What people have said here is the truth for what we know of the situation. It sucks, no one in here is celebrating this person losing a lot of time, effort, gold and even more so, trust. I feel safe saying we all really feel bad for their position, but there is a harsh reality here too. It’s not us being jerks. It’s happened enough that we see how it can generally progress depending on circumstances. While if it were all set up in game, there may be more hope of a better resolution - that Discord was involved (almost exclusively from the sound of it), completely throws it out of Blizzard’s wheelhouse.


You have played for 17 years without learning the difference between supported and unsupported transactions?
Blizzard has always pursued enforcement of supported transactions. Blaming them for not “supporting” UNsupported transactions just sounds like sour grapes.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


I don’t think that’s fair. Sure, it’s a long period of time, but not everyone reads twitter and reddit and the forums. The OP has 6 posts. If this practice isn’t common or has never gone wrong, they have no reason to fully understand the situation.

However, @mcstabbz, try to understand you made this deal over Discord. Blizzard can’t see your Discord activity. All they see is you gave him gold. Why would they punish him for it The unsupported thing above, while it can feel unfair, is correct. It’s awful to be scammed, but you are expected to be somewhat responsible for what you do with your gold.


To be clear, that isn’t the reasoning, Mcstabbz. That was a reason that someone else may have gave you, it wasn’t from us.

We don’t assist in returning scammed funds because we don’t wish to encourage people to participate in risky behavior assuming that we can simply undo it. These kinds of trades are entirely unsupported, but they aren’t against our policies. So we allow them, but they are at your own risk.

We investigate and take action against those verified to have scammed because we also don’t want that kind of behavior in the game.

I am sorry for the loss, Mcstabbz,


I’m not seeing a ticket history on this account, Jangles. I assume this was on a different account? Were the conditions of the trade the same? Or perhaps there was another factor involved here?


Jesus, this blew up quick. It was on an account i had registered to an old email with the same name but different @address as the one registered to this account if you’d like to check. I assume you have access to that kinda info. I don’t know the specifics of this bloke but it was facilitated through the game as im pretty sure discord didnt exist then and ventrillo was pretty useless.

I do, but I’m unable to find any other account under this name. No worries.

My guess is that whatever your trade was fit within our policy on a supported transaction at the time. “I had my stuff returned” sounds like materials or other items? Those kinds of trades are usually supported.


No it was straight up gold. Man, I get what you’re inferring here. I also see you trying to call me out, that’s chill. it happened. I got no reason to come into a random thread and lie. I’ll send a ticket through with the original log in details and you can see for yourself. I don’t have access to the original email as it was a that was locked out when I changed phone numbers and couldn’t get back in.

I’m not trying to “call you out”, Jangles. Just trying to establish facts. Unless you were trading gold between realms, as with Mcstabbz, the situations are different and would be handled differently.

As it stands, trading between realms is an unsupported trade and not something that our staff would be able to help recover items or gold from, though they will investigate any reported scam and take appropriate actions if such a scam is verified.


Yeah it was handled very differently.

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That tends to happen when you’re comparing apples to oranges.

Your situation was different than the OPs and/or happened under different rules.

Just because you claim you got your gold back doesn’t mean it was a situation in any way similar to what the OP has had happen.


This really isnt any different than you taking all your money out of your bank and then giving it to someone. You would then be mad at your bank for not getting your money back? Thats crazy.

Blizzard tries to help when its something that falls into the box of tools they have set in place to be used…but they are not your personal police officer thats there to protect you from shooting your self in the foot.